Update: Sony has declined to comment on whether backdoor hacks, allowing Chinese players to access and download content not currently licensed for release in the region, have played a part in the PlayStation Store's closure in the country. According to Reuters, "some vendors were offering to crack the restrictions on the PlayStation Store in China for a fee of less than $5 on e-commerce platforms".
Currently, both foreign and domestic publishers need to obtain a license from content regulators in order to release their software in China. As a result, only 13 games were added to the Chinese PlayStation Store last year, leaving fans frustrated and searching for alternative ways to purchase popular titles.
Original Story: Sony has suspended the PlayStation Store in China, with no guarantee of when it will return. According to the organisation’s official Weibo account, it’s been taken down due to a “security upgrade” – although unsurprisingly, the virtual plaza remains open for business around the rest of the globe.
According to analyst Daniel Ahmad, an “Xbox fanboy claimed on Weibo that they reported to authorities certain backdoor elements that are easily accessible to switch to overseas services”. The PS Store was subsequently taken offline.
We’ll update when the platform holder provides a roadmap for the PS Store’s return in the region.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 61
all hail supreme overlords eh ! 😅
Wow, what a grass. I really wonder how the Chinese deal with snitches.
“Xbox fanboy claimed on Weibo that they reported to authorities certain back door elements that are easily accessible to switch to overseas services”
apparently the idiot that did this has 3 accounts. 1 as a xbox fanboy,1 as a nintendo fanboy and the other as a sony fanboy.
just a clown whose already limited braincells have melted into dust because of the lockdowns.
There goes Sony's social credit score.
I've got a UK, US and Canadian Psn account for different sales options. It's really easy to do. Chinese censorship not fond of that sort of thing maybe?
Nice try to feed console wars, kiddos.
As @jdv95, it's a troll account with profiles of every console.
And, you know, the problem really isn't who reported this, the problem is China? HELLO?
@jdv95 yeah, guess where is the real problem? It starts with "C".
I do the same.
US & UK depending on which store has the better deal.
Is this some kind of joke....I do not recall Sony saying 5G was behind Covid19......Sony silenced by the Former Empire oh Lord guess Youtube deleting David Icke from freedom of speech was just the start.............now where's that rock i need to crawl back under it.......and there was me thinking it was a quiet Sunday...Boris at 7pm.
@nessisonett they actively approve of grassing and give the citizens social credit. Its like the Gestapo with an emoji smiley face.
@Nyne11Tyme. I agree with you 100 percents.word up son
@themcnoisy I was more referring to the Chinese citizens. Snitches get stitches, blabbered get stabbered etc.
@nessisonett Doesn't work like that in China. Maybe for the Triads but an xbox fanboy is the last on the list in that regard.
@nessisonett “Snitches get stitches" is not solely an English expression is all I can say.
This is one of the many risks in cultural imports to China, and I wish companies would just stop trying all together with that country. It sucks, because of the amount of resources Sony is putting into the PS brand in China, what with all the games they're funding specifically for that region, but this wasn't unexpected.
They had to know something like this would happen.
@Constable_What I am Chinese and I agree with what you say bro. Hollywood's decision to rely on the Chinese mkt for profits means that they gave up the right to talk anything about Beijing's human rights abuse/Tibet/Taiwan. The same could be said of NBA (and, to an extent, all foreign companies that do business in China).
The only thing I'd add is that Chinese people and the Beijing govt are two things. I think many of us are reasonable, hard working, open minded, (and yes some of us are nuts, but you get those in every people) but we have very bad leaders.
Ah the censors get censored, oh the ironing.
Finally a story about actual real life censorship on this site.
@Anomaly_Asshole They can sure try. Be right back, boobytrapping my house and sharpening my kitchen knives.
@TasteOfMetal I agree with you 100 percent. The Chinese government and their influence is what I'm talking about when I say, that companies shouldn't try making money in that country anymore.
It's really sad to see this dissonance in morals that these companies with more western values have when they choose to do business in China, and as it turns out with this kind of authoritarian government it isn't as lucrative as many think anyway.
My heart goes out to you, and the Chinese people. I hear all the time through people in my ministry outreach how bad it is for my fellow Christians there, and it pisses me off. I should have clarified that I was talking about the government. Most people in China, and I would say anywhere really, are hardworking and good people. No one deserves to be under an oppressive government like that.
@rockman29 What do you mean? According to Dumpo the clown China is an amazing country, and Xi is doing an amazing job and being totally open with the US....Dumpo the clown said so, Honest Don never lies..
@Averagewriter Until morals over maximum profit doesn't matter to them anymore, which means never.
keep it OFF forever!
@Constable_What Except that china owns America. We are completely dependent on their products because American companies refuse to pay workers good wages themselves.
America is really good at one thing. Even more so than accruing debt. One thing we love doing, that no other country can really do, and doesn't have the sheer audacity to do.
That thing is flat out defaulting on debt and refusing to pay.
If you think we're gonna pay that debt I got a bridge to sell you in San Francisco, and with the tariffs in place by our, simply, absolutely, wonderful, and fantastic, just fantastic, God Emperor. A lot of companies are pulling out.
Not to mention it is becoming more and more of a hassle to work around the Chinese government. I don't think those manufacturing jobs are ever coming back, but there are places in Malaysia and Taiwan that are pretty competitive in terms of making profit from overseas manufacturing.
@Constable_What I agree with you. I was just going to mention the government having there claws into everything but you've already summed it up.
China should never have opened the door to foreign influence. Now that more and more of their people have had even a taste of freedom of expression, that desire is never going away. Eventually they will have to loosen their laws, or the repression is going to turn violent.
@Netret0120 I dont when something happens i dont have any rights because its no real adres.
@Heavyarms55 It sounds that you like dictators. In the end when the Chinese get more rich they want to have some freedom with it.
@Averagewriter yeah well in that regard big companies and China have at least 1 thing in common..they would both rather live in a world without human rights..
@Constable_What Its like with Google you want everything cheap its gonna cost you in the end. In think Google knows just as much about us as the Chinese goverment about there people.
China has always been the market big business has been trying to dip it's toe in, blizzard with Diablo Inmortal mobile, EA with its C&C mobile games and other crap. And after this pandemic the world government will secretly ask for help from China when what they should do is stay away and try to help each other. It's about time countries started making stuff that they once were good at and start looking after themselves and providing for other countries freely and not be bullied
Why do we care about PSN status in china?
A bit dramatic. Indefinitely?
Surely it will be back up soon, I mean, you have paying customers for their PS subs. They have to bring it back at some point soon.
I mean, maybe it will be down for a week or 2 at max, not indefinitely with that accounting for long term, I'd highly doubt it. No to mention the market slice that they have in China will undoubtedly be massive.
@Averagewriter I find it odd that you would write about China’s policy toward Muslims and not mention the vast and long standing horrific persecution of Christians there. Regardless, the Chinese government is beyond appalling, I agree.
@Averagewriter Everyone turns a Blind eye to how China is run.......truth is How China is run is a Blueprint of how the World will be run if that is acceptable then carry on pretending there is nothing wrong with how China is run.
Well to Sony, indefinitely means 2 weeks haha
@Averagewriter Sadly as long as there is money involved.
Humanity's need for greed hath no boundaries.
Ironically, no mode of governance is ever free from the hands of capitalism. It is everywhere, even where it's not.
Well this is China’s fault not Sony’s. If China wasn’t so hell bent on controlling information and oppressing its people this wouldn’t happen.
You kind of have to feel bad for China, I mean it gets looked down when it was weak (1840-1980) and it gets bashed when it’s no longer weak. I’m not an expert on Chinese history but I think the country started the path to Communism during the May 4th 1919 protest when it was betrayed by the European allies after WWI. The Communist seized power under anti-imperialism agenda and also the country would not have fallen to the Communist had the Japanese not attacked in the 1930s. It must be painful for Chinese to know that their country gets looked down at no matter what regardless whether it’s ruled by the Communists, Nationalists or the Qing.
@themcnoisy Chinese government killed doctors trying to come forward to warn the world about Covid-19, the same Chinese government who gassed their own people for peacefully protesting, the same Chinese government that ripped babies from arms and forced them into foster care because they were male or female and the parents already had one, the same government who locked its own citizens in their houses for months only to find them dead inside when they finally let them out, wdym China doesn’t work like that? 😂
They don’t like ANYONE talking bad about them, even if it’s just a “fanboy” from the Internet.
Hmm but way more people died in the 50s/60s in China when China went full speed with socialism (everything was owned by govt at that point). People here are complaining about this mishap w/ PlayStation today, but when we had total socialism (not democratic socialism, I should point out) ordinary folks don't even own umbrellas or shoes.
You think the reason why Chinese govt today is so sensitive about criticism, about ppl spreading the truth of concentration camp in Xinjiang is because of money? IMO they greedy not for money but for POWER. The power to maintain control. Money just sometimes happen to be a manifestation of power.
@TasteOfMetal "Money just sometimes happen to be a manifestation of power."
That's the heart of the point that I was making though. I mean, money is power, and power in money. They are an integral part of each other, and one cannot exist without another. Money allows influence, which is a catalyst to power, and it's almost impossible to have influence without money.
This takes me back to my point on capitalism, which is that despite many regimes championing a difference in political landscape, at the top echelons of society, capitalism still takes hold.
@Grindagger Capitalism is a fre market economy. You’re conflating greed with capitalism.
@doctommaso I don't see a difference. Capitalism is born from greed. The free market is an opportunity for people to make money, and not just a lot, more than is ever necessary to have.
This can't be pictured as anything less than greed. As i said, the people at the top echelons of society are living as capitalists, whilst they impart whatever idealogical policies from the sidelines on the rest of their society.
@Grindagger Capitalism is born from freedom, allows supply and demand to determine value, and allows individuals to set their own worth on their goods and services, rather than a government body.
Greedy unethical people ruin the system — huge difference. You are conflating.
@doctommaso The optimists view. Sure, originally, that's what capitalism is meant to instill, and to some degree it does.
But with freedom, comes the ability to manipulate. 75% of the worlds wealth belongs to the top 2% most wealthy in the world, if that doesn't tell you the huge flaw in Capitalism, I don't know what does.
@Grindagger explain how that is a flaw? Capitalism has nothing to do with China, or what is happening there. I'm far from rich, in fact I'm barely above the federal poverty line if I'm being honest. However, these 2% you bitch about didn't take anything from you or me, or manipulate us. They created a product or service, or multiples that people wanted and they sold. Capitalism has nothing to do with ripping people off or manipulating them.
If you don't want a product, don't buy it, it is as simple as that. Nothing a single company sells in this world is something you NEED. You can quite easily live on your own and not buy a single thing from anybody, nobody is forcing you to buy.
@ChipBoundary It's the way wealth and power is distributed by the corruption and manipulation of capitalism that I have a problem with, not the freedom of choice.
This is clearly not going to wash with someone such as yourself, so no point discussing it further, lets just agree to disagree. This is not a political forum after all.
@Flaming_Kaiser Quite the opposite I assure you. I was just talking from their point of view. You don't have to agree with someone to understand their position and from their position allowing the Chinese public to taste any foreign media and luxuries was a mistake. That's not a door you can close.
@Constable_What Do your homework. Many countries have defaulted on their loans. The US isnt unique in that regard.
@ChipBoundary wow you really dont know how the tax system works in the US do you. Many large companies go through loopholes and they end up paying a lower tax percentage than an average American. Not to mention this administration made their taxes even LOWER indefinitely while giving the rest of American workers only a temporary tax cut. You are they type of person that rich people like to see gullible and ignorant.
@Grindagger You are exactly right but remember the rich and powerful depend on the poor and ignorant. They want them to believe that one day they can be rich too when that will never be the case. You cant argue with people who live in a fantasy world.
@Heavyarms55 In the end it will happen people will get richer with a bigger paycheck and expect more in the end.
@Andyhunter132 Be condescending all you want. Just because you're poor and miserable doesn't mean you're right.
Do your homework, bud.
@Andyhunter132 I understand full well how the tax system works here, not really sure how that is relevant here either. They do find occasional loopholes, this is most definitely true, but I've also run businesses before and been management at very large companies. I am fully aware of how much tax burden companies have.
Wanna know something? Most Americans pay basically nothing in taxes, because they get almost all of it back come tax return time. Even under the tax law that is in place now, parents with two or more children don't pay a dime of taxes, not even SS or Medicare. In fact they get so much back that the government is paying THEM.
Even at those lower percentages due to some loopholes, the top 5 companies in the U.S. still pay more in taxes than the entire citizenry combined. Without these companies, you wouldn't have roads, or a military, or unemployment benefits, or even social security. You're the one that is gullible and ignorant, but you go on and keep believing what you want.
@ChipBoundary They pay more because they literally make Billions more than the average American but they pay a lower tax rate and it just got even LOWER under this administration. I cant believe you just said without these companies we wouldnt have social security. That is one of the dumbest things i have ever read. The wealthy still dont pay their fair share and the wealth distribution in this country is literally concentrated to the top 1%. I still cant believe that in 2020 people still think that big businesses are helping the average American and that the rich aren't doing everything they can to screw us over while lining their pockets. Trickle down economics doesnt work. We really are royally f****ed.
@Constable_What i wont lie i am miserable thats always been the case with me but i am NOT poor.
@Andyhunter132 it's 100% true that social security would be gone. You're a special kind of stupid if you don't know that. These big businesses pay in half of what goes into social security for each of your paychecks. 6.2% of your income is paid by you, and another 6.2% is paid by your employer. Literally half of the entirety of the social security fund is paid by businesses. So yes, without them, no social security. Same goes for Medicare.
Also, they don't pay a lower tax rate, that's a myth. Their income tax rate is over double ours. And even after any loopholes it is still a higher percentage than we pay. Even if they paid half the percentage that we do, they'd STILL be supporting this entire nation.
I repeat, lower class and middle class people basically don't pay taxes. Their contribution is basically nothing. Social Security, even with corporate contributions is a failing system as it is. Each social security recipient receives more than they and their employer paid in each month during their working years. Social Security is HEAVILY subsidized by corporate taxes, that's the ONLY reason it exists to this day.
I also said nothing about trickle down economics, so not really sure why you are bringing this up. Any conversation you choose to have about the facts of our functioning government and taxes, you're going to lose and you're going to be wrong. I don't abide misinformation and lies and I've spent my entire life debunking myths about the government.
Does the government suck? Hell yes. Do a lot of corporations suck? Yup. Are they the source of all evil? Not by a long shot.
@ChipBoundary Who do you work for? This is the biggest amount of BS i ever heard. You are a sucker for trickle down econcomics and it DOESNT work. The tax rate was the highest for big earners in the 50s and the economy was booming. It has gone down every decade and now look where we are The top 1% control 99% of the wealth in this country. Do you REALLY think they work harder than most Americans?
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