The Last of Us Multiplayer 1

We’re in the thick of the summer showcase season, so it’s been non-stop news all week. To be honest, this author feels like it should be Wednesday or something – it’s actually Saturday now! Holy passage of time, Batman! Of course, there’s no Sony showcase this weekend – boo-hoo – but there are still lots of video games to play.

Sammy Barker, Editor

I'm flip-flopping between a ton of different games, both for content and for fun. I think my main target is revisiting The Last of Us Remastered's multiplayer mode, but I'm genuinely not sure whether I'll get to it.

Liam Croft, Assistant Editor

My Final Fantasy XIII playthrough must be put on hold this weekend so I can review The Quarry, but don't worry Lightning: I'll be back.

Aaron Bayne, Video Editor

With the long-awaited first season of meagre content, I am jumping into Battlefield 2042 for the first time since before the New Year. Despite its issues I still have a lot of fun with this game.

That's all from us this weekend. Do keep your eyes peeled on the site as we'll no doubt be bringing you additional coverage through Saturday and Sunday from various livestreams and publisher events. In the meantime, let us know what you're playing below.