Demon’s Souls, arguably the flagship PlayStation 5 launch game, looks extraordinary running on Sony’s next-gen system – but how does it compare to the original PlayStation 3 game? Well, as you probably may imagine, the delta between the two versions is extraordinary, with Bluepoint’s remake bursting with additional detail and atmosphere.
There’s an entirely new lighting system, loading times have been reduced more than ten times, and the developer has even added new animations to the original to give it a fluidity that it lacked at launch. Perhaps most importantly at all, the game’s running at 60 frames-per-second on PS5, while the PS3 version struggles to maintain 30 frames-per-second.
It’s an extraordinary improvement to one of PlayStation’s most iconic games.
Comments 21
This is one of the main reasons I’m excited for ps5. Nostalgia used in the right direction! As long as it actually turns out to look this good, I am very impressed and excited for it
What an insane upgrade in this remake. Definitely the flagship launch game now that it’s one of the few non-crossgen PS5 exclusives. But a big one it is.
If Sony haven’t snatched up Bluepoint at this point, I don’t know what they’re waiting for.
If I don't have this on my tv Christmas morning I will absolutely throw a tantrum.
Demon's Souls went from a game Sony wanted nothing to do with, to a game that's going to anchor their biggest console ever. We've truly come full circle.
I never played the original, so I’m looking forward to this.
Oo this is a nice comparison video
I don't understand the people who have been saying the graphics look bad. Bluepoint games always look fantastic. If Sony are acquiring more studios they should be priority one
The ps3 version still looks good.i beat demon souls last year.the graphics still hold up.the ps5 graphics is amazing .wow.cant wait to play it again.hopefully theres new boss.word up son
My biggest gripe with this game is the difficulty. I struggle with difficult games. Haven’t played any of these ones but bought Bloodborne and really struggled. The massive loading times after each death didn’t help.
Plan is to retry Bloodbourne on PS5 without loading times to see if that helps. If I manage then I might try this one day. It does look brilliant.
I would total get this if:
1. If it had difficulty setting (because I’m terrible at these games)
2. It weren’t $70 (See point 1. I don’t wanna pay $70 to die over and over and get mad)
3. If there was a bundle with Demon’s Souls, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and the console.
This will be a wait for a sale game for me. I’d rather spend my money on SP:MM, Cyberpunk, or CoD:BO:CW. But either way the game looks incredible except for the one part when he stabs the guy on the ground and his sword is out of place. It takes you out of the immersion of everything.
Bluepoint are absolute masters at what they do, it has to be said.
I'm buying this
Mmmmmmmm, those Asylum Demon nipps are getting me moistttt.
Hi there fellow gamers. This is absolutely a DAY ONE purchase for me. Bluepoint are wizards I tell you, absolute wizards.
After their phenomenal work on the amazing Shadow of the Collossus and now with Demon´s Souls, they have earned all the respect and value as it should.
Can´t wait to explore Boletaria again.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
When bloodborne 2? 😐
So excited about this game! Looks perfect
It's a huge upgrade. This would probably be my 1st purchase. But I'm not in a big rush, I'll see where things are at next year.
Already preordered—no screenshots or videos for me thanks. See you all in Boletaria in November 💀
I knew BluePoint would do a good job after their amazing Shadow of the Colossus remake. They're really good at making games pop with sharp 4K clarity and smooth animation. I hope they handle more remakes in the future for Sony franchises.
I'm gonna buy this and then let it sit in my backlog for years lol.
Game looks beautiful but I know how much I'll suck at Souls games.
@Waffles12415 this is my concern. As one of the main offerings at launch, im super tempted. But 70 pounds for a game i might not get on with due to difficulty is quite a risk!
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