Sony had promised a refresh for the PlayStation Store holiday sale later this week, but that slate of PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 price drops actually appear to have arrived two days early. A new batch of deals has been added to the January sale, bringing further discounts to those who managed to get their hands on the Japanese giant's newest console as well as the old one. These deals are live now across both Europe and the US, and will stick around until midnight on 20th January 2021. The original line-up of discounts will stick around until that date too.
For PS5 owners, the refresh, unfortunately, has very slim pickings. The base version of Mortal Kombat 11 goes cheap at just £15.99/$14.99. Meanwhile, the Ultimate Edition of the same game can be picked up for £34.99/$41.99. Then there is WRC 9 for £24.99/$24.99. And that's your lot!
PS4 games have been treated much better, however. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, which we reckon has the Best PS5, PS4 Story of 2020, has once again been discounted to £33.49/$29.99. The fantastic A Plague Tale: Innocence is also on offer at £13.49/$14.99, and so too is the recent remaster of Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. That one can be copped for £20.99/$23.99. Mortal Shell is down to £17.49/$22.49, Risk of Rain 2 is £7.99/$9.99, and Yakuza: Kiwami 2 is £9.59/$12.99. To be perfectly honest, it's not the best sale refresh we've ever seen.
As always, you can check out all of the new deals over on PS Prices before they're added to the sale page on the PlayStation Store. Do any of these new PS5, PS4 discounts take your fancy whatsoever? Share your digital haul in the comments below.
[source en.psprices.com]
Comments 27
That's a good price for Mortal Kombat. I just got Ultimate the other day but no regrets tbh, the game is amazing - I was a little on the fence about getting it but glad I did, I'm enjoying it more than I expected.
Will grab Kiwami 2 for £9.49. I very rarely buy digital, but with all the shops shut here in the U.K., and this only being £2.49 more expensive than physical anyway, I’m happy enough with this price. Can’t go wrong with Yakuza. Will be annoyed if it then comes to plus like the first one did though (The first is just £4.79 currently btw!)
I also got FF7 and 8 for just under £16 combined yesterday. Seems £10 is about my limit per game as it’s then around what physical would cost anyway.
PS Plus games are now available. Can’t wait to play Maneater 🦈
Buy 13 Sentiels!
Well that was a misleading headline..'even more PS5 [games!]'. And the two games have already been on sale before. Technically you're right but you made it sound like an influx. Thanks for that, clickbait successful 🙄
Will have a good look later, but trying not to buy anything tbh, need to finish demon souls and Spiderman remaster first, don't want a backlog again this gen. But want to give 13 senitals a try heard good things about it. Also maneater is out on plus for ps5 so want to give it a try too. Only good thing is not much coming out in next few months for ps5 so hopefully clear some of the games.
So still no discount on Sackboy.
Hopefully they'll add more on the 8th though. And hopefully Sackboy is one of them.
Still weird why these few games got added after the actual Sales start and before the actual refresh.
I just bought 13 Sentinels because of this site’s reactions to it.
That's good to hear, I just bought it yesterday on a whim, but waiting to finish AC Valhalla before starting it.
@Icey664 I stumbled upon some of the "Open Series Tournaments" footage on PlayStation YouTube channel and it looked awesome. Problem is I'm definitely never getting to that level so I wasn't sure if it would be as fun if I lacked the skill - but then one day I was like "F**k it. Mortal Kombat". Best decision ever
The tutorial section does a great job of explaining all the game's systems - I needed that since the last MK I actually knew anything about was MK4 lol
Was hoping for a little price reducton on the Deluxe Planet Coaster, but I might pick up Fenyx Rising for £30 over on Shopto instead, seems like a very decent price point
13 Sentinels for me
You all have me looking at 13 Sentinels, which I hadn’t considered buying before. I’ll probably hold off because I have quite a few games on my plate right now, so hopefully it has a drop in price again down the road.
@JAMes-BroWWWn games like Sackboy or Demons Souls most likely won’t see discounts this soon, on top of the fact that they are selling digital deluxe versions - I went ahead and bought both instead of waiting
@JAMes-BroWWWn I’ve been waiting on Sackboy going on sale to play with my daughter but the more time goes by the closer we get to Super Mario 3D World on Switch. That’s something I am more inclined to buy at full price for both of us to play together since Sackboy is basically based off of that idea but I doubt is it is as good as Mario.
@Voltan............. Dude I am broke its no joke, as soon as I have cash the first two game ls I will get is TLOU 2 and MK12 Ultimate.
The game is nothing but pure unadulterated porn beat-em-up. All the beat em ups were a disappointment this generation with Tekken's small roster( NO Lei Wulong is a crime, I want to do drunken master fighting ) and other fighters locked behind paywall, SD being a mess, and Injustice not releasing the potential of the DC Universe licence.
The only beat-em-up that was great is DragonBall Fighterz.
I have not played MK since on the Sega Genesis, but from what I have seen from MK11 gameplay it's just pure fun, I am loving that character who gets his hands overheated(don't know his name), he looks beastly and very aggressive and I like that you can't block or parry him when he overheats his hands.
But its the Hollywood mash up i am liking the most, can't wait to play as Rambo or Robo-Cop
P. S.: Somone needs to urgently do a Robo Cop game or a well crafted Rambo game. Maybe Naughty Dog can try Rambo as their new IP.
If Sony puts MK11 Ultimate on Ps+ I would subscribe to the service in a heartbeat.
SF5, Injustice 1&2, Soul caliber and Tekken 7 were disappointments this past generation, because these game were chasing MTX, Loot boxes and paywalls.
How can Namco release a Tekken without the drunken master Lei Wulong, it'd a crime...
Tempted by A Plague Tale but I found the controls for Vampyr horrible and enough to quit it early on, so will just wait and see if it's offered through plus at some point.
@HUMPERDOO A Plague Tale is wonderful and a very underrated gem. I never had any issues with the controls at all. It's not by the same team as Vampyr (only same publisher) so you have nothing to worry about.
@funkyflounder83 I'd liken Sackboy/LBP and Yoshi games together more than Mario. Crafted World and Wooly World took a lot of inspiration from LBP, I've always felt, but on that same token LBP borrows a lot of ideas from old Yoshi games.
The 2.5D plane added in Sackboy may seem a lot like Mario 3D World, but the gameplay feels much closer to the Yoshi series, and does some things better, IMO. Absolutely one of the best platformers in recent years, but.....so is Mario 3D world.
@2cents I expect Sackboy to hit sales in maybe a month or two. Sony usually discounts early. Demon's Souls is a special case. It's a niche game tied to the console launch. I expect they'll hold the price on that until they can start meeting hardware demand. They want to milk that core console launch audience at full price as long as they can, until they've exhausted that market, because sales will permanently fall off a cliff once they have. Bloodborne ended up as a freebie for a reason, after all. After that core market buys it up, it's not going anywhere.
Picked up Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition for $9.99 😎
I grabbed Train Sim World 2 for $16.49!
@HUMPERDOO 100% agree with @KatamariUK A Plague Tale is a brilliant game. In my top 5 in 2019.
Searched for "Tomb Raider". Rise was listed 10th. TR and Shadow were nowhere to be seen after a minute of scrolling. Oh well, Amazon knows how to sell stuff.
@funkyflounder83 yeah they are similar games. And both games are really well designed to play with ones kids or nephews which I plan to do as well. But they still are different games. And I really want to play Sackboy. If I hadn't some games left in my backlog, I'd given in and bought in full price already.
But I see where you're coming from.
@2cents You might be right but I hope you are wrong though lol.
I got Demon's Souls day along side with Spiderman MM and thought after finishing them including AstroBot and Bugsnax, Sackboy would be discounted but nope still not.
Fortunately, I have 2-3 games from last gen to play otherwise I would get Sackboy for the full price.
@katamariUK Ah, right. Perhaps I will give it a shot, then. Thanks for setting me straight. I'm very much a story guy and I do like the look of its unique setting.
I'm similar, I love fighting games but I suck at them hahaha!
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