
Topic: What (Non-PS4) game are you playing??

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@KilloWertz Yeah buying a new console probably wasn't my best decision! I already have enough PS4/5 and Switch games to last me a few years.


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Bentleyma Do you make very many good decisions? Kidding, I swear.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz Buying this PS2 was one of the worst decisions I've made recently! I saw a modded American PS2 + 300 games for sale on Etsy and decide to buy it. Shipping was pretty pricey, but whatever. Waited over a month for it to arrive only to receive a letter that it was at customs and I'd have to pay an extra £80 to get it. Annoying, but doable.

Finally received it a few days later. Now, I'm not very tech savvy, so I figured I could just buy a PS2 power cable from here in the UK and use it on the American PS2. I was very wrong. Turns out there's a difference in voltage and by doing that I apparently fried the American PS2 that I'd waited over a month for. This was after spending all the money on shipping and getting it in the country, plus I bought a TV to play it on, memory cards, a stand and other bits and bobs. After spending so much on it I decided that I wasn't going to give up, so I figured maybe the PS2 wasn't fried and it was just because I was using the wrong power cable. I decided to spend even more money and buy a step down converter, so I could plug the American power cable into it and it should hopefully work. It did not work, the PS2 was fried.

I then realised that the 300 games I got were on a removable harddrive, so I figured that I could buy a PS2 from a local shop and insert the harddrive into that and the games would be usable. Luckily I was right and I now have a working PS2 with 300 games on it, but it cost me an arm and a leg!


PSN: Bentleyma-

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