Bloodborne PS4

Every entry in the Souls series, spanning from 2009's Demon's Souls right up until its latest releases, is a bonafide classic. We'll never forget our first experience with Dark Souls, but when it comes down to which is the very best, we think the answer is quite clear. The PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne takes top spot, and as it turns out, even the franchise's director agrees with us.

During an interview with Gamespot Brazil, which has been kindly translated by ResetEra user Gbraga, From Software's Hidetaka Miyazaki was asked which one of the games he has worked on is his favourite. After comparing it to choosing which of your children you think is prettiest, he says that Bloodborne stayed in his heart the most. "I believe I did it my way, the way I wanted."

It's clear then that Miyazaki has great taste, but even he acknowledges that it wasn't perfect. "I'd have improved on the Chalice Dungeons and the Blood Gems, that I wish were a bit more detailed, worked more thoroughly. I see the possibility of adding more to it."

We reckon he'll have the opportunity to add to those mechanics in the future too because while the possibility of making a sequel is out of his hands, it would be a bit silly of Sony to pass on a Bloodborne 2 for PlayStation 5. It would be a huge exclusive for the next-gen system, no matter whether development is brought internally or From Software takes the lead.

Which is your favourite Souls game? Take a swig of your Estus Flask in the comments below.

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