Developer CD Projekt Red has already promised that Cyberpunk 2077 will be a "whole, full value game" at launch, but following its phenomenal support of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt after the game released, we can't help but wonder what we'll get to experience after the base game has shipped. Thankfully, it looks set to be a wealth of content similar in vain to that of Geralt's post-launch excursions.
During an interview with Gamespot, CD Projekt Red's John Mamais said: "[The Witcher 3's free DLC with big paid expansions] was a good model for us; it worked pretty well for The Witcher 3. I don't see why we wouldn't try to replicate that model with Cyberpunk 2077. We're not talking about that yet, but it seems like that would be the smart way to go."
Of course, it's not confirmation that the studio will definitely go down the route of releasing multiple minor pieces of DLC just after launch while larger expansions arrive a number of months later, but it certainly seems to be the plan. Mamais then goes on to discuss microtransactions, stating that it's a bad idea to do them after a title's release. "It's probably a hard decision for the guy that runs the business to decide if we should do it or not. But if everyone hates it, why would we do something like that and lose the goodwill of our customers?"
This will be welcome news for many that are looking forward to the game. Publishers have in the past been known to add microtransactions to its bigger titles roughly a month after launch in order to net some extra cash, but it doesn't look like CD Projekt Red will be adding itself to the list.
Are you looking forward to hearing more about what Cyberpunk 2077 will have to offer after it releases? Buy your season pass in the comments below.
Comments 31
i lost all hype n excitement for this game when i saw 1st person mode, makes ur head spin.. should of stayed with 3rd, theres really no point in charactor customization..
These guys get it. That is why I have no problem paying full price day one.
@pimpjuice Just because first person isn't for you doesn't mean CDPR should tailor for your benefit.
@AdamNovice im not the only person who wants 3rd person, i'd say about 80% ppl want 3rd person mode..
@pimpjuice 80% huh and this based on what? A bunch of people crying about it online is hardly an accurate number, i'm sure i could find an equal amount who don't care either way if its 3rd or 1st person.
@pimpjuice Where did you pull that number from? lol
It's one of the most anticipated games next year that's going to sell millions. You just come across as entitled because the game is not what YOU want it to be.
Wolfenstein worked great in first person! Other games work great in third person. its not that big of a deal.
These developers have my respect. They're going all in to try to make this game as great as possible, all without the all too common approach of trying to squeeze every penny out of customers with microtransactions. I'm super excited for this game.
Yet another reason to support this developer and game, we need more people like this in today's market. It's such a shame that 80% of people want a third person game 😉, luckily I'm in the remaining percentage that believe the developers know what they're doing and quite like the look of the first person action
Looks good, I'm waiting for the game of the year edition with all the DLC though. I have a hard time coming back to single player games. Once i beat out i move on to the next one. I now wait for DLC to be put before i go into single player games
@pimpjuice I'm with you on this as I can't play first person games because they give me motion sickness.
@Dobbos same here. Don't know why people interpret that as "crying" nowadays, but to each their own, I guess.
@pimpjuice Speak for yourself, I like the game the way it is thank you very much. Not everything CDPR does has to be 3rd Person. Let them experiment for f___s sake. So tired of the complaints 🙄
@naruball Because some come across like CDPR should make it 3rd person to accommodate them, even if it goes against the developer's vision. Every Cyberpunk article we get the same complaints despite CDPR saying their not changing it so some of us are a bit sick of it.
Lets just be happy about an amazing game. I'm old enough to remember when games were stick figures with blocks and be grateful for what we get and let the devs do what they want. If you don't want what they offer, don't buy it.
The game I was referring to was from the Atari 2600 called Adventure. Look it up and see how far we have
Yep, remember those gentler times when games did not instantly disappoint and beg for more money. The Witch 3 and bloodbourne released within a couple of weeks of each other, I bought a ps4 with these two as the pack-in games, and they are still my top two games of generation.
@naruball ye em don't think we will get much sympathy here lol. 😟
@AdamNovice Yeah, I get that. All I'm saying is that there is a massive difference between some gamers demanding a 3rd person mode and other gamers simply stating that they won't play it because they know that they won't enjoy the game. In many cases both groups are treated as one.
Plus, there is no need to attack each other.
@Dobbos it's all good
It's just a video game.
80% of people agree with me
@naruball agreed .
Hearts Of Stone and Blood & Wine were absolutely fantastic add-ons so this is Rockerboy music to my ears.
Speaking of Rockerboys, this cover of the 2018 demo version of 'Chippin In' is brilliant. So much better than that Refused version, in my opinion.
@AdamNovice being a shooter, first person just seems like a no brainer to me. I actually perfer 3rd person games. But, if its a fast paced shooter which it seems to be first person is definitely the right choice imo.
80% of people love marmite just like me. Go people!
1st, 3rd or watching someone else play through binoculars in your bedroom. It's all good and this novel idea of big expansions is a winner in this age of micrononsense.
@777Reigns Haha adventure! That was almost as amazing as haunted house!!! lol .. or was it haunted castle? I forget, god im old lol.
I prefer 1st person 95% of the time but i would like if it were like skyrim where u can switch back and forth as you please.... Or perhaps only when youre out doors where it wouldnt cuz as much cam issues. I do like to see my character when im not in the heat of battle and just wondering
One of the reasons I pre-ordered this game, the support CDPR did for The Witcher 3 was outstanding. Lots of smaller bits of dlc for free which other developers/publishers would had behind some kind of bs mtx paywall.
@pimpjuice I can see where you're coming from.
I personally haven't played any of The Witcher games as the setting just doesn't do it for me, but I'm interested in CP2077 and was surprised when they said it would be first-person only. If you're only going to see 'yourself' for ~1% of the game, it's all the more strange that they'd bother putting all that effort into the character creation options.
I, fortunately, have no problems with first-person games, but I don't see why they couldn't give people the option of choosing a third-person view. I understand they have "a vision" and want people engrossed in the story, and first-person can help with that, but not everyone needs first-person to get that involved. I know I don't... I feel far more involved with the story in games like Uncharted or The Last Of Us than I've ever felt in a first-person game.
Sure, it's likely to sell millions regardless, but given all the steps they've taken to be 'inclusive', why alienate a not insignificant number of players who simply won't be able to play due to motion sickness?
bit disappointed when they said its 1st person only but then again most of the cyberpunk games i played are first person so np there hope game delivers in the end like w 3
This is why the Witcher 3 is still selling so well after launching 4 years ago.
You already know you will get value for money and an engaging story.
Don't normally buy day one but CD Projekt Red are rare in today's gaming world so i'll happily buy day one.
@Gmork Oh my gosh!!!!😂😂😂 How could I have forgotten haunted house!!!
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