News Articles

Friday27th Jan 2012

  • News It's Muppet Time in LittleBigPlanet 2

    Best headline ever?

    Who's better — Sackboy or Rowlf, the piano playing dog from The Muppets? Of course it's Rowlf. Don't believe us? Watch this video of Rowlf in the new Muppets DLC for LittleBigPlanet 2 and try again. The Muppets pack is out now on PlayStation Network for £4.79/€5.99.

Thursday8th Dec 2011

  • News These Incredible Images Were Made with LittleBigPlanet 2

    And Move too

    You can create almost anything in LittleBigPlanet 2: games, music and even bona fide art. Media Molecule recently held a competition to share the greatest Move artwork with the world, and it resulted in some stunners. The Move Masterpieces competition just ended with the winner, September Girl by natuhito, proudly displayed here. There...

Friday18th Nov 2011

  • News More Move Demos Hit the PlayStation Store

    Get fit for a bit

    With so many Move games out at the moment it's good to see Sony choosing to promote most of them with free demos on the PlayStation Store, a handful of new demos now available to download for free. You can choose to burn some calories with a spot of Move Fitness (908MB), get the family together for some Start the Party: Save the...

Thursday27th Oct 2011

Wednesday21st Sep 2011

  • News Sony Answers LittleBigPlanet 2 Move Questions

    We have the answers

    Now that LittleBigPlanet 2 is fully Moved-up, there's been plenty of questions flying around about exactly what the Move Pack: Rise of the Cakeling adds to the standalone game and how necessary it is. XDev Studio Europe producer Neil McPhillips has taken to the PlayStation Blog to give some answers. The biggest and best news is...

Tuesday20th Sep 2011

  • News Multiple Move Titles Added to Europe Platinum Range

    Prices coming down

    If you're after a cheap Move bargain from Sony's top drawer, you'll be pleased to know the European Platinum range has expanded with four new titles. The newly Move-fitted LittleBigPlanet 2 and superlative shooter Killzone 3 both join the budget range, alongside MotorStorm Apocalypse, which is due to be updated for Move in the...

Tuesday18th Jan 2011

  • Out Today LittleBigPlanet 2 (North America)

    Sackboy returns

    After months of betas, demos, teaser videos and more, Sackboy sequel LittleBigPlanet 2 is finally available to buy in North America. The game contains PlayStation Network title Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves, a two-player co-operative adventure for Move and DualShock 3. Media Molecule originally stated that there would be more Move...

Wednesday12th Jan 2011

  • News A Few UK Bundles for LittleBigPlanet 2, With Love from Sackboy

    Grab a console or Starter Pack

    LittleBigPlanet 2 is on course for a big debut when it reaches PS3 owners later this month, but if you're in the UK and haven't yet got a PlayStation Move Starter Pack – or, more importantly, a PlayStation 3 – there are a few packages on the way to cater for your needs. Game is offering a 320GB PS3 with the game...

Wednesday22nd Dec 2010

Thursday9th Dec 2010

Sunday5th Dec 2010

Wednesday10th Nov 2010

Wednesday3rd Nov 2010

Monday11th Oct 2010

  • News More LittleBigPlanet 2 Beta Invites On the Way Next Week

    Keep your eyes peeled

    If you missed out on the first round of beta invites for LittleBigPlanet 2 then worry not: Sony will be sending out a fresh batch of invitations next week. If you've bought previous downloadable content for the original LittleBigPlanet, are a big community contributor or subscribe to PlayStation Plus, don't take your eyes off...

Tuesday5th Oct 2010

Saturday2nd Oct 2010

  • News LittleBigPlanet 2's Move Support Comes Later via DLC

    Demo taster on the disc, however

    Here's a move that's likely to divide opinion: the recently delayed LittleBigPlanet 2 won't feature full Move support from day one, with implementation for the controller added in later via downloadable content. Media Molecule made the announcement today at Eurogamer EXPO, stating that there would be a sample of the...

Thursday23rd Sep 2010

  • News No LittleBigPlanet 2 Until January Next Year

    Sackboy won’t be in Santa’s sack this Christmas!

    One of the most anticipated upcoming Move-enabled games has to be Media Molecule’s LittleBigPlanet 2 which was due for release in November 2010. It’s all set to build on the excellent LittleBigPlanet from 2008 and add tons of new level-building functionality that will knock your socks off. So...

Monday6th Sep 2010

  • News Cross Your Clothy Fingers for a LittleBigPlanet 2 Beta Invite

    Ready to go this week

    The buzz around LittleBigPlanet 2 has been steadily growing since Media Molecule showed off the first video promising the ability to create entire games in the forthcoming sequel. Some lucky Sackboys and Sackgirls will soon get the chance to try the game for themselves, as Sony is about to send out a round of invitations to the...