I’m pretty average at games. Painfully average. Whenever there’s a leaderboard, I rarely find myself at the top; I rarely find myself at the bottom either. I’m always in the middle. If it’s an online shooter, I’ll never be the MVP, but I’ll find a way to contribute towards my team. In co-op games, I’ll often find myself following the lead of superior players – eager to help out but scared of making a mistake. Heck, even when I’m playing single player campaigns, I usually set the difficulty to Normal. It just feels right for me.
Demon’s Souls is obviously one of the more popular games in the PlayStation 5’s launch lineup, and I know it’s got a lot of people scared. I totally get it. The discourse surrounding this game can be terrifying; you’ve got to “git gud” or go home, and it can be off-putting. Heck, even the marketing campaigns for subsequent titles like Dark Souls put the fear of god into average players like you and I: prepare to die. But what if I don’t want to die? It doesn’t sound like a particularly fun way to relax, does it?
My advice: don’t be deterred! I’m not going to lie to you, Demon’s Souls is a difficult game – but it’s not so hard that you can’t enjoy it. Listen, if I can make progress in this game and have a lot of fun in the process, then so can you. Honestly, I find the discussion around FromSoftware’s titles to be misleading: it’s turning people away, and frankly the experience isn’t quite as hard as you’re being led to believe. It just takes a different mentality; invest, and you’ll be richly rewarded. In this particular example, it’s the best PS5 game.

Here are my tips for enjoying Demon’s Souls even if you’re an average gamer like me:
- The first thing I’d recommend you do is read the resources available to you. Demon’s Souls is over a decade old now, and many of its ambiguous secrets have been blown wide open by fans. There’s nothing to be scared of anymore, you just have to take a little time to digest the information and use it to influence your decisions in the game. Our Demon’s Souls guide is a really great place to start.
- Take the game slowly, as well. This isn’t the type of title that you can just blitz your way through; that’s a recipe for disaster. If you savour it, though, examine every nook and cranny, then you’ll find yourself making slow and steady progress. The moment you start rushing is the moment you’ll hit a wall.
- Don’t be afraid to play in co-op. Summoning other players into your game is a big part of the Demon’s Souls experience, and you’ll find a lot of fans are really eager to help you out and show you the ropes. Not everyone is uber-friendly, of course, but you’d be surprised how welcoming the community is at showing you secrets and helping you to beat bosses. It’s a part of the game, so enjoy it.
- Above all else, just relax. Everyone’s lost souls and everyone’s hit brick walls. The game can lack the direction of more modern releases, but there’s nothing stopping you from setting your own objectives. If your weapon’s not cutting it anymore, then Google one that fits your build and plan a way to acquire it. Do you need to farm some resources? Then find out where best to get them and go there; spend a bit of time stockpiling, and upgrading your level in the process. There’s always something you could be getting on with, so don’t worry if you get stuck – put your time into a different aspect of the title instead, and come back when you're ready.

I’m absolutely loving Demon’s Souls right now, and I think if you’ve been put off by the discussion surrounding it, you definitely could, too! There’s really nothing in this game so impenetrable that an average player can’t overcome it; you just need to have the right mentality going in. Don’t miss out on PS5’s best game because you think you won’t be able to make progress in it; you may end up surprising yourself in the end!
Are you planning to give Demon’s Souls a try? Have you been put off by the title’s difficulty, and has this article laid your fears to rest? Give the game a go in the comments section below.
Comments 104
Once the PS5 price drops I'll be getting it.
Everyone make sure to use Fextralife, it’s the best resource for Souls games. Got me through every other game in the series.
Best Christmas present!
Absolutely correct. Im not the best gamer but Ive played every Souls game multiple times through. The secret of Souls games is really just taking your time.
I really hope anyone on the fence heeds this perspective as these games truly do offer something special. I’m also a completely average player and have finished all of these games (except this remake). There is always a way! Great article!
I loved Bloodborne so much along with it's difficulty I went for the plat. That said, I've always wondered how it'd be if difficulty options were totally scrapped from other games and played how the developer intended. Maybe Souls games' difficulty wouldn't be hyped too much if TLOU was set to Grounded by default, GoW was set to GiveMeGoW by default etc etc... I mean I put Titanfall 2 on Master and could never ever finish, then I realized Souls games are actually manageable.
@nessisonett Oh my lord, yes. They have some really poorly written stuff at times but undoubtedly helpful beyond measure.
@nessisonett Can concur! Also been using their site a lot this week!
@get2sammyb Also noticed that despite your self-confessed average gaming skills, you’re destroying us at fantasy football so you’ve got that going for you 😂😂
"Demon's Souls' Difficulty Shouldn't Deter You from Playing PS5's Best Game"
Well but a 80€ price tag surely does
Are these games really that hard, or is it just that so many modern games hold your hand and won't let you fail? I'll find out for myself when I start it tomorrow but I do feel it my be overplayed somewhat
@carlos82 They're legit hard even and most modern games hold your hand too much. That said, I haven't found Demon's Souls to be particularly hard. Dark Souls is the hardest, in my opinion.
@nessisonett Absolutely this! It's got everything you could ever need to know.
@Ambassador_Kong I suspect I'll love it then, I miss the challenge from most games these days
Yh loved it brought bk so many memories of the original game. Although in the soul genre I think its the easiest especially with the right build. Magic and Dex destroys most enemies.
If you start with a class with decent armor and make sure when you level you add endurance to get in plenty of hits, you’ll do well to start. Get some soul arrows once magic opens up, and you’ll be all set. Grind for leveling to build your defense.
@carlos82 Its easier than the Original mate. The Valley of defilement used to give me so much rage but on the Remake you have nice smooth 60fps and you can actually see lol. And the bow is a godsend and way op.
@carlos82 I beat the original, it's a hard game but by no means impossible. Stick with it, learn from your mistakes and don't be afraid to use a guide to help out if needed. It was a fantistic experience when I first played and I am looking forward to playing it again on PS5.
Spot on. These are challenging, but not impossible games. They’re basically NES games at their core and for many modern gamers, this play style is no longer hardwired into them or they never experienced a game without constant checkpoints and tutorials.
I’m a rabid diehard Souls/Bloodborne fan, but I think any gamer can complete these with patience and learning from your mistakes.
So glad demon soul's difficulty didn't deter me from playing Astro's Playroom
I beat demon souls on ps3 5 years ago.and the ps5 version is pretty good. Shout out to Ellsworth004 on pushsquare .the only person i know thats like me who play really hard games.its no issues for me im used to play them since the 1980s.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word up son
@TG16_IS_BAE That’s overrated. You need defense so you can take more than one or two hits from even weak enemies. You start with good armor and build endurance. That’s actually easy mode. You can add the magic later for ranged attacks.
I'd add: don't be afraid to start over if your character build isn't working. You'll get back to where you were in no time with a better fighter.
I set myself back massively the first time I played Demon's Souls. My initial character was terrible, took me three weeks to realise that starting over was the way forward
@playstation1995 word up son.
@Gremio108 Agreed. Playstyle is everything and can determine which class you play best with.
Getting a PS5 is well harder than this.
@carlos82 Always crank games up to hardest difficulty and sometimes they're still too easy.
Not put off by the difficulty per se, just the "grind" and time required to overcome the challenge. I got the original on import on PS3 when it came out. We'd just had our first child, I tried playing but when I needed to go help, no pause option totally ruined it for me and it ended up on ebay. I'm pretty obsessed with watching DS videos at the moment but I'm just not paying that kind of money without a story mode as my kids still take up most of my time and not being able to pause is a deal breaker ¯(ツ)/¯
The game is qute easy once you figure out you can summon 2 people to help you with difficult bosses like Flamelurker or False king. I’ve completed 90% so far. Just a little bit left in Latria to beat it.
Im recovering from a heavier than mild dose of Coronavirus, so fear be damned 🙂
I've never played a souls game, but i picked this up at launch, and its waiting for me when i am able to play games again. I'm just going to go for it and hope for the best
Agree that there is no shame in searching online for help. With Bloodborne I had no qualms with watching YouTube videos of boss fights to get tips and to give yourself confidence that it can be beaten.
If I could get a PS5, I think I’d make this my next FromSoft game.
@ApostateMage LOL Brilliant 😂
Great article, it's not "put in an easy mode" like a lot of others.
It’s not that it’s hard, it’s that it doesn’t respect my time. Trial and error is not a fun way to learn a game when you can play for perhaps an hour a night, not to mention no save anywhere and having to make your way to your corpse if you die.
Would have loved it as a kid, and might try again when I retire.
Souls games are one of the only games that I genuinely feel elated when I beat a boss. Most games you die one or twice to figure out the gimmick and win. Souls games make your heart race and want to jump off the sofa when you win! Surely that is what gaming is meant to be about
People make way too much of the difficulty of FROM action RPGs.
Sure, they don’t hold your hand and you need some patience but you can play them in various different ways, some of which are easier than others.
It’s very rewarding when you finally beat a boss or an area.
I think it’s worth repeating that you need some patience for these games. Something many gamers lack.
I've never played a Souls game before this one and so far it's mainly the armor spider that's been giving me a hard time. I've been stuck there for a couple of days now. After a while I get bored and go back to plaything something else, but I'm determined to kill that d*** thing 😆
You have to grind, grind, and grind some more. The hardest part is the beginning, you cant start upgrading until you beat the 1st boss
1st Souls game for me aside from couple hours playing Bloodborne & I’m hooked!! Looking forward to checking out Sekiro and others after this
@Rob_230 Hope you get well soon mate!
Thoroughly enjoying my time with Demon's Souls. Thought it started out easily enough and then thought it got incredibly hard, until I was advised to try other areas first before finishing one, which worked wonders.
I've only played a couple soulsborne games (og darksouls and bloodborne). The difficulty never deterred me, but the constantly being lost and genuine time wasting (5 minutes from running from the nearest checkpoint to attempt the boss at least 10-15 times till you beat it) is what typically deters me. I much preferred the original Nioh in the respect that it was individual levels broken up. Has the exploration of a souls game but broken into several different maps.
Hi there fellow gamers. That´s a really good article @get2sammyb.
And you are totally right. The thing is, people don´t need to be amazing at games to play, beat and enjoy souls-like games.
But they do need to enjoy challenge and have some(sometimes a lot) of patience.
Take things slow, learn how the games work, learn enemies and Boss patterns, see wich kind of weapons work best for you.
Understand wich kind of build you would like to use or create for yourself.
Explore all the levels for valuable loot, everything that can help you on your jorney.
And the most important thing: don´t be afraid to lose.
Losing, as strange as it may seem, it is a big part of this game.
In a way, it is how you will learn to play.
Because the game will make you "get gud".
And once the game "clicks" with you...... It´s an amzing feeling. Trust me on this.
Cheers, stay safe and happy next gen gaming to us all
@thefourfoldroot The game auto saves on a regular basis. If you quit the game and go back to it later, you will be right where you last left it. And you don't have to go back to your blood stain when you die, only if you want to pick up your souls. Which you don't need to do everytime, it depends on how many you have lost.
Imo Demon's Souls is a great start point for Soulsborne. It's the easiest game in the series personally.
I ended up restarting as royalty class, now role playing as a disillusioned student of Hogwart's & having a jolly old time. Just slapping everyone with magic is awesome haha
As much as it can drag you down, it's just too hard to get this game out of your head once you begin!
It’s not so hard, and any of the frustrating parts are more than balanced by the feeling of accomplishment. I’m not playing online, I’ve never really made an effort to understand how it works frankly. I do a bit of extra grinding if I’m stuck on a boss. I like grinding though, always have.
Fair points I’m guessing, but I can’t exactly die 5 times on a boss then come back several days later without essentially having to learn everything over again. I don’t do trial and error and memorising patterns these days; if my reflexes, forward planning and / or ingenuity can’t get me through I’m not interested. And it’s a no on losing everything when I die, so I’d have to go collect my stuff or that entire run would be a waste of my life. Just my feelings. Thanks for the details though.
@thefourfoldroot I think, with the Souls thing, you just have to let them go. Okay, so you lost 10,000 Souls. You'll earn double that next time. It's all good.
It's weird because most games have forced us to think differently. We see it as a loss. But I just try to change my mentality when I'm playing one of these games.
The problem I have is it just isn't fun. Its not hard, it's just you need to have memory or a guide to get you through a lot of it. I don't want to have to stop and read a guide or die a bunch as I build the memory of what I need to do. I'd rather play a game that I can enjoy without so much stress.
I get it though. You guys love it. It's not for everyone. It's beautiful, its dark, its cool, I love everything about it except....the game design sucks in my opinion. I wish people would stop saying its hard though, because it isn't really. It was designed around you dying a lot to build up memory.
@ILikeStake I feel it's more patience than memory, because honestly I've cleared a lot of sections on my first attempt. I know for certain if I'd have rushed them rather than edging through them, though, I'd have been mincemeat.
Sekiro really was memory as you had no real flexibility on your build, and the bosses were often beyond simply having good reactions. But other Souls games nicely mix memory with patience and customisation I think. I don’t really use guides though, I think I have looked up 2 or 3 small things so far.
@get2sammyb Most of the bosses I fought (I played Demons Souls at the original launch so it was a loooong time ago) were memory. I didn't finish the game because of what I said earlier. I remember there being some cheap sh*t too where a skeleton would be hiding around a corner. No way to know without experiencing it and dying or getting half your hp dropped. Death and memory are inherent to the design of the game, its just not for me, but I'm happy they're out there for others that love them.
@doctommaso It's the widely accepted easy mode. Armor is no good, especially for beginners. Mobility over defense, always.
I'm not sure what this resistance is to the idea that some people just suck at video games. Sure they'll get a little better with years of practice but ultimately they'll never "git gud." Best thing developers can do, if they still want people to buy their hard games, is add a difficulty setting. And contrary to popular belief, no masochistic die-harder loses any honor because of it.
Yeah, I will be enjoying the game (next year lol) by not rushing it to the end, but to just play it normally. I'll have more fun if I'm not focused on finishing the game I think.
I often see people say that magic is overpowered and to play as a magician if it's your first time playing. I strongly disagree. You'll run out of mana and die in just a few hits.
If you're new I recommend being a knight and pumping stats into vitality, endurance, and strength. You'll have more life, more stamina, better armor, and hit harder. In order words, all of the things that will help you if you are new to games like this.
By the way, the levels are designed to be played 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, etc. The farther into each level you go, the harder it is.
How about a demo or something? I played BB and sucked large at it I was so bad I couldn't make it past the two wolves on the bridge.
This remake looks beautifully re-done and I want to play it, but not at the risk of sucking and dying over and over and over and over again like I did in BB. Demo?
@rumple1980 No demo man, just buy it used from a Gamestop if you can so you have an option to return.
What's more difficult, this or Bloodborne? I've completed BB.
@TG16_IS_BAE Disagree. I played it my first time as Royalty and was practically getting one-shotted by the very first enemies in 1-1. Switched to Priest and 1-1 was almost a cakewalk. My daughter also found Knight a lot easier. Strength, endurance, and vitality are easy mode. Good armor helps tons too. I know some say Royalty is easy mode but there are others who agree with me (just see above me for one example).
@nessisonett i agree fextralife is great for souls games and any souls-like games. Good shout out, i use their guides for alot of games.
@ellsworth004 A very good site. I prefer the layout of wikidot but can't go wrong with fextra.
@Rob_230 Get well soon🤗😃
I have tried the Souls games a number of times over the past few years. I really never got on with them at all and never made it past the first areas, to the point where I really hated the experience. I recently decided to persevere with Dark Souls Remastered on the Switch and it just clicked. Once the systems fall into place and you understand the rhythms of the combat, it becomes very satisfying. The loops become enjoyable, rather than a chore. The reliance on the player learning and recalling are what make the game so good - it absolutely wants you to master it and the game is designed perfectly to encourage this, once, of course, you fall into its rhythm.
One question for those with experience of Demon’s Souls, is the map designed in a similar way to Dark Souls, with shortcuts and interlinking areas? I hear DS2 is more linear and I feel that the map design is what makes DS1 so enjoyable. It’s possible to take on different challenges with ease so it never becomes stale - if something is proving too hard you can easily go and visit another area, take on another mini-boss or just farm.
Getting humped by Flamelurker at the moment. Was so close a couple of times and he just slammed me. Same as my time with PS3.
I wish summoning was a bit easier like Bloodborne. If I just had to ring a bell that would be fantastic. I can't seem to work out how to summon someone to help me with a boss in Demon's Souls. Can never see any markers on the ground. The joy of playing in Australia.
I'm a totally leisure gamer but demon souls has really grabbed me, once you learn to slow down and treat is as you are actually that character walking through the cave as your life depended on it..you would take it easy with your shield up! The tension is awesome as you progress through the level and inch that bit closer.. certainly no harm in researching each boss before being thrown in and dying within seconds 😭
@hondo Are you human? Can't summon unless you are.
I'm still playing Nioh and enjoying the hell out of it. Really had fun in Bloodborne as well. These kind of games are truly special, as is the price tag for this game. So I'll wait a bit for it to drop, play some of my backlog and then get on board!
This article makes a great point. I'd always been put off the Souls game because of their reputation - I'd built up this image of dying multiple times to every enemy encountered and it being a total slog the whole time. Watching the first few hours of Demon's Souls being played on YouTube has completely changed my perception, it looks beautiful and the combat against common enemies looks fluid, fun and manageable (bosses...not so much). I may well hit a brick wall but looking forward to giving it a go soon.
@L3GTRIGA @ShaiHulud Thank you both!
The difficulty is a bit overstated. Its why I picked my username actually! Even as a middle-aged dad gamer who before ps4 generation was a relatively casual gamer, I beat bloodborne and ds3 spamming the old r1 with a quality build. It can be done! I cant wait for Christmas to play this
I’m a first time Demon Souls (or any souls) player and thought long and hard before buying.
In all honesty I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Yes it’s hard and progress can be slow but I have definitely progressed my character.
I have been farming the skeletons on world 4-1 to level my character up even more.
One thing I am having trouble with though is the bosses.
I have tried maybe 20 times to beat the armoured spider and although once I got it down to half health I haven’t got close since.
Anyone have any tips for boss fights?
"Everyone's hit brick walls"... never more true than in a souls game, when you never know which wall might be an illusion, after all!
Better hit every wall, as far as I'm concerned
@oldschool1987 I'd say the first soulsborne game you play is the most difficult. There's not much in between them in my experience, although I haven't played Sekiro yet.
My first time in a souls game and I don't think it should put people off, yes I've died a good amount, but I'm taking it slow and learning.. and loving every minute. Just need to read the game well and take your time. Plus, be a mage and that will definitely help you get started.
I'm with @zupertramp on this. Different people have different natural skill levels and different time commitments. So while it's always possible to improve your own skill, it's not a universal thing, and just as I'll never play in MLG style tournaments, there are those who won't ever be able to compete with me on my level.
And that's all OK.
Adding in difficulty settings allows me to whack certain genres up to max, and lower others. Allowing gamers to choose their difficulty is just the best way to account for the variety of gamers.
@Hurblyburbly stick to the left wall and use magic. If you think this one is tough, wait for the flamelurker. Im stuck at the moment...
I'd always given this game a wide berth on PS3 because it was my understanding when you die, you die, and you have to start over; is that correct?
If so, I'll still give it a miss. I swear enough when some twonk goes around the track backwards on Wreckfest. I'm not raising my blood pressure playing this.
Cheers for the tip. I’ll give it a try.
I’ve tried to steer clear of seeing any spoilers about the game so don’t think I’ve seen the boss you’re talking about but sounds like a nightmare!
@doctommaso Cool blog post bro
All I can remember is trying out Dark SOuls 1 and giving up pretty fast...
I did recently try out Bloodborne but got bored with the character designs/old Victorian look.
@doctommaso i dont think ive ever heard of wikidot. Ill check it out thanks for info. I also like gamepressure and neoseeker. I dont much care for ign. Their site just seems so slow sometimes.
I didnt find any of the dark souls games that hard. Ive never played demons souls. Now sekiro thats a different story, imo that is from softs hardest game by far. I like sekiro alot, was surprised it got goty awards because of the difficulty. I figured that would turn alot of people off.
Only souls game I've played is Bloodborne. And I think it took me damn near 30 hours to get past the first bit in Yarnham. I just couldn't get it. And I don't care what anyone says, some of these scenes in these games are CHEAP (being able to be hit through walls, enemies waiting behind doors etc).
However, after trying, and trying (and trying...) I eventually read a basic set up for beginners and eventually managed to get past the first bit. I got to Cleric Beast and got battered, but beat him on my 2nd try. I then got to Father G and beat HIM on my 2nd attempt too (music box). But the Blood starved Beast absolutely flattened me into the ground. After 10x (and losing all my supplies that I'd farmed) I finally beat him too. I managed to get through about 6 bosses (I know I did Rom, Paarl, the witch and the shadows) I think, and then I got lost and couldn't remember where I was heading, so I never went back to it. It didn't click with me as much as it does with seemingly everyone else, I don't think it's as amazing as others, but it is satisfying when the system finally does click and and you can make progress. I assume DS is much the same.
hi everyone!
I need some advice with the Maneater boss. Once i managed to kill the first then gone halfway through with the second one it suddenly fell off the bridge and disappeared. I was waiting for 10 minutes or so but didn't come back. It happened twice then i gave up. Does anyone has the same experience or just me?
Demon's Souls was not so hard, Dark Souls is way harder.
Unpopular opinion: Souls games should have difficulty options, including easy. Veterans can play as they always have and less experienced players can get right on it. Everybody wins. If it bothers you how other people play their games, you're an elitist, and elitists suck.
@Hurblyburbly yeah avoid all spoilers mate, I'm trying to go in blind too. It don't get any easier... Haha
@Woogy yeah pretty much mate, it's in 4 stages, you go back to the beginning on that stage your on. Tbh, they arnt actually very long.. some stages can take you around 5 mins to get through as you can unlock shortcuts.
@ShaiHulud appreciate the reply. I'll definitely try it out on a price drop.
@willi3su Patience is the skill you have to master. Once you defeat Gael you know is because you got better, the fabled git gud attitude. Then you play Sekiro and get your ass handed to you by a poo-throwing ape.
I'm not a fan of Souls games but see the allure. Arduous with big kicks to the nuts when you die and have to trek miles to pick up your old gear. The euphoria of beating a boss doesn't mitigate the frustration of getting killed and losing all your stuff. A few games have gone down this path, Hollow Knight in particular is a good example. It's brilliant until you lose 800 in game credits trying to get back to your body.
They review well which is understandable. And for many the win after a struggle is massive. But for me the payoff isn't worth the time investment. The good thing is that these games have an audience and a developer keen to make them. I think that's a win for everyone.
I love all the soulsborne games..not so much dark souls 2 as it just didnt feel right..loved dark souls 3 and i loved sekiro right up untill mr ***** flinging gorilla showed up and ruined it for me..still cant beat that filthy *****..
@Hurblyburbly You can cheese the Spider with a bow from just outside the range of his triple-fireball attack. You'll still have to avoid his single fireball attacks but you get plenty of time to see those coming
So far the Maneaters have been the hardest boss for me. Took me about 5 tries yesterday. Admittedly they were bugged (got it on video with the instant recording the PS5 does) but still it’s a harder fight than I remember from the original.
Nice one. I will give it a go mate
@TG16_IS_BAE Thanks!
@ScottyG Ha I had the worst time with them on the original — way more than five tries. I must have been knocked off the bridge at least that many times, for starters...
Don’t you lose everything you’ve collected if you die since your last checkpoint and it can be tough to get to that next checkpoint? Because I think that would really get annoying!
@get2sammyb Hi newcomer here - long time gamer. So is it that these games are hard or is it that when you die, and you frequently will, all enemies previously killed re spawn.? and since the checkpoints are far and few in between, you replay the same sections several times.
@Alpine021 Yes. And that goes to my point. Is not that the game difficulty is hard, is that the developers have chosen to respawn all the enemies you've already killed if, and when, you die. This means you will replay the same sections several times while you learn NOT to die. So really the hard difficulty just means "more patience" needed than your average game.
Ok so slightly annoying but not too bad. I don’t think I can let this game pass me buy as it looks too damn good so I’ll jump in at some point.
@thefourfoldroot I often disagree with you, but you got my problem with everything From makes pretty spot on here. It's not even merely not respecting ones time, it's that it actively disrespects it. I don't mind a difficulty wall in a game to keep retrying to surpass it. But when it keeps rewinding everything you've done over and over as a result it moves into "frustrating time waster" instead of "challenging game." Even Nioh, which I have more fun with than the From games, has that same problem of grinding and rewinding over and over and over for nothing.
It worked in the NES era because we had like 6 games total and they had to last endlessly. Today with so many games to play, many with much more interesting narratives, why waste dozens of hours redoing the same thing over and over and over for the simple reward of....moving to the next thing to do over and over and over again? Save anywhere was the best thing to happen to gaming - you could save before the challenge and keep retrying that challenge rather than redoing everything leading up to it until you can't stand it any more. I think I could much more enjoy the "difficulty" of the game if I could keep retrying the difficult thing right away rather than rewinding half an hour of careful progress every attempt.
I REALLY want this game....but I am pretty new to console gaming (PC background). My controller skills really are armature at best. Would I still be able to play this?
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