Call Of Duty Warzone PS4

Call of Duty: Warzone matches have been running just fine on PlayStation 4 in their current state -- supporting 150 players split across 50 different teams of three. However, Activision plans to increase that player count by 25% in the future as an upcoming update to the Battle Royale shooter will allow for 200 users to participate in a single match. There's no word on when this sort of support will arrive just yet, with Infinity Ward co-head Patrick Kelly stating that it will come "a little bit later".

Speaking with USA Today, Kelly said: "I do think the world you play in is going to be undeniably unique. For one thing, we are initially going to roll out with 150 players, when you are typically seeing 60 to 100. Actually, I can tell you we are already playing with 200 players. We are going to release that a little bit later."

Call of Duty: Warzone was always rumoured to play host to 200 players at any one time, so it came as a bit of a surprise when it was revealed that matches would include 50 users less than expected. The map feels slightly sparse because of that, so we're interested to see how the game plays and feels with more enemies to watch out for. Are you looking forward to those 200 player matches? Share your tactics in the comments below.
