Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood is right around the corner. Coming to both PlayStation 5 and PS4 on 4th February, this action game lets you take on evil corporation Endron as man or beast. You can see how that all plays out in this new gameplay trailer.
As the video highlights, you'll be able to take on three forms. Lupus appears to be a stealthy canine form, all about sneaking through vents and performing quiet takedowns. Homid is a human form that allows you to make use of weapons, interact with machines, and hack various tech. Finally, Crinos appears to be a super powerful beast form in which you can let loose on all those pesky guards. We imagine a big part of the gameplay will involve swapping between these to suit the situation.
While not the most visually impressive game we've ever seen, it looks like it could be pretty fun. Werewolf is a matter of days away — will you be playing? What are your thoughts on this new trailer? Answer the call of the moon in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 19
Saw a few trailers for this yesterday, and I'm psyched! World of Darkness, werewolf, looks fun.
I actually think this looks kinda interesting. Obviously it's quite low budget, but could be fun!
I won't pay full price for it, but I'll absolutely pick it up one day.
I used to love playing the Werewolf role playing game back in high school over 20 years ago!
This is the kind of game I want on Plus. Probably wouldn't buy myself, but would totally give it a shot.
Man those are the most yawn inducing environments ever lol. Like some generic C ps3 shooter
I was interested in this game so I preordered the champion of Gaia edition but I have requested to cancel my preorder today because i was put off by what people have been saying about it, but now i honestly I don't know if that was the right thing to do or not!
Im so confused! 😔😕
So this is where Prototype went off too lol.....I kid but it definitely gives those vibes
Looks like Vampyr with werewolves (gameplay and budget-wise), which is not such a bad thing... Interested to see how reviews and player experience pans out...
think i need to lower my expectations of new PS5 games, i was expecting PS5 to bring much more realism especially regarding the stupidity of enemies and AI in general. guess i need to shut up and just look at my teary face in a ray traced puddle
@Wheresmedaps @Darten
You both need to chill
we have no real clue of how good or bad the game may be, we only seen selected bits and there are no reviews yet!
Were very early into the ps5, life cycle as developers become more use to it expect improvements
@Pditty1980 i hope so, i think my expectations were so high ( obviously my fault ) really hoping to be blown away this year..fingers crossed!
u should try Spiderman Reloaded and Miles Morales Spiderman they are seriously excellent games
This is the worst name for a game in the world.
@Pditty1980 I have miles..just need to prize my son's hands of it to put in the ps5😂
its called it because its based on the Werewolf: The Apocalypse tabletop role-playing game
Do what you need to (within reason) to gain control of the PS5 to play it! LoL
Also do get the remaster of the 2018 Spiderman game (which includes all that games DLC's), it so excellent, i cant recommend it enough and its much much longer than Miles Morales Spiderman (which is also a great game & uses the power of the PS5 to great effect)!
Looks janky as hell.
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