A sequel to The Darkside Detective, which first released on Steam back in 2017, The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark is bringing its supernatural investigations to both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 next week, on the 15th April. The game's a combination of point-and-click adventuring, light puzzle solving, and dumb jokes.
Here's a rather comical rundown from developer Spooky Doorway:
- 6 unique cases, the likes of which you’ve never seen before (not a guarantee)
- Uses both pointing and clicking technology
- Music from Thomas O'Boyle, a totally-living composer, definitely not undead
- Photo-Realistic* Pixel Rendering (*Depends on your definition of photo-realism)
- 1 mail-in rebate per customer on exorcism services for hauntings resulting from play
- A brief recap of the events of "The Darkside Detective" for anyone who hasn't played it and doesn't want to
The first game was very well received when it launched a few years back, so we've got reasonably high hopes for this follow-up. Will you be dusting off your trench coat and cracking cases next week? Track down some answers in the comments section below.
Comments 6
I played this on pc a few years ago. It's cute. But that's mostly it.
its on the store to buy now
Played the first game on switch and really enjoyed the humour
First one was good. Its the kind of relaxing game thats perfect to play for a level or 2 just before bed.
This is a little confusing but it appears that they've just released the first game on PS4 today with the follow up (A Fumble in the Dark) to be released on 15th April. Might consider both if they can bundle them together. Looks like a more comical version of The Last Door so I'm certainly interested.
This looks great!
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