Update: Looks like Sony's legal team swiftly sorted this issue out, as the trailer for Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales has returned to the platform holder's official YouTube channel. This is a good excuse for you to watch it again:
Original Story: Well, this is a weird one: Sony’s upload of the Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales trailer which had amassed over 10 million views has been removed from YouTube because of a copyright claim from… French mobile games publisher Gameloft? It’s unclear exactly what the issue appears to be, but we assume it’ll be resolved swiftly given the size of PlayStation’s YouTube channel and the potential consequences this could cause.
For those of you who don’t know, three copyright strikes will result in the wholesale removal of a channel from YouTube’s servers. Copyright strikes can also put a channel in ‘Bad Standing’, restricting its access to features such as livestreaming. We imagine Sony’s legal team will already be on the case, and the trailer will return in the very near future.
Comments 73
Who are Gameloft?
The only connection I can think is Gameloft publishing a Spiderman endless runner years ago. I really can't see what their claim could be as clearly they have nothing to do with the ip
@Danloaded they make awful mobile games
@Danloaded French mobile games publisher.
Didn't they release ultimate spiderman that was an endless runner game and years before that they had the amazing spiderman 1&2 so I imagine it's something to do with those games or the trailers for those games.
There needs to be a legit reason for this, which is why I'll wait for more details before passing judgement instead of pretending I know everything.
This will be fun to watch.
@Danloaded Some small dev company, that made poor java games for first color display cell phones.
I'm not a conspiracy theory type of person but I do get this weird feeling there's something going on with people gunning for Sony at the moment and over the last few months. And you know certain people are going to spin this copyright strike against Sony as "how do you like it Sony? You shouldn't have done this to people leaking TLoU2 spoilers".
I never thought gameloft was a French dev. It sounds so generic, I thought it was one of those Chinese shovelware dev. But France is only good for food, wine and fashion. It sucks for anything related to modern technology, especially cars and electronics.
@djlard @carlos82 @get2sammyb ah so sod all to do with the trailer lol
YouTube's broken copyright claim system working wonders I see.
@Danloaded probably
This is kinda funny in a way. Karma for Sony's abuse of the system in the run up TLOU2
@Menchi Except Sony were doing to prevent spoilers from getting out, whole channels spent weeks doing nothing but talk about it. I think this is a bit different.
@Menchi @Matroska didn't take long.
Karma's a bitch eh!
@AdamNovice While I understand the resons behind the two copyright claims are certainly different... but are you saying that Sony was right to do their DMCA takedowns to stop people talking about the leaks? (I'm really asking, since I don't want to strawman you...)
Bonkers. Gameloft are specialists in shovelware. I dont know what they could take issue with, but im sure it will be resolved soon
Almost certainly a spurious claim, probably looking for a pay out of some infringement they believe they can twist into a payday. It will most likely backfire on them.
I used to feel that people sending those "send this to 10 people or you'll have bad luck" messages was the most annoying thing on the Internet. Now it's people spamming TLoU2 on articles that have absolutely nothing to do with it. Change the record, ya boring!
I find it incredibly amusing that a series that Sony has a lot of control over has been copyright flagged, although I'm sure I read a few years ago that UMG copyright claimed a music video from the official band signed to their label! 😂
@AdamNovice I'm not talking about those ones. That isn't abuse of the system. What IS abuse of the system was Sony taking down videos that mentioned NOTHING of the spoilers or using anything copyrighted by Sony/Naughty Dog. Including them claiming material created and copyrighted by other people. All because they didn't like what people were saying.
@Orpheus79V Wrong. Entirely different situation. Sony were going after people who criticised the game based on official info that Sony published (trailers, interviews, etc) not the leaks/quality of the game. Which is abuse of the system.
Gameloft did Copyright Claim? Tons of their games are just rip-off clones of other IPs
They do have a deal with Marvel for Spiderman Unlimited on mobile (That is complete trash)
Funny how everyone is talking smack about Gameloft like they’ve done something wrong. Sony is the one violating a copyright. There has to be some validity to Gameloft’s claim if a hugely popular video from a massive corporation’s YouTube channel was taken down. If there is an infringement Sony will be forced to do the right thing ($$$) and they can get on with making this game that we’re all looking forward to.
@Menchi Sure, buddy.
@a_winner_is_you Given the number of incorrect copyright strikes issued on a daily basis, plus Gameloft’s known status as (mostly) a rip-off artist of other games, it’s hard for me to believe GameLoft is in the right here.
But hey, you do you.
@a_winner_is_you it's not talking smack. Just go to Gameloft's forums and you'll find topic after topic of Gameloft doing spurious copyright strikes. They're known for it, they're probably worse than Sony with TLoU2. Moral of the story? Big corporations suck and they're not your friend.
Isn’t Gameloft the one who’s trying some dirty underhanded tactics to buy out Ubisoft? I might be wrong but I swear it was Gameloft.
Edit: it was Vivendi who purchased Gameloft and were trying to use it as a foothold to get control of Ubisoft.
On the note of their Spider-Man runner I really enjoyed and went to play a little while ago and the game is completely shut down. I think you can TECHNICALLY still play but there’s no support and with it being a free-to-play in app purchase driven mobile game having no support means it doesn’t work.
Sony copyright striked a few channels on YT only for discussing the leaks. People have the right to discuss them and once they hit the internet it's never gonna be hidden well. So there is irony here because of how sony handled the last of us situation so badly in the first place. Small channels where nearly wiped. Theres no excuse for that
@Bagshot it made me laugh
it was quite a few channels given strikes obviously we only here of the big names and they managed to outright ban accounts for some people for even using memes which are considered fair use, that's what they get using po box shell company MUSO TNT to do their dirty work
@Olmaz Thanks for giving me a chance to explain. If certain Youtubers were actually deliberately spoiling the game (especially showing footage) knowing full well that it was not meant to be seen by the public yet then I think Sony are within their right. But if people were getting videos taken down just because they were talking about it then that's bad form.
@Rhaoulos I believe the brother of yves guilmott runs it? Or I think the family did, but that Chinese company took them over the way they tried to with Ubisoft also
@AdamNovice But how is deliberately spoiling a game something worthy of seeing part of your earnings taken from you? Don't you think that, from the moment the leaks happened, it was fair game to talk about it? They were not the one who caused the leak...
To be clear, I am an enormous Sony fanboy, and I think leakers are ***** (Edit : ahaha, I wasn't expecting the censorship of that word in a post about freedom of expression, what an irony! I am going to leave it like that though...) people that ruin the enjoyment of others, but on that specific case, Sony was, imo, wrong to try and shut people off. The (many!) limitations to freedom of expression that we have in our modern countries do not include "you shall not spoil a game after leaks happened".
@Olmaz I get what your saying but I also understand Sony's position in that they were obviously worried that it would potentially harm sales. Tbh I don't think there was a right way or a wrong way of dealing with it. If they came down hard on all videos it would be seen as censorship and if they did nothing they risked most of the game's key plot moments becoming public knowledge that it could upset sales since a game like this sells itself on it's story.
I am happy Sony took the videos down. Just because the spoiler were already out does not mean it's OK to talk about them. The defense of most of them we just talked about them and did not show videos. I watched a couple videos talking about it but had in the title No Spoilers. They did not get taken down.
Gameloft? I'm sure they only produce mobile games. How very random!
Sony got a taste of their own medicine when it comes to copyright abuse on YouTube. I like it.
@Kelrics90 Oh dear.
@Col_McCafferty we both know the game loft claim is BS same as Sony's DMCA's again creators talking about TLOU memes.
Just laugh. No anger or outrage. Just laughter.
A copyright claim from a company that have made their fortune ripping off countless other games. This shows all that’s wrong with the world 🤦♂️
@Olmaz sorry no. I'm going to put the boot in on this argument.
YouTube and streamers earn a living for mostly low quality content, in this instance focusing on leaks from one of the biggest studios in the world. What about the people's earnings at Naughty Dog, Sony, third party games dealers and legit Games Media who all have to stick by the rules?
The people who made the game and the ecosystem around game development and end user engagement. Solo bill earning dough chatting biscuits about a leak should never come before the livelihoods of thousands of talented developers in their various guises.
But you keep toeing that 'YoUtUbEr' line and thinking its fine or even valid. The game was unreleased it doesn't give Joe Bloggs carte blanch to mitigate legal law or common courtesy biting the hand that feeds them.
I don't know the exact point when the vast majority of people decided that their favourite Youtubers feelings and bank balance became more important than the excitement of playing the biggest current day 1 release for themselves. But whenever that was, it was a bad day.
The trailer is still up on Marvel Entertainment's YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/QXXX9-TrXrg
@themcnoisy "I don't know the exact point when the vast majority of people decided that their favourite Youtubers feelings and bank balance became more important than the excitement of playing the biggest current day 1 release for themselves."
You must have misunderstood me, because it is certainly not the feelings of the "Youtubers" that I care about, and their bank balance is absolutely not my main point (even if it's not to be put aside that quickly imo). My main problem with Sony deciding to abuse Youtube's policy to silence people who were not infringing on Sony's rights, just for PR and financial reasons, and without any real risk of consequences (I mean, who will go against Sony in court) is that it is a limitation to freedom of expression imposed by an abusive corporation for its own gain. Whatever the subject, whether I agree or not with the ones being silenced, I will be against that!
By the way, I specified I thought leakers (and I would add now leechers that used the leaks to promote their own channels) are c*nts, so it's not about thinking they're morally right to do so, it's about not seeing someone punished for saying something that is not illegal.
If corporation can begin to decide what we can tell about their product even when we don't have any contract with them, we're giving amoral entities too much power.
So even if I don't agree with the Youtubers that used the leak to produce content, and even if I personally think everybody should enjoy each game as they want to, I will defend the right of anyone to say anything they want unless it's deemed illegal by our societies.
Also, it's weird that in your rationale, you imply that content you deem "bad" should not get the same right than "good" content, and that your excitement of playing a game should be more important than someone else's feelings and earnings. That's why my take is based on legality and especially the principle of freedom of expression, not on subjective feelings and preferences.
PS : just to be clear, Sony was right to take down Youtube videos containing direct video content from the leak, since it was not a content legally obtained by the Youtuber, but videos just discussing the leak, that's crossing the line...
@JohnKarnes "Just because the spoiler were already out does not mean it's OK to talk about them" Why not? Is it illegal?
@AdamNovice "Sony's position in that they were obviously worried that it would potentially harm sales." How does that give them the right to decide what people can or can't say? They don't have that right, and they managed to do it by abusing a flawed policy of Youtube.
Just to be clear, Sony was right to take down Youtube videos containing direct video content from the leak, since it was not a content legally obtained by the Youtuber, but videos just discussing the leak, even those containing spoilers, that's crossing the line...
@Olmaz I'm not saying it is right, what I'm saying is I can understand why.
I got feeling that good old keyword crawlers are to blame. Basically a lot of companies use automated tools to search the web for their content and likely something triggered it and they fired claim without checking against who. Not to mention Content ID system being bit broken too, like at some point if flagged recording of random TV static as copyright violation... So I am pretty sure some automated tools was at play here. I mean there literally are cases where companies even sent takedown notices for their own websites and trailers, as well as more random stuff, like IMDB page of their own movie.
Anyway, I am pretty sure this will get resolved fairly soon, due to size if Sony. But it really is irony how they in a way got to taste their own medicine, since Sony is known to abuse copyright system. Though unlike victims of Sony's abuse, Sony will get this sorted pretty quickly.
@sabaki08 No there doesn't actually. That's the problem with YouTube copyright "protection" it's often and easily abused. There is also very little you can do to fight these strikes.
Haha this is pretty funny really
Its funny how there is no mention about Sony being on the receiving end of legal notices after it was abusing the rule against small youtubers. Why was this never picked up by anyone?
@get2sammyb what is your view on this?
Gameloft... I haven't heard that name in years.. Man they may be bored to go after Sony. 😆
(Yep.. Their cruddy games are something alright.)
It turns out that companies such as Sony can file a claim on youtube if a third party video is infringing their trade secrets and I stand with Naughty Dog to stop the misleading information about the game and preventing any spoilers to leak.
It is odd that the Spiderman Miles Morales was taken down by Gameloft for copyright infringement on the Playstation channel while Marvel and IGN still have the video.
Gameloft is known for their underhanded tactic so, this might backfire on them and they deserve it.
@Olmaz Generally YouTuber content is low quality - I never inferred it can't be good as that's not true. However it's not on the scale of say a TV series, usually just one or two friends talking into a camera about their feelings on a known quantity.
That's my point. I don't want to get into the whole censorship debate as the reality is a yet to be released game was leaked and people make money from the YouTube commercial enterprise at the expense of the thousands who made the game. It encourages untoward behaviour and the crap we have seen in these very comment sections to benefit the few rather than the many.
"I never inferred it can't be good" I never said you did infer that, what I said was : "you imply that content you deem "bad" should not get the same right than "good" content"
"I don't want to get into the whole censorship debate" Well, the thing is, this is the debate going on now, whether you see it like that or not. When a corporation decides to abuse another corporation's policies to silence people, the debate is not about Youtube's content quality anymore, it's about censorship, freedom of expression, and the power we give to corporations.
You know what's weird, I think in a fundamental way, we do think alike : the content some Youtuber produced after the leaks were a very low quality, insensitive and deprived of what I would call "thoughts about the greater good", and in an ideal world, people wouldn't neither publish nor consume such content. But that does not make these videos illegal, and we should not condone any action from a corporation abusing a system to do something that is beyond what laws deem acceptable.
Corporation are amoral entities with one specific goal : lucrative activity. Giving them the key to what we can or can't say is not a good idea.
@Danloaded They make ripoff Mobile versions of popular games. They're fine....But nothing special. Very basic
@Olmaz Sony abused nothing. They had every right to protect their IP from misinformation and spoilers. If you were in their shoes and it was your company (or a product that you were selling) at stake, you would have done the same. It's easy to criticize companies when it doesn't affect your own income.
@naruball One of us must be extremely mistaken about the legality of spoilers. Do you know of any laws that limits what you can say about a product? Misinformation could be viewed as illegal, but talking about the content of a leak is not misinformation, it is just talking about an information that leaked.
In their place (and I happened to be in a place where some of my professional content was leaked to places it wasn't intended to be, so I know what I'm talking about), I would have gone against the "leakers", of course (and they did), but I have absolutely no right to do anything about people talking about my content when it has leaked. That is the exact reason why leakers are condemned by law, because when they release an information, it becomes fair game!
Would you have taken down all the videos with people talking about and criticizing the viking context of the next Assassin's Creed game before it was revealed, just because it leaked?
Would you have taken down the videos criticizing the romance between Kylo Ren and Rei before The Rise of Skywalker was released?
Leaking a confidential information is illegal, talking about the leak is not. If we do not hold corporations to legal standards, we give them too much power on the way our societies function.
@Olmaz Sony has every right to protect their own intellectual property. Talking about the leak might not be violating the fair use act but it does help spread the leak even more and I think Naughty Dog has legal grounds to implement damage control as necessary
I'm glad Gameloft is protecting their intellectual property.
@BrainHacker What is the legal ground then?
Again :
1-"leaking content" is illegal, since you're making public content acquired illegally or you're in breach of contact
2-"sharing leak content" (in this case, sharing the videos of the leak) is illegal, since again, the content you use is not acquired by legal means
For all these, Sony was legally justified to take action.
3-"talking about content, leaked or not" is not illegal and companies have no right to take any action against that. So we shouldn't give Sony a pass for abusing Youtube's takedown policies to do it .
I am not a master neither in corporate law nor in freedom of expression/press, but what I said is what came up in my research. So if I am wrong, please direct me to where I can learn about it.
@get2sammyb: You sure it got removed? I can still watch it.
Unless you're referring to a different trailer I didn't know about.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHzuHo80U2M
@KidBoruto it was removed over the weekend. It came back online today.
What's with Sony and Copyright claims nowadays? They seem to have one every other week or so.
Really was surprised game loft are still going with how truly awful there games are
YouTube are a joke these days allowing nonsense like this, or indeed allowing developers and major companies to do the same to content creators over seconds of music or video clips
It's not even seconds of copyrighted materials it's memes or just discussing without specifics, the copyright system is so in favour of the person making the strikes with little to no repercussions, content creators simply have to wait out the time period for the person/company making the strikes to provide evidence for the strike, if they don't respond the video is released by YouTube but they also have opportunity to strike the same video again once.released.
I don't think anyone here is arguing discussing the spoilers isnt great or posting any leaked content isnt illegal but the fact of the matter is content creators had strikes against them simply for discussing the TLOU2 in a negative way based on the leaked information no specifics were discussed, no copyright material, not even box art or released art work. You can easily discuss how you think the story sucks without actually saying any specifics of the story.
If Sony/Naughty Dog/MUSO had a leg to stand on those strikes would have been held in place they simply were doing it remove any videos that were discussing the TLOU2 in a not so positive way and also creators discussing strike abuse relating to the leaks which again doesn't paint Naughty Dog in a positive way, they weren't in the right and they knew it which is why they didn't push it further.
'Sony's legal team' I am seeing those words a lot lately Poor SONY it's like there are people out there just searching for any thing to pin on SONY and their PlayStation brand. Hmm I wonder who they could be...
12 million people saw the trailer, all who are happy about this sorry this ain't going to work the trailer did its job already.
@Omaz In the United States, there is a four-part test to determine the qualities of a copyrighted work. They include:
Purpose and Character
Ex: Whether or not the use of the work is being used for commercial purposes
Nature of the copyrighted work
Ex: Whether or not the copyrighted work is being exploited for public benefit
Amount and sustainability of the portion taken
Ex: Whether or not the work in question has, for instance, already been made available to the public
Effect on the use upon the potential market
Ex: Whether or not the copyright holder could potentially lose earnings if the work is shared to the public by another party.
There is always a grey area on copyright laws but monetizing a youtube video that contains a plot twist that would diminish the value of a copyrighted work is in my opinion - enough grounds for Naughty Dog to take down those videos.
It is debatable but you can submit a counter notice on youtube as an option.
I guess we’re at our best when we’re Miles away
@carlos82 It wasn't always like that. I remember a time when Gameloft's were the best on Mobile. Back in 2012 I played a game from them on iOS called BackStab. It was a mercenary game similar to Assassin's Creed.
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