During last month's State of Play presentation, Away: The Survival Series made its debut. Starting you off as a cute little sugar glider, the game pits you against the natural world, leaving you to fend for yourself as you explore the seemingly idyllic setting.
In this new gameplay clip, we see the tiny rodent wrangling with scorpions in an effort to survive. We also see how you'll be able to swap quickly between animals, from tiny lizards to wolves to spiders. The game is still clearly in the works, but the concept is a strong one. Away is due out on PS4 in the first quarter of 2020.
Are you excited for Away: The Survival Series? Glide into the comments below.
Comments 14
I have to say this game looks intresting but idk if its a day one.
I am all about this!!! Hope it turns out well. Next we need a sequal to tokyo zoo BUT FIX THE HUNGER TIMER OMG!...... And then a sequal the thee incredible dogs life (ps2) remember that one? Lol.
that game was so cool. Also with a pretty brutal hunger timer. Just let me explore your worlds damn you!
You failed to mention this is on kickstarter. Which btw was funded in 1 day.
Stretch goals will let you play as more animals. Go check it out
The game looks like a lot of fun, just a little rough around the edges.
Looks interesting. Needs some work, but it could be really good. The swap mechanic would have to not be too overpowered, but this could turn into something special if done right.
Kinda remains me of Evo for SNES, with less emphasis on evolution obviously. (That would probably set some of the crazies off.)
Curious to see how the swapping mechanic plays out and whether or not the game will include any kind of progression system such as skill trees, leveling, etc. or if there will be any kind of goal to achieve.
As long as the game is better than Life of Black Tiger, I think this will turn out fairly well. I'm especially intrigued by the ability to play as the spider and preying mantis.
I'm very excited for this one. I just hope the mission structure is well designed, with an ultimate sense of purpose. If this is just one of those open world explore and survive type games, I won't be interested.
I just dont see a sugar glider winning a fight against a scorpion. They are very fragile little things. Of course its a video game, but i would expect one like this to be realistic.
This looks like a spiritual successor to Deadly Creatures, which was an amazing game on the Wii. I'm in.
@Gmork___ Loved A Dog's Life. Is Tokyo Jungle that good? I have it on PS3 but never played it!
About Away, I'm really interested and thought it looked great on State Of Play. There are some hanky animations in that trailer though, but it's still in development so there's still time.
@BorderlineJon tokyo jungle would be one of the coolest games ever imo if it werent for the criminally cruel timer. It makes it extremely hard and 100% discourages exploration which in my mind would be the biggest selling point of a game were you play as an animal(s)
A dogs life was awesome but the hunger timer was annoying. I just wanted to chill out and explore and hang out with the guitar dude on the dock lol
But tokyo jungle takes it to another torturous level.
@Gmork___ ah ok. Still worth a play though? I have a rather obscenely huge backlog so when someone recommends a title I put that to the front of the list. Like yesterday for example someone highly recommended Limbo and Inside, so I'm gonna have a go at them.
@BorderlineJon inside changed my life!! Some people hate it, i thought it was one of the greatest things ever made. Limbo was pretty cool too.
id def say try tokyo out even if just to see what its like. Theres nothing else like it. The problem is that everything (playing as all the other animals) is locked behind progress and scores which would be fine if it werent so unforgiving. For fans of the souls series lol.
@Gmork___ ok I see, thanks! Yeah I will try it. If i get frustrated I can remove it from the backlog 😁
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