@Th3solution The main killer blow against Monster Hunt Worlds for is that most of the hunt missions are time based and you can't pause or save mid mission, so if real life gets in the way you are screwed. I had loads of other little niggles with the game, which eventually just dragged the whole experiance down for me.
I didn't get a Souls vibe from it either, but i think far too many games are getting thrown into that basket due to just having one or two similar elements. Then when you play them, they don't really feel like a Souls game.
@JohnnyShoulder Ah yes, when I played the MHW demo many moons ago I do recall the time-based mechanic being really off-putting. I don’t like time-limited missions in games usually. If I recall correctly it was a unique feature to MHW, so perhaps they abandon that for Wilds. Either way, if the character builds and combat aren’t well realized then I won’t likely click with it anyways. Also, cats. Not a fan of cats. 😜
@colonelkilgore Sounds good. I don’t have any actual plans atm, but will definitely loop you in if I do. 💪🏼
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@JohnnyShoulder Nah, you’re not off base - I was thinking in general about the series and the clones, MH World included. But I really don’t have immediate plans for MH Wilds unless it reviews with 9-10’s. The discarding of a timed element on the missions would be a good start though.
The series popped into my head as I was juggling weapons here in DS2. About the only thing I got out of my short time on the MH World demo was the copious number of weapon builds and upgrade materials. I think it’s a series that has a very high barrier to entry (shares that with the Souls games I suppose) with its complex upgrade systems and huge menus of items and weapons. Now that I’m more used to researching mechanics and experimenting I started to wonder about the series. I’m at the point in my gaming life that my skills are diminishing (they were never great to begin with) but my patience and perseverance are better. If I can outsmart a game, I get satisfaction from that. 😄
Honestly, that EA originals knock off looks like a more attractive entry point to me, despite its beige title, Wild Hearts. Even worse that Monster Hunter is recycling the ‘Wilds’ word in the new game. Unoriginal or confusing game titles is a pet peeve of mine.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Aaaaand… Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin is done.
Final boss killed. I have taken the Throne of Want. Finished all areas and all DLCs and all optional bosses.
I’m not sure what to do with my life now.
I’ve given more than my fair share of Dark Souls 2 thoughts along the way, so I won’t carry on too much, but I really enjoyed the game. Like, a lot. In fact, in a weird way, it might be my favorite of the From collection so far. From a sheer engagement standpoint, it’s been a great ride. I’ll have to think about it.
As I said previously, I’m taking a Souls break for several months. But I fully expect to get to Dark Souls 3 sometime in 2025.
Final boss killed. I have taken the Throne of Want. Finished all areas and all DLCs and all optional bosses.
And that’s a job well done right there… baller! 👏
I really enjoyed the game. Like, a lot. In fact, in a weird way, it might be my favorite of the From collection so far...
Sheer madness 😁 but I totally get it. It’s been something that has perplexed me for many a year. Why is the game which I’d argue is objectively the worst in the series, the one I think about and miss the most. I won’t bore you with my thoughts as they’re still as yet not fully-formed and would sound far too pretentious for this time of the morning anyway. Glad you enjoyed the game so much buddy… and don’t rush into Dark Souls 3, even a 6 month break would seem a little brief to me.
@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN Thanks! As for my favorite part, it’s hard to say. I have some favorite aspects of the game, like the bonfire fast travel system, the element infusion for weapons, and the despawning of enemies after killing them a certain number of times.
A lot of my favorite moments were in the DLC, even though the bosses there were quite tough. I enjoyed a lot of other levels too like Lost Bastille, Shrine of Amana, Doors of Pharos. Also, I thought Aldia was a brilliant character and there’s some really good lore in the game. Majula is really a great home hub also -The best in the series so far for me. I liked it better than Firelink, the Nexus, and Hunter’s Dream.
As for what’s next, I think it will be Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core or Resident Evil 4 Remake, or a combination of the two. That’s what I’m leaning towards.
@colonelkilgore@JohnnyShoulder There’s a lot of recency bias for me, I’m sure. 😄
Whichever game is in my most recent memory is my favorite at the time.
So actually, I don’t know. I need to let it digest and settle in my mind for a little while before I make a final judgment on it’s placement in the gaming annals.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
An incredibly late reply @Th3solution but glad to hear you overall enjoyed your time with DSII:SotFS!
It does a lot of interesting things - some good, some woeful- but at least it tries to be different then the titles before & after it (As much as I love DSIII you could very well consider it a greatest hits "Now that's I call Souls" sorta title rather then it's own unique thing).
And yeah Aldia is a treat and great addition to Scholar (I adore his boss theme). I'm quite partial to Lucatiel myself (One of my favourite NPC's in the series actually). And I like Gavlan cus who doesn't appreciate that silly little guy?
@HallowMoonshadow Yeah, I somehow messed up Lucariel’s questline. I think I must have missed one of the required summonings for a boss fight, so I didn’t get to see her last conversation. But she did seem like a cool NPC. And yes.. Galvan wheel, Galvan deal. 👍🏼
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Topic: You Died. The Dark Souls Series Discussion Thread
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