How do you open the Garage Safe during the Hillcrest chapter in The Last of Us 2? On this page, we’re going to reveal where you can find the Safe, all clues related to it, and the Safe Combination Code. This is part of our The Last of Us 2 guide, and you can find more information by clicking the following: The Last of Us 2: All Safe Code Combinations and The Last of Us 2: Hillcrest - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes.

The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Garage Safe

In the second main area of the Hillcrest chapter, after you encounter the WLF and their dogs, you'll find yourself in an area with a tattoo parlour and the Shear Lux salon. In the street behind both is a garage walled off by a fence with a dumpster blocking the doorway. Move the dumpster and lay some traps near to the door before opening it an retreating. There are Clickers inside so be prepared; your bombs should take them out. Inside the garage you'll find the Safe.

The Last of Us 2 How to Open the Garage Safe Guide

You'll find the Safe Code Combination written down in an Artefact (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Artefacts Locations) named Dale's Combo. Go into the restaurant-type area opposite the tattoo parlour and head into the kitchen. You'll find the note pinned to the wall. The solution is 308265.

Did you open the Garage Safe in Hillcrest in The Last of Us 2? Look for more Safe solutions in our The Last of Us 2 guide: The Last of Us 2: All Safe Code Combinations.