We Wish You a Merry Christmas Push Square 1

We feel like we could copy and paste the opening sentence from our 2020 Merry Christmas message and nobody would be none the wiser: "We’re hesitant to mention it, but it’s been a strange old year, hasn’t it?" Yes, for the second full year in a row, the world hasn't quite been its normal self. Thankfully, in PlayStation land, we've had lots to be positive about. We were treated to a strong PS5 launch lineup at the end of last year, and Sony continued its efforts to be the best place to play with various exclusive titles released throughout 2021.

Closer to home, Push Square has also had a strong year. We're on an upwards trajectory in terms of views here on the site, and we have expanded our YouTube efforts with a full-time employee. No matter where or how you consume our content, the future is bright. Thank you for visiting the site throughout 2021 — we couldn't do this without you.

This Christmas is once again about enjoying yourself just as much as it is about staying safe. Take the time to unwind and enjoy whatever it is Santa Claus brings you this year (let's hope he can fit a PS5 down your chimney), but also keep you and your loved ones safe. While the gaming news stops for a few weeks, we've got lots of content to keep you occupied over the break, from our Game of the Year top 10 list to opinion pieces and articles looking ahead to 2022.

Until then, we wish you a Merry Christmas. Our Christmas dinner is cooking, and the Brussel sprouts look like they're almost done. An essential part of the meal, aren't they? Love them. Merry Christmas!