Next month, two Monster Hunter spinoff games are coming to PlayStation for the first time. Both the original Monster Hunter Stories and its sequel, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, are being ported to PS4 — but why now? We were lucky enough to ask producer Yoshihiro Akira this very question, while also getting the scoop on Monster Hunter Stories as a whole.
To start with, can you tell us about the Monster Hunter Stories games as a whole? What's the goal behind this spinoff series?
Yoshihiro Akira, producer: We started discussing the idea of making a Monster Hunter game aimed at a more casual audience in summer of 2013, and that was what eventually became Monster Hunter Stories, but the gameplay concept itself came later. We wanted a game where existing MH fans would have a satisfying experience of deepening their experience with the world of MH and liking the monsters in the game even more than before, while also making a new entry point to the series for non-fans and hopefully creating a through-line to the action games.
The idea was that MH players would recommend the game to their friends who hadn't played MH before, as a way to lead them towards also playing the mainline games together. In that sense, the Stories concept was "a tutorial title for the Monster Hunter series”.

Can you tell us anything about the development of the original Stories game? Was it viewed as something of a risk, to branch off from the well-known gameplay of Monster Hunter?
There were definitely lots of risks involved: Stories was the first Monster Hunter title for its director, the game (and its sequel) were a co-production with Marvelous, Inc., we were developing a tie-in anime series, and so on. But we wanted to challenge ourselves to take the MH series in a new direction.
For the first month or so of development, it was hard to get away from the idea that "Monster Hunter = action", so deciding how to design a game where you go on an adventure together with monsters was difficult. Turn-based battles were a good match for what we wanted to achieve, as they don't require complex button inputs and let you smoothly progress through an RPG experience.
It was a process of trial and error to land on the final rock-paper-scissors style battle system, and it was thanks to a fruitful collaboration with Marvelous, Inc. that we were able to create the game the way it turned out.
Obviously the two Stories games are coming to PlayStation for the first time. When and why did you decide to port them over?
The main reason was the great reception and support we saw from players for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin on its release in 2021. Now that Nintendo 3DS digital services and sales have ceased, we wanted to port the original game to give players a way to experience it, whether they played the 3DS version back in the day or got into the series with the sequel and wanted to check out the first game.
To further encourage existing players to revisit the game, we decided to add fully voiced dialogue in Japanese and English as well as a museum mode packed with artwork and music to enjoy.

Would you recommend that players play both Stories games? Or could they jump into Stories 2 without having played the first?
You don't strictly need to play the Stories titles in order, but the sequel does take place four years after the storyline of the first game and has various connections with it, including some returning characters, so I think players will really love getting into the game world and seeing how the characters develop over time.
This is of course even more the case for players who are already Monster Hunter fans, so definitely check out Stories if you haven't already! And if you played the original version of the first game, you will love the addition of fully voided dialogue and museum mode features.
We have to ask, do you have a favourite Stories monster? Are there any monsters that you'd recommend to new players?
My personal favourite Monstie is Khezu. Its, shall we say, "unique" appearance means that it isn't among the most popular monsters, but its technical nature in the Monster Hunter Stories titles means that raising it is a rewarding experience. It can paralyse your opponent and also leech its HP to heal itself, which makes it a reliable choice for new players.
In terms of recommendations for new players, in Monster Hunter Stories, Azuroth, Velocidrome, and Khezu have useful ride actions. Khezu in particular has moves that are useful all the way through the game.
For Monster Hunter Stories 2, we recommend Royal Ludroth, Velocidrome, and Yian Kut-Ku for exploring the game's vast environments. Of course, there are many other unique and strong Monsties in the games, so we encourage players to find and try out as many as possible!

And finally, is there anything that you'd like to say to western Monster Hunter fans?
We are very proud and excited that the port of Monster Hunter Stories to modern platforms and the release of Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin on PlayStation will give many more players in the west a chance to experience this series.
From newly added fully voiced Japanese and English dialogue to the inclusion of previously Japan-exclusive additional content, these new versions are the best way to experience these unique titles, so whether you've played Stories before or are new to the series, we hope you'll take this opportunity to dive into the charming RPG world of Monster Hunter Stories!
Huge thanks to Akira-san for taking the time to answer our questions. Special thanks to Zaid Al-Jubory and the team at Capcom for making this interview possible.
Are you looking forward to the arrival of Monster Hunter Stories and Monster Hunter Stories 2 on PS4? Start planning your team of Monsties in the comments section below.
Comments 19
Uh, money. That's why.
It worked, really.
But it's a mix of things. MHS2 got me into MH and Rise Sunbreak got me into the mainline series.
But the games that came before weren't to my liking. So, i wonder how things will develop.
Either way a MHS3 would be great.
@Nem For the record, we did ask if there are any plans to continue the Stories series, but Capcom sadly couldn't answer.
I was looking forward to it until they made the dumb choice of making the physical release only have Stories 1 on the disc and having 2 as a download code.
played MH Stories 2 on switch.
but my experience was less fun due of performance issues.
will replay it again later on PS after huge discount.
So are they just ps4 with no PS5 SSD enhancement what so ever (instant load times etc) if so i wont bother.
@TripleKing333 I was getting excited until I read your comment. Kind of makes the physical version pointless, unless you only want the first one. Guess I'll wait for a big sale on the psn.
@TheAmbienWalrus According to the box art on various retailers here in the UK, yeah.
Definitely gonna be getting them for the PS for sure, didn’t play much of Stories on 3DS and never got round to playing much of Stories 2 for Switch.
MH Stories 1 is actually an enhanced remaster it’s stated as so in the announcement trailer, Stories 2 is a port.
Probably be July time when I get them for the PS though
@ShogunRok The attempt is appreciated. 👍
@TripleKing333 that sucks. Can't see why it couldn't be all on one disc or just put it on a 2nd. Capcom have been garbage with their physical releases recently, RE4 Gold Edition DLC is a code and the main game isn't even the latest update.
Enjoyed MHS2 on Switch but il be getting the PS4 version of the first game as I never got round to playing it on 3DS and I want the better preforming version. Hopefully this also means if they do make a 3rd game it will come to Playstation day one.
I wish we could get both games physical on PS4 in the US.
No it’s coming to PlayStation for $$$$$$$$
Hoping it has PS5 enhancements (better graphics, faster loading times and 60FPS)
Because of money since MH prints a lot of $$$ and Nintendo exclusivity contract was finished.
Sadly, Capcom doesn't give a fvck about remastered niche titles like God Hand, Haunting Ground, Breath of Fire, Clock Tower, or Viewtiful Joe for PS4 or current gen consoles :/
Does it come bundled together with a discount or buy separately?
@Kidfunkadelic83 @Barry_vV Doubt it'll be enhanced for the 5 - they are PS4 titles, that's all.
Funny in this day and age, isn't it, but the Japanese do seem to like their PS4s.
Load times will be quicker with an SSD but the same could be said for a PS4 (or better, ,a SATA 3 Pro) with an SSD in it.
I think MHS2 and SMTV are the two games that ruined my relationship with my Switch. I think these games are going to be a lot more enjoyable anywhere else.
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