Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 1

Wimbledon 2023 comes to a conclusion this weekend, which is a sure sign we've reached the peak of the British summer. Naturally the forecast is rain.

Jamie O'Neill

I've not booted up my PS3 in a while now, so presuming that everything is hunky-dory with my collection of games on its hard drive, I plan to return to Double Dragon: Neon.

Liam Croft

I'll continue trucking along with Final Fantasy XVI, and I want to do a small Trophy clean-up in Oxenfree II: Lost Signals now there are a few guides out.

Sammy Barker

I'm still trying to catch up in Genshin Impact, which is proving to be one of my most ambitious gaming undertakings ever. I'm also playing Exoprimal for review, which I'm finding to be good fun.

A short and sweet WAYP This week, but there's nothing wrong with a more subdued effort. As always, we want to know what you're playing in the comments section, so be sure to let us know.