
Release Date

PlayStation Vita

  • US 25th Mar 2014
  • EU 28th Mar 2014
Also Available On
Official Site


  • Review Deception IV: Blood Ties (PlayStation Vita)

    Showing some skin

    Did you ever watch Home Alone and ask yourself whether it’d be more entertaining with giant, bloody traps and massive buildings? Deception IV: Blood Ties is just like that, only instead of the main character being a lucky little albino kid whose parents hate him, you play as Satan’s daughter, a young woman who has a horrible...

Screenshots 14

Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot
Deception IV: Blood Ties Screenshot

Deception IV: Blood Ties News

About The Game

In ages past, there was a being known only as “the Devil”, who ruled the world through fear.

Eventually, the human race united and rose against him, and there soon emerged twelve Saints blessed with heavenly power who sealed away the Devil at last.

The incantation of binding used by the Saints was contained in a sacred text known as the Holy Verses. Fearing the incantation’s misuse in generations to come, the Saints erased the fact of their Sainthood from the annals of history, divided the Holy Verses into 12 fragments, and passed them down to their descendants secretly through the ages.

3,000 years have passed, and the Devil has finally ascertained their whereabouts. To aid in the collection of these texts, he spawned 3 servants who embody the essence of Elaborate Death, Sadistic Torture, and Humiliating Demise, and sent them into the human realm along with a “daughter” split off from his own soul.

Now all that remains is to undo the seal that binds him and visit his wrath upon the fallen human race.