
Topic: The TV Show Thread

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I've been working my way through the "Miami Vice" blu-ray boxset. Having never seen the show before it's mostly exactly as I expected - an uber glossy, superficial (half the time it could be mistaken for a pop music video) and very entertaining slice of guest star filled Eighties (oh so Eighties) cop show goodness (Don Johnson is consistently excellent as the lead, Phillip Michael Thomas is consistently lousy as the sidekick and Edward James Olmos is so stoic that he consistently seems to be on pause as the rote gruff but fair lieutenant in charge) but then there's an episode like Season 2's "Out Where The Buses Don't Run" which could easily stand along side producer Michael Mann's classic movies of the era such as "Manhunter" or "Thief" - gritty, superbly written and ultimately quite moving. Wow - now I'm just hoping for more of the same as I get deeper into the series. And less Phil Collins on the soundtrack would also be good.

[Edited by LN78]



Recently caught up with The Sandman on Netflix. I kept putting it off because a) I couldn't convince myself that it could possibly be good and b) seeing as it is a Netflix show I worried that it would be axed if it actually turned out to be good

I needn't have worried on either account, it was freakin' excellent and if it was cancelled after one season (it wasn't) it would have stood as a complete narrative with no big cliffhangers.
Now, I haven't read the comics since the first TPBs came out, so I can't really say how faithful this adaptation is, but it felt very right

Can anyone who enjoyed The Sandman and seen Dead Boy Detectives speak to the quality of the latter show?

Also, staying on Netflix, just started Arcane which I also found to be quite brilliant. I was told it was good, but I was still caught off guard by how enthralled I was with the first two episodes. Can hardly wait to see the more!



@Malaise I loved 3 Body Problem almost as much as I loved the truly epic books it is based on. Netflix gave them enough seasons to finish the adaptation (which probably means 2, max 3, more seasons, judging by what's left to be told) so there's no need to worry about "filler" episodes written simply to stretch it out.
Unless they drop the ball, I expect the rest to be truly special



Really enjoying the boys. This show is something else, I love how messed up it is. The latest episode of season 4 was great, Anthony Starr is just phenomenal as Homelander!




When Butcher started laying in to a pile of naked duplicates with a tyre iron in episode 2 I remembered why I love the show.

[Edited by sorteddan]

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Ha yes I was thinking the same!

@MightyDemon82 It is good to have it back. Typically, it has faced some backlash online, but I shan't bore you with the details!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder I'm aware haha, I'm just enjoying a great show. It's still not getting as much hate as Doctor Who and Star Wars though. It has a higher audience score than those two combined. Not that those matter in the grand scheme of things!

Watch what you want folks even if it's schlock.



Doctor Who being a bit of a mess in the finale is par for the course, I genuinely cannot think of a recent finale that worked. Possibly have to go back to Capaldi? And even then, they go a bit too smart for their own good so it’s maybe the very first NewWho finale back in 05 as the only truly not messy one. Ncuti Gatwa’s excellent at least, he elevates even the scripts which aren’t as good. It was a series bookended by episodes I didn’t enjoy but there were some gems in the middle, just wish it was a whole lot more than 8 episodes so we got more time to actually connect with the characters.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@MightyDemon82 @JohnnyShoulder @sorteddan I just got caught up today and, good grief, this show is fun. I've had chuckles, LOLs and even a guffaw or two

Poor Rob Benedict, went from playing God in Kripke's "Supernatural" to a duplicating supe who takes "self love" to human centipede levels in this one🤣(I think it was Jensen Ackles who said that Kripke asks his Supernatural friends that he brings in what it is they will definitely not do and then writes that exact thing into their part... I'm guessing Benedict said "nudity" )

And Vought on Ice... priceless... panicked figureskaters are a dangerous lot 🤣🤣

And I'm still madly in love with Kimiko

[Edited by FuriousMachine]



@FuriousMachine Ha ha I forgot about the ice skating scene! Not sure how, as that was nuts! 😂

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Not to mention the spectacular fatality the Mortal Kombat-like fighting game for the Seven had... the MK team will need to step up to top that one 😂



@FuriousMachine I think Homelander is in thar latest Mortal Kombat too. Wonder if the developers had any doing in that bit for the show?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


An absolutely fantastic show despite being set in the increasingly forlorn "Star Wars" universe. The performances by Andy Serkis,Stellan Skarsgaard and Genevieve O'Reilly are incredible - that actors of their calibre have singled out Tony Gilroy's writing for stirring their interest in a Disney "Star Wars" project is very telling. Season 2 can't come soon enough.

[Edited by LN78]



@LN78 I have that in my Amazon wish list, just wish it wasn’t £50. Hopefully it goes cheaper somewhere down the line.
Seeing as the second season will be the end maybe they will do a box set of both seasons in the future.
Looks like a great steelbook though.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets It's a nice set - there's some art cards BUT (and I hate this) the discs are stacked on spindles with the 4Ks on one side and the Blu-rays on the other. Insofar as Disney physical releases go a few of the Star Wars and Marvel steelbooks have gone sold out on the HMV site so that's a good sign for the future. @colonelkilgore It's shockingly good. I have a hard time reconciling the gulf in quality between a show like "Andor" and the absolute dreck like "The Book of Boba Fett". The QC at LucasFilm is pretty much non-existent.

[Edited by LN78]



@LN78 yeah I hope the physical releases are very successful and maybe some of the others give it a try. I would love an Arcane or Stranger Things box set from Netflix.
I guess it could diminish the need to subscribe for some people but maybe they will discover that the kind of customer buying the physical don’t stay subscribed for long anyway and can make extra money this way.
I certainly have no plans to re subscribe to Disney plus until season two of Andor and will drop it again right after.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets Yeah - I'd love for Netflix to reconsider their policy on physical releases - the two you mentioned plus "Blue Eye Samurai" and "Sandman" would be good for starters. The Disney releases (plus the thriving bootleg market) prove that they are leaving the collector/AV enthusiast dollars on the table.

[Edited by LN78]


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