Well, this is something we didn't quite expect: everyone is obsessed with Helldivers 2. Seriously, if you'd told me even three days ago it'd outmuscle Suicide Squad, I never would have believed you. And yet, here we are.
Aaron Bayne
I'm squadding up this weekend in Helldivers 2, which has already proven itself to be a lot of fun. It's absolute carnage and is at its best when everything goes wrong for you.
Jamie O'Neill
While I'm intrigued to check out February's version 1.000.006 update to see if there are bug fixes and less glitches, and despite my curiosity following my Mini Review last year, I'm only slightly motivated to play Flashback 2 again.
Khayl Adam
Like many, I plan to spend the weekend dropping into the galaxy’s most hostile alien worlds in Helldivers 2. It really is a lot of fun, provided you can get a game, and I already have my eye on a few choices of kit I want to work towards. Higher difficulties really demand focus and coordination, and it’s dangerously easy to get sucked back into another mission.
Robert Ramsey
Time permitting, I'm going to try and play some Helldivers 2 this weekend, to see what all the fuss is about. I haven't stumbled upon a truly great co-op game since Monster Hunter World, so I'm hoping this one hits!
Sammy Barker
Everyone else is saying the same thing, so what the heck, huh? I might give this Helldivers 2 thing a go.
Stephen Tailby
I'm once again on review duties, so I'll be focusing on that this weekend. However, I might try to find some time for Helldivers 2, something I've been really looking forward to playing.
That's a lot of Helldivers 2, folks! But are you doing your part, or are you busy playing something else? As always, let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 123
I am playing trough Resident Evil Village again because I am on some RE wave right now
In addition, I received Resident Evil 2 Classic which I have never played so I am starting that!
And for some casual fun I will be playing Mortal Kombat II
Happy gaming everyone!
I am overloaded with act 3 quests in Baldurs Gate 3 so I’m going to spend the weekend rolling the character for my tactician playthrough and settling back into the familiarity of act 1, for a break!
Open hand monk or some kind of multiclass gloomstalker, that’s the question.
I will be playing a lot of Multiplayer games this weekend, including HellDivers 2, Foamstars, Granblue Fantasy Relink and Apex Legends. I also got my PlayStation Portal yesterday so I'm looking forward to giving that a try when the TV is occupied.
On Switch I will be playing Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes and maybe some Splatoon 3.
@NinjaNicky Are the servers still not fixed?
I'm in the last story chapter of Granblue Fantasy Relink, so I'm planning to get that done. Also hoping to jump into Helldivers 2 for the first time.
I cleared all of my backlog except for The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me, so I will continue playing it. I hope to finish it during the weekend because I pre-ordered Banishers of New Eden and I definitely want to play that next weekend.
Besides, I will try to forget that Skull and Bones exists.
Helldivers 2, having a blast. Matchmaking issues seemed to be better last night and meant for some absolute chaos with 4 of us calling in air strikes all over the place.
It’s lonely and brutally hard solo but very funny with friends. No trolls encountered yet either!
On Ps5 Finished Final Fantasy Rebirth demo and thought it was awesome. Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth played about 20 hours and Persona 3 Reload. Banishers Ghosts of new Eden I have ordered for next week so hopefully its decent
I´ve finished a couple of games since last week
Final fantasy 16 - Its done, I´ve played through new game + and the platinum trophy is mine 😊 Imo an amazing game, best final fantasy since FF 7 for me and its nice to see the series return to such heights after the good but not great FF games in between. FF 7 Remake was to drawn out and unnessecarily padded which drags it down compared to the original imo. FF 7 Rebirth has some serious potential though, really looking forward to that 😊
Hot wheels 2 - Also done and platinumed. Enjoyed it for what is was, more of the same as the first game. Easier platinum though, thats something as least 😊
Ori and the Blind Forest - Also finished. Love the game, such a great atmosphere and soundtrack and a nice story too.
Currently playing
Arizona Sunshine 2 VR - Im having a blast with this one. Really fun to play, the dog companion is awesome and the guns and melee weapons are great.
Ori and the Will of the Wisp - I was thinking of playing Resi 2 but felt I really wanted to go on with more Ori. Love this game as well, played it on the Switch the first time but now Im playing on the xbox.
Skull and Bones - Yeah, tried the open beta. Not impressed. Let it sink quickly and move on Ubi.
I'm hoping to play some Helldivers 2 later. Played some last night but couldn't get matchmaking to work. Hoping to squad up later and find a group!
Helldivers 2, Suicide Squad and some Season 2 of CoD MW3. My Suicide Squad is bugged where I can't go pass level 0 on both my Finite Crisis/Mastery levels. Kinda killing my excitement for the game.
I wrapped up Yakuza 6 and now I'm ploughing through Yakuza 7... I wish I'd taken a proper break though, I'm enjoying it but getting used to Ichiban's world view and the silliness of substories bleeding into the main story is rubbing me in the wrong direction slightly.
The Last of us part 2 and Sonic Superstars after enjoying the 1 hour playstation plus trial. May try some hidden gems on plus too
I started playing Persona 3 Reloaded on Game Pass and now I can't put it down. The music is proper cool. Alongside that I'll be continuing the two stories of Ichiban and Kiryu in the fantastic Infinite Wealth.
I'll be playing Avatar probably I'm still not sure i actually like it the world is gorgeous but seems kind of empty. I'm also waiting on Helldivers 2 to be delivered today so looking forward to checking that out if the servers are working.
Foamstars and Persona 3 Reload. I never play multiplayer games but I’m loving Foamstars. I’ve never tried Splatoon but I love this. My favorite character to play is Soa but I’m undefeated in rank with Agito (even though I’m ***** with him). Game is addicting so far despite the ***** microtransactions
P3R is great but I don’t want to rush through it
Nights of Azure 2, started it last week so going to crack on with that along with some Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Never played the Sigma version but I played a lot of Ninja Gaiden Black back in the day. It'll be interesting to see the differences between the 2 versions. Have a good weekend all!
Now that I finished Spider-Man Remastered last week, I’m currently 10 or so hours into Spider-Man 2 and having a great time. So I’ll definitely be carrying on with that this weekend.
Whatever you’re playing, have a great weekend, folks!
Still deep into Infinite wealth with some Tekken 8 to break it up. It’s been such a good start to the year!
Another weekend and I'm still playing Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth. Two chapters to go until story is finished and have done most of the game's side content so think I should be finishing things up. After that I intend to start playing Persona 3 Reload which should keep me busy up until FF7 Rebirth
Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Finishing up bounties, the last plant for my garden, and rounding out my time with Cal and BD-1. It's been a lot of fun, and I particularly enjoyed the different combat forms as well as building up the saloon.
Assuming that I finish the game by tomorrow, it's on to Xenoblade Chronicles 3, as I am finally caught up with the story and have heard nothing but praise regarding it. Can't wait!
Still Cyberpunk for me, going through some of the Phantom Liberty stuff which is cool, I'm enjoying it.
Really keen to make a start on Helldivers 2 but my ocd won’t allow me to start it until I’ve finished up on a few other games on the go. Should have the plat wrapped up on AC3 Remastered in the next few days… and then maybe I’ll be able to get stuck into it.
Just platinumed Spider-Man after getting the PS5 upgrade for £5, which included all the DLC (surprisingly good, filled in the gap between Spider-Man and Miles Morales).
Back on Prince of Persia until I can face the Spurned Prodigy in LotF (swear I went to school with him or his twin brother, the hair, the physique, the keen sense of intellect in his eyes, everything!)
I'm about 60 hours into Avatar so far and still really enjoying it so I'll be continuing with that.
Also I may go back and have another go at Skull and Bones beta.Unlike most people on here I've really been enjoying my time with it.Put about three or four hours into it so far and still want to go back.
@UltimateOtaku91 For sure. I repurchased it since they claimed to have alleviated the issue, however, quick play is still largely a hit and miss. But it has improved, I’ll give ‘em that.
It’s my birthday 🎁 and a milestone at that. So I’m planning on starting Persona 3 whilst praying that Wales does a decent job. I’m also still going through Apollo justice for some light mystery solving.
I'm juggling Cold Steel 1, P3R with some Tekken 8 in between. This will probably be my line up for a little while, at least until I get to Cold Steel 2. Trying to buy fewer games this year, so not sure whether I'll pick up Rebirth at release, but that will probably what I play next after P3R outside of Trails.
As for Cold Steel 1, coming from the previous 5 games I'm finding it a bit of a slog. It seems like a lot of people feel the same about it. The changes to how orbments work make the system quite a lot more basic and less fun. The characters are growing on me, but they didn't really impress out of the gate. The tone feels quite different overall, though I don't know if that's mostly because of the shift in graphical style. A lot of this is probably just the "first game in an arc" thing you get with Trails, it just feels a bit more accentuated this time. Having said all of that, a "bad" Trails game is still a good game overall. The references to previous games, locations and events are as fun as ever. Cold Steel 1 is really just another piece building on that, and I'm confident there will be pay offs further on in the Cold Steel series.
Picked Scorn up on sale so I’ll be playing more of that. So far so disturbing! It’s great!
Also be continuing with Roots of Patcha, which I highly recommend if you’re into games like Stardew Valley.
@Hootnoodle Happy Birthday!🥳. Mine in a couple of days too
I will be finishing up granblue fantasy relink‘s end game content and I was going to play legendary tales vr but I hurt my arm ushering away a fart so I’ll probably start up crisis core or something.
Give freedom a taste
I bought AC:Valhalla mid week so putting a few hours into that. I was burnt out on Odyssey so avoided Valhalla for as long as I could but have fallen for the collectibles and terrible accents/voice acting once again!
@R1spam they didn't release the patch on ps5 yet. I wasn't able to play MP since release, always failed to connect to host message. The patch is live on pc tho.
About 50ish hours into Persona 3 Reload. They've done an excellent job with this remake!
Granblue Fantasy and Helldivers.
I'm not seeing the server issues others have mentioned in Helldivers. My friends from work all play on pc, but we were able to find each other without issue and play for 4 hours last night.
We'll be playing again today.
Lots to do. Between GOW Ragnarök, Tekken 8, Hogwarts Legacy and Doom Eternal I guess. Even though I should give some time to SF6 and GTA5.
@Bamila that's good to know!! I did manage a couple of missions on easy solo. On your own, they are not easy!!
Still trying to beat The Messenger.
Helldivers does sound fun from everyone's mentions. I guess once word of mouth sales die down it could be one to pick up on PS Plus. Sony and the dev would both be wise working something out financially to get it on there quickly.
As for weekend gaming, who knows. Maybe a bit of FF7 Remake, FC24 and I'm currently deciding whether to bother buying NBA 2K24 after the trial, but they haven't even got a bald Derrick White in game, so is there even any point 😅
Was going to start my Granblue Fantasy: Relink adventure, but popped into GAME at lunch yesterday and they didn’t have a copy (despite having a stack of random Barbie Blu-rays, seriously, what happened to GAME? 😄)
So, instead I shall be continuing my journey in Vertigo 2, which has reached some major difficulty spikes. That or I’m just rubbish at the game… probably the latter.
Have fun everyone!
Timeless Elden Ring and Bloodborne. After almost 9 years and several playthroughs, still amazed at the detail on BB's attire and equipment, just as detailed as RDR2, the game was so ahead! Bloodborne will never die.
Still near the end of chapter 3 in Trails of Cold Steel 3. Hope to finish it before FFVII:Rebirth in a few weeks. Plus also some FF6 where I’m probably more than halfway through
Gonna continue my journey into lands between in Elden Ring. Last stretch of a few locations. I’m about 110 hours in but been thoroughly exploring everything I could including quests.
@TheArt PS5 being my first PS console (spent years on the other side), I finally played Bloodborne last year and had such a great time. Might be my proudest platinum! Haha
I'm not a great fan of mp games, but I bought helldivers 2 I've liked the look of it for a while , it's fantastic , most fun I've had in a mp game since gears , when that music kicks in and there's swarms of bugs, it's the starship troopers game I've always wanted.
@TheArt Nice! Bloodborne was my first ever souls game I had managed to platinum. Although I had never progressed far enough in DLC, not even first boss. Been spoiled by 60FPS of Elden Ring so it’s hard to come back to earlier entries for me personally.
I'm about halfway through Red Dead Redemption. I'm really liking the writing and the missions can be engaging but at the same time the story so far isn't the most interesting. And the game play loop is fairly repetitive. But I'm still enjoying it a lot. Looking forward to continuing
Will be primarily playing Persona 3 Reload on PS5 but also Puppeteer on PS3 and Burnout 3: Takedown on Xbox 360 for some variety so that I don't get burned out by Persona.
Playing through 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim and having my mind slowly broken, but absolutely loving it. I've also started playing Othercide, which took me a few hours to get into but now I'm adorong. A good pair of games!
Granblue fantasy and diablo 4 this weekend. Loving granblue more than I thought I would. Have a great weekend everybody 👍
PS5 wise:
FFVII remake rebirth demo
Cult of the lamb
Star ocean the second story r
Still have to start endless dungeon
PS4 wise:
Star Wars republic commando
Chrono cross
Days gone
Hopefully finishing up my platinum clean up on Jedi Survivor and plenty of Helldivers 2!
Happy gaming everyone
@BranJ0 That is such an amazing game, and it looks absolutely stunning. Insanely underrated… I’ve tried to get people to play it but it’s such a hard one to explain. My best effort is it’s like if Christopher Nolan directed and anime. Not sure that quite works! Haha
I’m playing TLOU part 2. I’m about 60% of the way through (no spoilers please!), but I have to say it’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. Such a great story.
I also started Slay the Spire the other day and it’s really cool so I’ll be playing a bit of that, too
@Onearmbandit I’m always tempted to buy AC Valhalla because it’s always really cheap on sale. I love the look of it, but I tried Odyssey and didn’t really like it so I’m on the fence
@Relygon They have just dropped an update (about 15 minutes ago) and it's now perfect for me, can actually see other people's SOS beacons on the map and people joining me within 30 seconds.
Was it the setting/theme that put you off or the gameplay?
As Valhalla is just Odyssey reskinned with Vikings.
@Onearmbandit It was the gameplay. I was trying to do one of the first missions involving stealth and found it frustrating. I’m sure if I stuck with it it could’ve gotten easier, but I guess I didn’t have the patience.
Having a fantastic time on the PS Triple. Just finished Max Payne 3 which was an absolute blast despite the choppy frame rate. Now I’m getting back into Lollipop Chainsaw after a long hiatus and I forgot how much stupid fun it is! Will also do a few races on Blur when I feel like changing things up. Another cracking game that is still playable online!
After getting the plat on Tekken8 and doing all the character story's ive decided that its far too technical for me to get in to competitively so ive decided to sell it to a friend. I very much enjoyed my time with it tho. Think im going to start Persona 3 or get granblue next but ive always fancied 13 sentinels but dont know what to make of the gameplay ive seen.
Tekken 8, One Piece Odyssey, Street Fighter 6, Super Mario Wonder, Super Mario RPG Remake, Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Trilogy, King of Fighters 15, and Kirby Return to Dreamland. I’m on vacation starting today. So I will be playing those throughout the week. 😁
I have been playing Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, and I beat the game a few days ago and got the platinum trophy. My thoughts have only grown deeper — it’s going to go down as one of my top 10-20 games of all time. This game resonated with me in a way I wasn’t expecting.
The next main game I’m delving into is Final Fantasy 7 Remake before Rebirth releases. As a kid, I remember buying the PS1 original one summer with my chore money at the local Blockbuster. I spent 100+ hours playing the game, had all characters at max level, and was astonished at the final boss fight. I have many fond memories, along with a negative one: I never acquired Vincent Valentine and I was so disappointed when I realized I overlooked him.
In terms of the remake, the last time I played the game it left a sour taste in my mouth. Don’t get me wrong - the game is fantastic, but I got to chapter 14 and suddenly the game bricked my PS4. Once this happened I couldn’t bring myself to replay the game once I managed to get a new console. I also wasn’t in the right headspace mentally due to life situations, so the game would relentlessly trigger negative emotions every time I attempted to start a fresh play-through, thus I haven’t properly touched it since its release.
I am determined to play the game from start to finish. Physically and mentally I’m in a much healthier frame of mind. At the moment of writing this, I’m playing the game on the PlayStation Portal and have beaten three chapters. I’m unclear of the reason, but this game is hitting differently emotionally — and in a good way too. I’m picking up on subtle nuances that are resonating with me, and the mysterious backstory between Cloud and Sephiroth is superb. I forgot how powerful the impact of these characters had on me when I was younger. I’ve already experienced goosebumps in a couple of scenes.
Hopefully, I can have the FF7 Remake scratched off my list of games I feel I need to complete. I was also browsing the trophy list and the platinum trophy doesn’t seem too unbearable to obtain (but we will see) so I might set that out as a goal for myself.
Cyberpunk for me. Really REALLY enjoying it! Bought the game at launch 🖥️ 🔥
Spent 15 minutes fighting a cyberpsycho only for him to get stuck under the map so I couldn’t loot 🙌🏻
Quickly uninstalled and waited all this time to revisit. Was worth the wait for sure!
@Zuljaras re village is an awesome game, in particular on psvr2 in case You have one or plan to get one.
Going to carry on with Persona 3 Reload. Not quite as good as Persona 5 Royal, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I'll also be playing a bit of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy.
Yeah I’d probably give Valhalla a miss for now then. There’s a lot to do and stealth usually goes out the window quite often (with me anyway lol). I actually prefer Odyssey to Origins and Valhalla but that’s because I liked the Greek setting with the myths and legends.
@NieR_Dark @andrix9743 Yes it's definitely one of my proudest plats. I'm guilty of not having gotten around to Old Hunters but some day definitely. Fps doesn't bother me though, so I'm just going to keep going back to this timeless classic.
@gaston I wonder if the psvr2 is worth it at all.
I'm halfway through Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.
Still playing vertigo 2 on psvr2, sometimes really good, great ideas, sometimes a bit repetitive and not super well balanced. In the end it is what it is, a game developed by more or less a single person and not a triple A studio with 100s of employees. I am also on my second playthrough of cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately I remember it still too well, which takes away a little bit of the fun. And having started this time as a corpo rather than a street kit and a male rather than a female V, did not change enough. A rarely play games more than once, for this particular reason. So, no a real surprise. In the end I could hop directly into phantom liberty which I haven't played yet. Also flat games appeal less and less to me. I am pretty sure I would enjoy it more if there was a VR mode. Hopefully there is one in the sequel.
Legendary tales and Dead hook... I can feel my body getting stronger every day!
Im playing the incredible 2016 ratchet and clank.the excellent divinity original sin 2 definitive edition.the amazing sekiro shadows die twice.and the wonderful days gone.i will be watching the Superbowl.i will be watching my boston Celtics 💚🖤 play.i will be watching legendary sitcoms. tv 📺 shows in good times.martin and saved by the bell.word up son
HellDivers 2 all weekend! It’s fantastic.
I’ll also work on Crisis Core and play the FFVII demo as well. That’s about it for me.
Maybe I’ll squeeze in some more Forgive me Father if I need my FPS fix.
@gaston I was breezing through Vertigo 2, but got to a part two days ago where it just feels like it’s insanely hard section after another. And now I’m stuck in a part involving waves of enemies with no health regens… not sure if I’ve missed something, but seriously considering lowering the difficulty. Had to take a break from it yesterday… shame, because as a whole I’m loving the game.
@Kidfunkadelic83 13 sentinels is fantastic. The story is enjoyable and the RTS combat is simple but more complex than it appears. It’s a game I think if I had watched gameplay of I’d say no thanks, but playing it I couldn’t wait to unveil more of the story with each chapter.
@Zuljaras For me, it is absolutely "yes". However psvr2 is expensive, and the game catalogue is still relatively small. I would not play Re village, re4 and GT7 on the flat screen. Non of these games would interest me enough. But in VR, they are amazing. And I feel the same for many smaller titles. PSVR2 is by no means perfect, but good enough to allow for VR titles which look nearly as good in VR as on the flat screen. Though, at the moment very few titles really exploit the hardware, and nobody knows what the future will bring. Anyway If You have the chance, try VR (quest, pcvr, psvr1/2, ... ), if You enjoy the additional level of immersion then I would say that psvr2 would indeed be a worthy purchase.
@NieR_Dark did You try lowering the difficulty to story mode ? I cheated through some boss fights this way which I did not enjoy enough to keep on trying ...
@gaston I think that might have to be the way forward. I feel a bit dirty doing it… but knowing others have done the same mildly softens the blow 😄
Honestly, the difficulty spikes in that game really do come out of nowhere.
Got the lightgun working with ps2 games so some vampire night and a bit of time crisis 2&3
Helldivers 2 for me. I was supposed to be starting GOWRagnarok but I feel like I needed to shoot something after being far too relaxed from finishing Farming Simulator 😁
@BranJ0 What I loved most about 13 Sentinels is it just kept getting more and more bonkers but somehow still made total sense.
Trails of cold steel 4
I’m tempted to pick up Helldivers due to the surprising hype for the game. Feels like the game went from one of the most quiet PS exclusives to exploding at release due to good previews.
Outside that, I’d like to play Silent Hill: A Short Message, the beta for Skull and Bones, and maybe a bit of Tekken 8. I haven’t played much of anything this week outside the FF7 demo. Ever since I beat Prince of Persia, I feel like I’m sort of in-between games, even as much as I love to play Tekken poorly on a regular basis.
@DrVenture69 happy birthday for a couple of days!! 🥳
I’m at the end of Sea of Stars and maybe a bit of Granblue Fantasy Relink
In preparation for the FFVII Rebirth release, I did Remake and Crisis Core, and am now just working through the FFVII OG PS4 glowup. It's funny playing through the Midgar section now, it feels so abridged. But also, it's really convoluted how they dump you into the world, and then next thing, you are piled on with the exposition dump in Kalm, the weird Chocobo catching thing, and then Ft Condor in like the next 30 minutes. The original game really is wild. I haven't replayed it in something like twenty years.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita) - My boy Sully came to save my hide.
Daxter (PSP) - Nearing the halfway point with this as well.
Lode Runner Classic (Windows Phone) - Still playing in bursts.
Slowly working my way through RE4 remake. It’s really good but not so good I can’t put it down. I’m playing an hour or so every now and then. Only just reached the castle.
Also It Takes Two with my wife which is super fun (although it’s her first ‘proper’ 3D game and she’s struggling with controlling the camera)
@Zuljaras Resident Evil 2 on the N64 was my first introduction to the series. Actually, my babysitter's boyfriend couldn't figure out how to play so they let me borrow it to figure it out. Its an absolute classic! Enjoy!
@Kraven Remake was the final straw where I had to figure out how to repaste the processor on my PS4 Pro. The fan went from jet-engine to space-shuttle and kept popping up a "Your PS4 is overheating and will shut down!" message.
@playstation1995 I absolutely love Ratchet and clank 2016. Still looks absolutely stunning too
I picked up Arcade Paradise and enjoy it more than I thought I would. Any game with Geralt is a winner for me. Have a great weekend everyone!
Tekken 8 for sure, this game has me hooked in. I've played through The Dark Awakens story and all the character episodes. Up next, the arcade quest. If I play anything else, it will be Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased his Name. Need to complete that so I can start LaD: Infinite Wealth.
Death Stranding Directors Cut. Enjoying it and find the story really interesting
Gears of War 3
Midnight Club LA
on 360
Army of Two
Infamous 2
on ps3
been having way more fun with 7th gen games , 9th gen has been underwhelming
@NieR_Dark I think that's a pretty good way of describing it! It's such a unique game but a very hard sell!
@Mintie I'm at this point where I'm simultaneously understanding everything and nothing. Absolutely love it
Playing Foamstars and loving it! Also finishing up the story in Granblue Fantasy Relink which is also great. Busy weekend tho. I might try the Skull and Bones Beta if I have time. Looking forward to the Superbowl as well
Have a great weekend folks!
@rusty82. Definitely.its one of the best looking video games ever.its looks amazing on my ps4 pro.and the story.and gameplay and boss fights looks is incredible.word up son
@NieR_Dark In the end a game is for having fun.
@ErrantRob is the RTS anything like a tower defense game? If so its defenately not for me.
@TheArt I think if I were to focus on Bloodborne The Old Hunters I’d be able to adapt to 30FPS lock. Only thing is Bloodborne is on PS+ while mine ran out and I only bought The Old Hunters dlc while I still had subscription lol
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Xbox Series xlX) - Really enjoying this game so far, a change for the series yet some parts seem familiar. Just started Chapter 3.
World of Warcraft (PC) This weekend I am going to be playing some WotLK Classic with my son.
STAR WARS: Jedi Survivor
Helldivers 2 and The Finals. The latter really needs to get a new mode in to freshen up the last 30 days of season 1.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I don’t have a lot of experience with tower based defense games because they don’t appeal to me. I would say that there is some defensive work with a certain spot on the map but for me I feel like the majority of it was me fighting to keep my mechs alive and I barely thought about defending anything.
HELLDIVERS! And maybe start Yakuza Kiwami 2 as I just finished Kiwami 1. I am blown away I never played a Yakuza game before. The story sucked me in so quickly and it just got better and better. One of my favorite games I’ve played in the last 5-10 years easily. I can’t stop thinking about it and I’m ecstatic to see where Kyru’s story goes.
@GeminiReign I felt the same way when I started Forbidden West back when it released, but got back to it a year later and did not regret it one bit. By the end, I think I enjoyed it more than Zero Dawn which I loved and got the platinum for. When the time is right give it another shot and you may have a similar story to me. It’s very high quality. The flying mount at the end also made the game immediately 50% more fun for me. And the DLC is a must play for fans of the series. It’s incredibly well done and impressive.
@Sakai I'm curious about trying it but bit put off my prospect of all the walking lol
I'm a bit exhausted this weekend but still playing through Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So many different mini games and systems in that game, dunno how they churn out so many of those games.
After 5 months I really need a break from souls! ER was great, BB somehow even better and got my 1st platinum ever but time to move on... now want to concentrate on my backlog and starting with Separate Ways - just started 2nd chapter and honestly died several times in the beginning until I got used to game's controls and mechanics
Let's finish this DLC first, yeah and then...already 10 games installed and waiting for me but couldn't resist any longer and yesterday ordered FF16, it's hard with so many great games out there
Happy gaming, everybody!!!
I Played some GT7 in VR today and i'm taking a break from RE Village while typing this. That's also the VR version ofcourse. I have exactly three flat titles left that i want to finish at some point, but i can't get myself excited to actually do so. All i play is PSVR 1&2, these damn headsets pretty much destroyed flat gaming for me and i love them for that!
PS5 - Mafia: Definitive Edition. Have never played the series but have both 1 and 2 as PS Plus games. Enjoying it as a smaller GTA like experience. Will probably get around to playing 2 sometime in the future. Have heard Mafia 3 is a bit disappointing though.
XSX - Gears of War: Ultimate Edition. Have never played Gears either. Started the 360 version on Game Pass and then found out the newer version exists so have restarted on that.
Switch - Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration. Rounds out the games I'm playing with colons. Moving through the chronological timeline and have reached the mid-80s.
Trying to clear some of the unfinished backlog, until Last Epoch comes along later this month.
This weekend I'm gonna "wear my Ubisoft hat" so to speak.
Continuing my trek through Assassin's Creed Mirage. Say what you will about it but it's quite a good game to get lost in, for at least 1 playthrough. After 10 hours I can say with certainty that it's more captivating than Valhalla was... perhaps because it's smaller and it goes for a more... concentrated experience... rather than diluting it over an insanely big world map filled with meaningless activities.
Planning on starting Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown too but most likely it'll remain for next week... AC Mirage will take up most of my gaming time.
Have a fun weekend everyone!
By the by - next week Tuesday the 13'th, "Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden" launches on multiple platforms, including PS5.
It seems to be a very interesting game, that for some reason it's mostly flying under the radar...
@ Push Square - just curious, but do you plan to do a review for this title?
@GeminiReign this is exactly why I still haven’t picked it up. I had the same issue with the first and i just can’t be bothered. It’s also why I haven’t picked up Spider Man 2 yet. Too much of the same over and over. Alan Wake 2 has been a breath of fresh air. I finished it on Series X a week ago. And I just purchased it again on PS5 and I’m already 10 hours in after three days. It’s so fun and interesting. And nails extruding I love about games. To be fair there is a fair amount of story but it never feels over bearing.
@GeminiReign I agree that HZD is the better game. However, definitely jump into the sequel when the time is right. It is pretty cool and looks the business. Also Gotham Knights is a good time. Pretty fun city to explore and using the different characters provides some fun variety. I found to be just a fun thing to zone out to.
I tried Helldivers 2 with a friend, we could not get anyone else to join us. So far I am not impressed, visuals are mediocre, enemies spawn sometimes right on top of you, but we will try again, hopefully with a full party.
Started Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen and holy smoke, this game is great. I remember trying it on the PS3 - the base gane - and back then it felt so empty.
Now I am in love with it. Can't wait for DD2.
Enjoy your weekend and keep on gaming everyone.
Had about 5 minutes checking out Steel Rising before I cancel my ps subscription then went back to Palworld for the rest of the weekend. Not finding anything else addictive enough to pull me away across any platform. Working on my breeding farms in the sky on my 3rd base, lol.
Btw remember all the comments about the Series S holding back gaming this gen? When the ps5 Pro comes out, the Sony brand will do exactly the same the PS5 will become the new Series S. Enjoy your weekend while the PS5 is still the most powerful Sony console.
Having to stay at my mums for most of the weekend unfortunately. Still, I’ve been putting the Portal to good use and playing FFX mostly.
@Zuljaras I have this to play on VR but it scares the life out of me 😂
Well this week is a pretty proud WAYP. Because yes as stated in last weeks entry I did play the majority of the week Trails of Cold Steel IV and feel properly stuck in. And not only made good progress I feel but more importantly to me on a personal level I finally did it. After avoiding it for 2+ years I finally went back to FFXIV and conquered the quest I seemingly couldn’t overcome. I hope my Ma is looking down and smiling. As for this week tho oh boy well we got the Super Bowl today and since that means the end of Trails Football Sunday’s as I call them I think I’ll tackle some Cold Steel IV today as well but I definitely wanna dabble in some other Nintendo games this week like Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed and Another Code Recollection. Otherwise in terms of Nintendo games I’m looking forward to Mario Vs Donkey Kong at the end of the week but otherwise my main goal is rotating the games previously mentioned and some more Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, Granblue Fantasy Relink and also my goal of the week which is gonna be to see if I can wrap all of the base Endwalker MSQ in FFXIV by next weekend. Which is to say the stuff that came out when Endwalker launched back in 2021 not any of the post Endwalker patches. Anime of the week of course gotta go to the usual beauties like Urusei Yatsura, Mashle, Solo Leveling, Undead Unluck, Shangri La Frontier, and High Card. All absolutely amazing. And of course Podcasts of the week gotta go to Castle Superbeast, Big Think Dimension, Into The Aether, RPGsites Tetracast, Windbreaker, Firelink, Sacred Symbols, Summon Sign, Minnmax and Nextlander. Of course we always gotta give the love and shoutout to my friend over at twitch.tv/akibread who was a major motivator and help in me overcoming Endwalker. As always y’all have a excellent rest of your weekend and Happy Gaming.
Helldivers obviously.
What a game. Absolutely love it. Yeah there's a few bugs (no pun intended) but the game is so good I'm happy to put up with them while the Dev team works on fixes which appear to be already well underway.
Helldivers and Tekken 8
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