@Th3solution It's a great idea to give certain games another go if there's a remake or a remaster of it. It might have improvements that'll enhance your experience compared to the original. And now that you mention it, it's also a good incentive to play a remake/remaster if you're planning on replaying a game anyway. So for example, I've already played the original RE4 but I haven't played the remake yet. I'd love to replay RE4 and at the same time, I can experience it with a fresh coat of paint. Now that I have this mindset, I don't feel anymore like I've wasted my time playing an older game that's received a remake/remaster.
I also want to replay the Uncharted games as I've had a negative opinion of them ever since I played through them years ago. I didn't like the gameplay that much. But maybe I would like it better today.
I think I've only done one of these topics before AGES ago and it didn't go well.
So I guess there's two fairly simple resolutions I'll put down here.
1. Give up a game if I'm not enjoying it
I typically always try to see a game through, even if I'm not enjoying it... Cus there could be things I do like... Maybe there's a good twist at the end or that character I hate finally gets some needed development.
Either way it's something I should really stop doing and just play things I'm actually enjoying and maybe come back to it later to give it a second chance in a different mindset.
2. Write a little log of all the games I've played
I do typically write what I'm playing, what I've beaten on the forums... But those get buried under all the other posts and I'm not wading through the 3/400 posts I make throughout the year to remind myself what I've played.
This is mainly from when I did the top ten games list and realised I'd been through so many games that even my trophy list was cluttered from things I'd randomly tried and then dropped.
So just a little list/log just so I can remind myself what I've done~
@HallowMoonshadow A really solid set of resolutions there Foxy. Number one really resonates with me as I’m far too stubborn and can’t seem to walk away from things. I’ve binned off a book that was putting a hold on my reading enjoyment and two shows that were really boring me all in the first week.
Your second resolutions is a great one, I’ve been keeping a list in my notes app for about five years now and found really beneficial and also fun to look back on games I’ve played. I even put a little asterisk next to titles that I platinum, which I’ve now upgraded to the actual number of the unlock.
Good luck with them both and happy new year 🥳
I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.
@HallowMoonshadow Nice goals! I’ve been fairly good at your #1, and usually research and scrutinize games before playing them so I don’t end up with as high an abandonment rate as I used to. Still, I gave up on 3 games last year before completion, so it still happens from time to time.
As far as your #2, I love that idea. Like Peace, I do keep some gaming notes in my phone app as a reminder of some things. It’s fairly unorganized though and so I rely on my trophy list as a way to chronicle the year. But I might adopt a more structured record like you’re doing so I can quickly reference what I’ve done and my thoughts on the games of the year.
I do wish that Push Square had some kind of search function to look back on posts. When Ral and Rog had the review thread active and organized I really liked the way that they kept the index of reviews for ease of reference. But like you, I’ve dropped mini-reviews, thoughts, plans, and questions about games scattered across multiple threads in the forums and it’s really hard to go back if I want to remind myself what I’d said unless it was within the last couple weeks. Likewise, many other users have posted useful or interesting tidbits that I sometimes want to find again and it’s nigh impossible. Implementing a search function is probably a huge can of worms that I suspect ant & company don’t have the resources to solve. But keeping a copy for my own records of pertinent thoughts is a great idea. I’ll start it today!
@PeaceSalad These are great goals too! I really like the plan to try one game from a series that you’ve not played. AC and LAD/Yakuza are so multitudinous that sampling one game sounds like a good way to not be overwhelmed and perhaps it will spur a desire to go all-in. I didn’t make it an official goal but I had thoughts to do something similar with some of my blind spot series/genres — namely Monster Hunter (and MH-likes), the Mafia series, and the Tales series. But with all that I’m wanting to do this year I’m not sure I’ll get there. I’ll be really interested to hear how you get along with AC and LAD though, should you successfully get it accomplished! I have my own thoughts on both series.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution It seemed like a reasonable goal instead of getting overwhelmed by the shear size of these series. You can throw Persona in there too, I have Persona 3 Reload on PS5 ready to go this year too. Another series I’m yet to experience that is held in high regard. I should state for clarity this has been my resolution for about five years now haha but I’ll definitely keep you in the loop on my progress (or lack thereof)
The other games you mentioned are also in my guilty list, so let’s compare notes if you get round to those friend 👍
I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.
Late to the party here, as I never really do resolutions, but I just made one today: Give my old GOG library some love. As I just finished watching Fallout on Prime, which didn't do very much for me other than making me want to play the games, I think my first dip into my GOG library will be the first Fallout. Haven't played it since it originally came out, so that should be interesting
Topic: Gaming Resolutions for the New Year 2025
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