Saints Row PS5 PS4 WAYP 1

Another week in the can means we can all look forward to another weekend of gaming, eh? This weekend sees the return of the football league, but there should be plenty of time for PlayStation between matches.

Aaron Bayne

After recording some footage for a video, I’ve caught the Returnal bug once more. I’m praying to the RNG gods in the hopes of attaining that coveted Platinum trophy.

Graham Banas

I'm working on a review for Marble It Up! Ultra, but I've been on a massive Beat Saber kick playing every night for a few weeks now. I'm sure that'll continue!

Khayl Adam

Baldur’s Gate 3, apparently always and forever. I never play an evil character, so pushing through it with a Dark Urges Origin, which is already a bit like playing fantasy-Dexter (having a “Dark Passenger” butting in every now and again). First impressions are off the charts; everything drips quality, oozes money, and best of all? Larian’s only gone and nailed the controller port. Playing with a DualSense on PC and it controls like a dream!

Liam Croft

My review duties are temporarily complete, so I'm returning to Final Fantasy XVI to finish off my playthrough.

Robert Ramsey

I plan on watching a whole lot of Evo 2023 this weekend, but in a shocking twist, I'll be returning to the Saints Row reboot between matches. Hopefully the season pass stuff is worth my time!

Scott McCrae

I'll mostly be playing some Street Fighter 6 and Rocksmith 2014 this weekend while resisting the urge to impulse-buy Baldur's Gate 3.

Simon Fitzgerald

I’ll be taking a trip into London this weekend to take part in Pokémon Go Fest. I’ve also been working on a very large indie title for review.

That's everything we're playing this weekend, and once again it's an eclectic selection. But what's keeping you busy? You know the drill: let us know in the comments section below.