Tag: Talking Point - Page 21

  • Talking Point What Are You Playing This Christmas?

    Play another day

    Now that the chaos of Christmas Day is finally over, you can lean into the most enjoyable part of the season: the aftermath. Assuming you’ve done the sensible thing and avoided the Boxing Day sales, you should have the rest of the week to sit back and enjoy some quality time with your PlayStation 3 and Vita. Before we ask what...

  • Talking Point Could 2013 Be the PlayStation 3's Biggest Year Yet?

    On autopilot

    It hasn’t exactly been a banner year for the PlayStation 3. The system’s trundled along, there’s no doubt about that – but from a first-party perspective, the past twelve months have been all about treading water. A quick glance at the console’s upcoming release schedule e

  • Talking Point Should Sony Release Less Exclusive Games?

    Attention seekers

    If variety is the spice of life, then the PlayStation 3 is a particularly posh brand of pepper. Arguably more than any other platform holder over the past five years, Sony has provided its system with a stream of high quality content. From big-budget blockbusters like Heavy Rain and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, to smaller...

  • Talking Point What Went Wrong with PlayStation All-Stars?

    Worse for wear

    PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is an excellent game. It may lack polish in areas – the menus in particular are some of the worst we’ve ever seen – but the core gameplay is superb. Developer SuperBot Entertainment clearly invested a lot of time into making each character’s fighting style unique, and it

  • Talking Point Does the PS4 Need to Do More Than Push Polygons?

    Generation game

    Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime reckons that Sony will need to do more than manufacture cutting edge technology in order to compete with the Wii U. The executive was responding to a query regarding the longevity of the recently released platform once the next generation console eventually arrives. “In the end, our...

  • Talking Point Why Now Is the Right Time for the PlayStation Store Overhaul

    Shopping spree

    “Why now?” commented the chorus of critics following the announcement of Sony’s widely publicised PlayStation Store refresh earlier today. With the next-generation popularly predicted to kick-start in late 2013, the imminent arrival of the new storefront may seem somewhat mistimed – but it could also indicate that the...

  • Talking Point Why Sony Won't Be Too Worried About the Wii U

    Here comes a new challenger

    They’d never admit it, but the upper-executives at Sony Computer Entertainment were no doubt glued to Nintendo’s pre-release Wii U press conferences last week. After a disappointing E3 showing, the competitor pulled out all the stops to convince consumers its latest platform is worth paying attention to – and...

  • Talking Point What Grand Theft Auto Can Learn from Sleeping Dogs

    Chinatown wars

    Grand Theft Auto IV is the undisputed king of the open world crime drama, but it’s not perfect. The game’s vibrant city setting and unorthodox cast set it apart from the genre’s many pretenders, but also help to hide its numerous gameplay flaws. The recently released Sleeping Dogs may not be able to topple its progenitor’s...

  • Talking Point Could Apps Transform Vita's Fortunes?

    Or are they an unnecessary distraction from the console's primary function?

    As much as it pains us to admit it, the PlayStation Vita isn't in the best shape at present. The console is struggling to convince players that it is worth its lofty price point, and rivals such as Nintendo's 3DS and smartphone platforms like iOS and Android are stealing...

  • Talking Point The Trouble with Trophies

    Status symbols

    Love them or loathe them, Trophies have become an important part of the PlayStation experience. Introduced in mid-2008 to muted fanfare, the digital trinkets have bloated in popularity over the past four years, promoting dedicated online communities and even minor gaming celebrities. But while the rewards look certain to play a...

  • Talking Point Sony's Gaikai Acquisition Hints at a Bright Future

    Blue sky thinking

    One recurring criticism has noticeably been fired at Sony throughout the entire span of this console generation; that the Japanese manufacturer has forgotten how to lead. The once thoughtful electronics giant responsible for innovations such as the Walkman and PlayStation has arguably spent too long in its competitor’s shadows...

  • Talking Point E3 2012 is Vital for Vita

    Let the games begin

    This time last year, PS Vita was known as NGP and everyone on the web was buzzing. Here we are on the verge of E3 2012, and Vita needs another big show to ignite its sales for the rest of the year. We've already talked about what we expect from Sony at E3, and while PS3 will have some great games on display — everyone is...

  • Talking Point Why 2012 is PS3's Most Mainstream Year Yet

    Moving in a new direction

    Subtract the upcoming God of War: Ascension and The Last of Us from the equation, and 2012 is looking like PS3’s most mainstream year yet. Sure, the likes of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale have crossover appeal (they are evidently designed with nostalgia in mind) but

  • Feature Understanding the Niche - Ninja Gaiden III

    Cutting deeper for a better understanding

    Ninja Gaiden III recently sliced its way to store shelves with much hype and anticipation from long-time fans, but developer Team Ninja’s hopes to release a Ninja Gaiden title with mass market appeal unintentionally cut right through the hearts of its core fanbase that’s supported the studio for nearly a...

  • Feature Why We're Excited About PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

    Playing favourites

    The existence of a mascot mash-up featuring characters from the PlayStation universe was always going to be controversial. Let's not be coy about it: this is a concept that Nintendo's already perfected across numerous iterations of the Super Smash Bros. series. Add to that the simple fact that characters such as Sweet Tooth and...

  • Talking Point Does Vita Really Need Online Multiplayer Games?


    Online multiplayer has become a key component of gaming over the past ten years. Social platforms such as PlayStation Network have paved the way for connected experiences impossible on systems of old, and driven emerging brands such as Call of Duty to the top of the charts. And yet, while those experiences have thrived on static platforms...

  • Feature Should Games Find Inspiration in Television?

    Suitable for broadcast

    The video game industry has been infatuated with cinema for years. The obsession stretches back to the late 1980s, if not earlier. Titles like Prince of Persia scattered cinematic setpieces throughout: leaps of faith into nothingness, climactic battles upon crumbling bridges. There was delight when SEGA's Mega CD allowed the...

  • Talking Point What Has Sony Learnt for Vita's Launch?

    Alright on launch night?

    The last time Sony launched a console, it didn’t quite go as swimmingly as desired. Now more than ever, with overall company losses of €2.2bn predicted for the latest financial year and a recent downgrading of its credit rating from financial agency Standards & Poor to BBB+, the Tokyo-based company needs to pull...

  • Talking Point Do We Need PlayStation 4 Yet?

    The future is... when?

    Recently we looked at The Future of PlayStation, and if there's one topic constantly hammering itself to the top of news sites it's which new home consoles might appear at the 2012 E3 Expo. We know that a new console from Microsoft is a possibility and Nintendo’s Wii U is a definite, but Sony has previously stated many times...

  • Talking Point Your PlayStation Vita First Edition Bundles

    Welcome to the family!

    PlayStation Vita's First Edition Bundle just hit North America yesterday, and loads of you have been out getting your hands on them early and telling us about it. Followers of the Push Square Twitter have been sending us photos of their purchases, and we wanted to show off some of your day one swag. Without further ado, here's...

  • Talking Point Sony's Bold Move with Vita First Edition Bundle

    Genius or madness?

    Today's a big day: Sony’s latest plunge into handheld gaming, the technologically brilliant Vita, is out now. Well, sort of. It’s available in the U.S. and Canada for those who pre-ordered the First Edition Bundle, only available from selected retailers. For gamers who are keen enough, and willing to pay a premium price, they...

  • Talking Point Could Vita's Delay Have Beneficial Results?

    Part three: The Plus Points

    We’ve been discussing Vita’s delay here at VitaGamr with our previous Talking Points: Why PlayStation Push Vita to 2012? and How Much Will Missing Christmas Hurt Vita? articles, but there's another side of this debate: could there be any benefits to Vita being delayed to 2012? It’s quite obvious that Vita will miss...

  • Talking Point How Much Will Missing Christmas Hurt Vita?

    Part two: The Risk

    To say that Nintendo has pretty much dominated the portable gaming market for the better part of two decades would be a bit of an understatement. Its Game Boy line of systems sold millions upon millions of units, and Nintendo DS became the best-selling portable console of all time. So it would be easy to assume that the follow-up...

  • Talking Point Will Sony Move Gamers Again at E3 2011?

    Crystal balls on stun

    Sony’s E3 presentation is less than three weeks away, and even though PSN is coming back online the looming issues still weigh heavy on gamers' minds, and the company definitely needs to pull out all the stops at E3 to regain its lost momentum. PlayStation Move’s first eight months on the market have proven successful and...

  • Talking Point The Impact of the PlayStation Network Disaster

    Where do we go from here?

    The recent attack on PlayStation Network has made headlines around the world, even reaching the US Senate as players, analysts and politicians come to terms with what has happened. Here's a quick recap: Sunday 17th April to Tuesday 19th April PlayStation Network is the victim of an "illegal and unauthorised...

  • Talking Point Should Move Controls Become the FPS Standard?

    Can you go back to twin sticks?

    There's been plenty of praise given to Killzone 3's PlayStation Move controls: precise and engaging, they help to take Guerilla Games' sci-fi shooter into the upper reaches of PlayStation 3 titles. Having spent major time with both control methods here at Movemodo, there's no doubt which scheme has the upper hand when...

  • News Sony's Next Generation Portable is PlayStation Move On the Go

    Machine contains identical motion sensors

    Sony's Next Generation Portable (NGP) is the successor to PlayStation Portable, and with an impressive feature set including a quad-core processor, 5" OLED screen and games including Uncharted, Killzone, Call of Duty and more. Unveiled in Japan this morning, it's already ignited the gaming media with...

  • Talking Point The Games You Want Patched for Move

    Have your say

    Sony's Peter Seybold recently hinted that more PS3 games may get Move-enabling patches, something that naturally got us thinking: what would you want to see updated for Move? Here's just a couple of our choices. Modnation Racers: The cutesy creative racer is a great demonstration of what PlayStation Network can do, but we can't help...

  • Talking Point Why PlayStation Move Needs Uncharted 3

    Naughty Dog holds the controller's future

    Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is real, announced by Sony for a release in 2011, most likely around Christmas time. Playable in stereoscopic 3D, its duck-and-cover gunplay would be a perfect fit for PlayStation Move yet the announcement makes no mention of Move support. It's Got Form: Forget the huge number...

  • Talking Point What Improvements Would You Make to Move?

    Imagine Sony's listening...

    Capcom's boss David Reeves recently spoke about an evolved Move for PlayStation 4, which got us thinking: what improvements would you like to see in the Move? Here's a few ideas off the top of our glowing blue heads. Improved PlayStation Eye: The Move itself may be a nifty piece of kit, but the PlayStation Eye camera...

  • Features Move's First Month

    What do we make of it?

    On September 17th, PlayStation Move launched across Europe with a fairly wide range of titles: EyePet: Move Edition showed the controller's cute side, but Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition catered to core gamers too. Now we've had a month in Move's company, it's a good time to take stock of the controller's impact and its future...

  • Talking Point Can Move Conquer Kinect in the Long Run?

    Who will emerge on top of the HD motion wars?

    PlayStation Move has been around for a week now and, if user feedback and technological reviews are anything to go by, has impressed a great deal of people with its versatility and accuracy, if perhaps not its software line-up. The response from the majority of users is the fidelity of motion is far in...