September's PlayStation Plus lineup has been revealed, and as always, subscribers get access to two PlayStation 4 titles. This time around, it's Batman: Arkham Knight, and Darksiders III. It's a pretty high profile month, and people generally seem to be quite happy with the selection -- but what do you think?
Are you satisfied with September's PS Plus games? Vote in our polls, and then give us an honest opinion, positive or negative, in the comments section below.
Comments 54
Very happy with the games. Don't own either. I haven't played Darksiders 1 or 2, but I'm thinking of starting 3. Hope I won't get lost with the story (if there's much of it).
Yeah, it’s a very good month with two good AAA titles. Already have batman, can’t wait to try darksiders 3.
@stevenfins. Nah you not gonna get lost.i heard that it takes place before war darksiders 1 games.but the new darksiders genesis took place before 1 so you wont get lost.word ☝ up son
Can we have more games please? I'm not a huge fan of third person action adventure games so more variety would be most welcome. Good selection but to be honest would prefer the odd platformer or simulation game.
Yes, very happy.
Darksiders 3.
I'am Sure I will Enjoy Them both
I already own and have finished both (multiple times in Arkham Knights case) but the quality of both titles has me happy overall with it. Its nice to have Plus offering quality big money titles.
For somone who has both xbox and PlayStation really wish PlayStation would copy gamepass haven't brought a game yet on xbox and PlayStation ps games have been underwhelming for me last couple of years
Can’t argue with the quality of the games, but I bought the better of the two already.
I own so many games that it's been a rarity that a PS+ announcement comes out where I don't own both, much less one. This is the first where I own neither...and they aren't total crap to boot! (U.S. western slang meaning to kick away)
Will I play them? Darksiders 1 & 2 are loaded on my PS4 and I haven't played either. I've never bought or played an Arkham game. Yet somehow, this month makes me happy.
Not happy with the selection, but they're not bad games. Already own one, and am not especially excited for the other.
No biggie.
I haven't played a Batman game since my Sega Genesis days, so yeah, I'm stoked!
I've already played Batman and not too interested in Darksiders but still voted it a good month as the games are of a good standard. They aren't going to be for me every month.
I actually forgot that Darksiders 2 Deathfinitive Ed. was already given out several months ago on PS Plus. I never played that one, but I am a little more interested in Darksiders 3. According to the Push Square review it’s more of the same, so if it’s the first one I play then it may actually feel fresh to me!
they are 2 pretty good games even if they have some annoying bits but as i already own them it's not a great month for me but i can see it being a great month for others
I prefer Sony supporting smaller indie games not these. Anyone who really wanted these games would have bought them already they have been on sale multiple times at cheap prices.
Already owned and played batman. I would be so happy if this wasn't the case. After watching a darksiders 3 review and seeing how it plays I'll probably never play it I have much better games in my backlog that I chose for myself like spider-man and farcry 5. It just doesn't look anywhere near the quality god if war which I'd rather play again
I've owned the Batman game for a while now, and Darksiders 3 I bought last month so the selection definitely wasn't in my favor.
Batman is fantastic but I have it. Darksiders 3 is pants ... a real franchise killer (a la Resi 6, Dead Space 3).
You know what?
I'm happy.
Im happy with them. Though I already bought Arkham Knight when it was like 10 bucks, I was eventually going to get Darksiders 3 anyways so it works out.
Well I finished Batman long ago and have no real interest in Darksiders so its yet another month without anything for me
Im happy with the plus games this month so happy in fact i added two more years to my account.... Anyone know the max you can add to ? And i cant wait to play Darksiders 3. Theres one thing i miss though the day one indies thanks for ruining it for us complainers.
Yeah, very happy. Almost bought Batman loads of times in the sale, but with little time to play what I already have found it hard to justify buying it. Superhero games tend to bring the child out of this old man.
I guess most Batman fans played the Batman game already (unless you are a small little tiny fan ) so most people will be excited for Darksiders 3!
It's hard now. Because we're so late in the lifecycle I own most good games now. Had batman for ages - it's a great game so should I complain about it?
Not that interested in darksiders. Not played the first two - they've been free on various things so I do own them!
this months ps plus games are ok, it could have been worse.
I had just finished Darksiders 1 which I bought for like 4 or 5 bucks and it was pretty fun. And I was also planning on playing Darksiders 2 through ps plus later in the future so seeing the 3rd game offered as well tells me fate wants me to play through these games lol.
I think they great for the people that not played them. They both pretty good with meaty single player campaigns.
I played them both. But with Control and Iceborn right around the corner. I have enough things to play at home. Can't play for free every month.
I certainly can't complain at the calibre of games offered. Batman Arkham Knight would have been the most anticipated if I hadn't already completed it and all the side quests and Riddler's Challenges too. That should tell you how much I enjoyed it despite a few 'low' points involving the Batmobile but it could still be fun to drive around and get catapulted out into a glide. The world is great too and the story isn't bad. I think the few low moments were blown out of all proportion and overall its a great game.Des
As such, Darksiders 3 is my most anticipated by default. I have the previous 2 - all from free games offered monthly. I wasn't overly taken by 3 - not if I was asked to pay full retail price but for Free, it may well be worth a look.
Despite owning B:AK and wouldn't of bought D3, I still think this is a great month for PS+
Recently finished Batman Arkham Knight which is a good game but have been mildly interested in Darksiders 3. Enjoyed the first game but yet to play the 2nd game even though I've had it since it was on ps plus in 2017. Great month for ps plus.
Even though I’ve been critical of the Darksiders series, I’m happy to have all 3 digitally now. Really happy about Arkham Knight and that is 100% a game I plan to play in the future.
Overall, a very good month.
Good selection, already got Batman though as it's the one game I've never wanted to sell lol, glad to be getting DS3 though
I won't lie to sony about this September PlayStation plus lineup for this year I said that I already play Batman Arkham Knight and Darksiders games and I really don't like PlayStation plus lineup for September 2019
@themcnoisy me neither. Seems a bit strange, and crap, to have 2 third person games in one month.
Still not played last month's yet, I don't like Batman but might try it at some point see what it's like, Darksiders ain't really interesting to me tho.
To be honest I preferred ps+ when we were given indie games. Batman AK came out 4 years ago. And the other game just isn't very good.
Come on Sony, give us the occasional bonus game every couple of months.
As @themcnoisy suggests, a nice mix would be good to see.
I already own Darksiders 3 on my pc. But glad I can get it on my ps4. Since my pc is kinda of a toaster....
Batman is always welcome!
Haven't played either of them so he I'm happy for the selection. Only problem for me is I'm going on vacation for 3 weeks so I'll be able to try them at the end of the month at best. Anyway it's a very good selection.
Where do I start with these ultimate drivel of s**** offerings this month on PS+? Well for starters both these games are available on PS now streaming service, so once again Sony is giving us games from it’s huge list of not so great titles. Forget the shiny graphics of Batman the game is crap. Repetitive fighting of the same worthless enemies you fight in every other Batman title. Don’t waist your time. Even if it is for ‘free’. The standard of games on this service (PS+) has dramatically dropped because the console is nearing the end of its life cycle. As for Darksiders 3 we might aswell be playing on the PlayStation 3, graphics are terrible and I hate this type of game anyway. Another waist of time. F##k both of them and f##k Sony for beings complete ** again. Bah FML!
Please mind the language! - Quintumply
@Deanvon01 Batman is a brilliant game with a great story my biggest problem is that the true ending is behind the massive amount of riddler trophies.
The game play is rocksolid what are you talking about? Maybe too much driving but it wasnt as bad as some people make it out to be.
@hotukdeals not true... I generally only buy games that seem 'essential' to my collection... Witcher 3, Horizon, GOW, etc. Because I don't have the time or cash, these days, to spend endlessly on games I'm not going to complete. That said, I played the 1st darksiders, and really enjoyed it, so was delighted to be able to download 2 on ps plus a little while ago. Was never really convinced by 3, but here it is for free, so I'm happy to give it a try- and as for batman, the same thing goes. I best the first 2 on ps3, but never bothered to pick up the 3rd or 4th, so here is the latter, and I'm quite contented to be able to give it a try, and will no doubt enjoy it.
@Flaming_Kaiser I hate these type of fighting game intertwined with a piss poor story plot told through cut scenes, I know most games have cut scenes but this line of game has more off shoots than an a field of grass. Plus the fact I can’t stand DC characters. It’s just a lame title. And to add to that, all the reviews were poor, MK is a much better line of beat em ups, and Batman is s***, that’s what I’m on about. Each to their own I suppose. You like it, I don’t. That’s the beauty of freedom of choice.............
Again, language please! - Quintumply
I’d be happy with that selection if I still subbed to PS+
Only played Arkham Knight outta the 2 and it's great, even didn't mind the tacked on Batmobile elements, but the story is superb. And the Batgirl DLC is short but oh so sweet !
Got put off Darksiders 3 by the middling reviews, but keen to download it and give it a go
Very good month overall. Batman is a wonderful game and Darksiders seems to be a worthy sequel to the previous games in the series. However, I will have to start from Darksiders 1 and 2 remasters as I never managed to sit down and play them. Hope it is as good as my friends say it is.
I already own both of these games, but I am happy that other people will get a chance to play them. Batman is great and Darksiders 3 is pretty good.
@Deanvon01 The story is rocksolid lots of characters development. And you if tell a story through a cutscene that is a bad thing. What a nonsense argument. 87 on Metacritic and even with reviewbombing its still a 78. Batman is not a fighter and you shown your bias with with hate towards DC so your are not really objective. 😉
I’m not trying to be objective I’m having my say, just like everybody else. And yes if you say so about me being bias, I hate DC. Everything from their movies, to their comics, everything about them. And like I said before, it’s about freedom of choice and expression, don’t know what my comment has to do with your lame attempt to try and better my view. The game is sh*t and if you like it that’s your choice, get it? I probably like a lot of things you don’t, but I’m not arsed......end of convo. Have a good day.
Pretty solid offering imo.
Well Arkham Knight was pretty disappointing so I decided to avoid buying it. At least I can play it now since I have PS plus. If only I could still keep playing it if Sony wasn't greedy and didn't lock my PS plus games if I don't have my sub anymore.
It's a AAA month so there's nothing to cry about. AK is the best Batman game don't @ me.
I am happy for those didn't play batman Arkham Knight, really among the best games in this generation i achieved the platinum in this game and enjoyed every second of it.
Have to be honest I'm not interested in ps4 anymore as I spend a lot of time on xbox now because of the services and the prices of PlayStation and not to mention the lack of backwards compatibility with the ps4 which doesn't impress me whatsoever
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