Square Enix has just wrapped up its E3 2019 press conference, and what a show it was. Final Fantasy VII Remake and Marvel's Avengers were out in force, but the Japanese publisher still made time for the likes of the promising Dying Light 2. With reveals for the likes of Outriders and Final Fantasy VIII on PS4, it looks like there a good couple of years ahead of the company.
What's your take on Square Enix's press conference, though? Did those anticipated reveals live up to the hype, or were you left feeling disappointed? Let's see your Tifa cosplay in the comments below.
Comments 47
Best one so far in my opinion.
Incredible. Almost single-handedly made up for the rest of the conferences.
FF7R is guaranteed my GOTY of 2020. I cannot wait.
Lots of Switch support, too. There was something here for everyone.
Square Enix, man ...They saved E3 for me. The conference was well paced and packed with surprises. I loved it. Just ...Wow. Amazing in my opinion. I am so happy. This E3 was so disappointing until they came along. Can't wait for FF7R!
That is probably the single greatest E3 conference of the decade. They really went at a cracking pace and even made room for some small surprises. Bit crap that I’ve only really started FF8 and now it’s getting remastered but it’s a small price to pay hahaha. The whole ‘new heroes’ part got me in the Avengers reveal, hope for Hawkeye after all?
Best conference I've seen, maybe a little too much JRPGs but really solid, though no Fear Effect Reinvented so 0/10
It’s also 03:25 here so yep, worth it. STRAINS EYES, BRAIN MELTS, I AM DEAD
it was better then the others now we just have to see if Big N can top it
Final Fantasy VII single handedly saved E3 2019. Can't believe they actually pulled it off.
@Areus I'm incredibly excited for Nintendo's show, but it's difficult to see any single game topping FF7R for me.
I thought they would blow it, but it looks incredible so far.
@Ralizah Even a New Mario or Zelda game?
Surprised on how in-depth they went with FFVII. That looks really good. However, was REALLY hoping for a Now Available for FFVIII at the end of that trailer.
Great show, gotta hand it to'em. No competition so far so they could have phoned it in and won but it was really good.
My wife is pysched for FF7R but since I figure my grandkids will be playing the last part, and my kids are still just teens, we'll I can't get too excited until I know WHEN it ends.
FF8 is tempting but even remastered I'm not sure I can deal with the Draw mechanic again.
It is nice I have a year between MUA3 and Avengers.
But I'm exhausted now, need to sleep on it.
Definitely the best yet. Some parts were stupid (why show DQXI S with no release date?) and I really wanted TWEWY2, but what we got wasn’t bad at all.
Time it’s finally time for Animal Crossing tomorrow.
Okay i was looking forward to this but I'm officially hyped now.
Also I noticed (if I heard correctly) they plan to release in two installments. I had anticipated 3, so that's good then.
PlayStation won E3 without even showing up. 😎
Only good if you like Final Fantasy and JRPG's. Avengers could have saved it for me but I I felt flat after watching that game being showcased. I expected to feel positive but it left me feeling flat.
Oh wow, sounds like I missed the only good one.
@Areus Definitely. It would have to be an epic, BotW-tier experience to even compete with this, assuming it turns out as well as I'm now expecting it will.
Final fantasy 7 great gameplay reveal make squareenix conference very good 😃
Yeah, Square Enix won E3 hands down. And since the most hyped fame is a PS4 exclusive, that means Sony also won E3 by extension.
I loved what I saw. I already couldn't wait, now I'm trying to make a time machine.
@Dange No, they said the first game comes on two blurays and only covers Midgar. That's where you got the 2 from. However, it's a vastly expanded Midgar, which I'm really excited about. That said, they're not going to fit the rest of the game into one more part so it'll be 3 parts, maybe 4 but I think that'll be crossing the line for a lot of people.
@BAMozzy Well given that FF is the 11th best selling game franchise ever, that applies to a lot of people.
Easily the star of the show for me so far and Final Fantasy VII looks stunning, gameplay looks amazing, Tifa looks amazing, cannot wait. That Avangers game is looking very good too and another chance to play Final Fantasy VIII and Crystal Chronicles is more than welcome
I was already hyped before, but god what a show. I don't think I've ever been so impressed by a game before as I am by FFVII remake. I just want it now
I never expected to say this, but I think Square Enix has won E3 2019.
I also never expected to say this, but Final Fantasy VII Remake looks amazing.
What the hell is going on
I didn't watch it but FFVII truly does look very good indeed. I'm not really interested in anything else shown.
Absolutely speechless. I’m already getting the feels...
The Final fantasy stuff was amazing but the Avengers stuff was shocking they showed no gameplay how can you end a show with Avengers and have people going what do you even do in the game. I am not sure why everyone is giving them a pass on that.
The best of them all
The best of them came last. Thanks Square Enix, very cool.
@bindiana wasn't the part on the bridge gameplay? And the brief Captain America fight in the carrier? That's what it looked like with the animations and the aliasing on details like the bus
As someone who's not big into Final Fantasy, even I have to admit Square's presser has been the best one yet at E3 2019. I'm not sure if it was because of my sleep deprived state or if everyone's enthusiasm was rubbing off on me, but FFVII Remake definitely has me interested.
End E3 on a high note I suppose.
SquareEnix was the only one going HAM on Switch, so the presentation, for once, wasnt a load of known quantities this time. A third party found balance between fleshing out their last year of PS4 support, and realising another system is very much current and at peak. It provided a good balance.
Where the other shows failed was to focus on the power twins exclusively and...well we knew what we were getting as a result.
@Matroskaah okay. I just assumed (incorrectly it would seem) as it was been translated that they meant the whole game comes on two blu-rays not just Midgar.
I’m not sure how anyone could be excited about the Avengers. It was announced 2 years ago and they still have no gameplay footage. Not only that but they missed avengers end game by a year. I’m sure that had to have been a target release. I really think this game is in trouble
Still going to wait for the complete edition of 7R even though I would kill for that 1st class editon with cloud and Fenrir bike
@Dange I read it was still three installments.
it slowed down a bit in the middle but other than that it was probably the best of the entire event
but as a huge FF fan and with them showing FFVII Remake AND a FFVIII Remaster i might be a little bias
@bindiana there was game play in that trailer, the bit with Iron Man flying on the bridge for example, it just didn't show a hud
Final Fantasy VII just jumped to my personal game of the show, it looked incredible. I cannot believe they found a way to change things up and modernise while remaining so faithful to the original source material. It seemed like an impossible task, but they somehow managed to pull it off.
My favourites so far this E3 are FFVII, Cyberpunk, Watchdogs 3 and Ghostwire Tokyo. While E3 has been underwhelming as a spectacle, overall there have still been plenty of games I am excited for.
I still keep hoping Sony will release a gameplay trailer for release date at some point tonight for TLoU or Tsushima or something, just to remind everyone of how relevant they are. Even a release date for Dreams would be pretty exciting.
After being bitterly disappointed by Ubisoft I didant hold out much hope for this conference but this ended up to be easily hands down the best show this year!
Every thing they had to offer I was over the moon for.Final Fantasy 7 looks absolutely mindblowing...already preordered!Final Fantasy 8 remastered??I am shocked and excited for.Even Avengers was the one game I wasn't that excited or interested in until they showed it off! And that's not even including the brilliant trailer for Dragon Quest Builders 2 and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles plus Romancing Saga etc etc and the list goes on.I'm so excited right now.
Anyone else feel that this FF7 remake is coming together a bit quickly? Not that I am raising hysteria but I thought the 2015 build was scrapped so this seems quite quick by Square standards. However, it does look good and I guess it is episodic so hope this is a good one!
My thoughts are summed up by the postmodern philosopher Austin Powers: "Yeah baby!"
In terms of games, it was awesome. Loved it and really looking forward to FF7 and Avengers. But the crowd and constant whooping drove me insane, get rid of them next time!
FF7 was the best thing really. Not much else impressed me. Also I'll wait to see more gameplay but the avengers reveal was meh. Nothing special at all
other than ff7 remake, i found nothing else at the conference that was interesting nor exciting. avengers looks like it is going to be a terrible mmo-like service game. in fact, i would say that was the worst reveal of an anticipated game i have ever seen. they talked about nothing for 15 minutes and brought the entire conference to a boring halt. there was no whisper about babylon's fall despite being teased with a title last year. really? i mean, what else did people like about this conference other than ff7 remake? people are blowing this out of proportion.
@Porco I’ll definitely be getting Oninaki as well as the Final Fantasy seven remake. This was the only press conference with two games that I’m definitely going to buy and it showed gameplay footage of both of them.
@Ryall fair enough. that is not a good sign if that was the most interest you had from all the conferences, though. it shows how underwhelming e3 was this year. i understand that many projects are being developed in secrecy for next gen, so it does make sense as to why it was so lackluster. but this will go down in history as one of the worst years in my book as far as e3 is concerned.
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