We don't often get a chance to sample Chinese-developed games here in the West, and so Sword & Fairy 6 has caught our eye. The latest instalment in what is apparently a very popular role-playing series in China, Sword & Fairy 6 promises a fantastical story based in Chinese mythology, and a battle system that blends a bit of action with turn based tactics.

Going by the trailer alone (which we've embedded above), it's safe to say that it looks a little rough, but we're more than willing to give it a shot as long as the gameplay's good fun. It's coming to PS4 (exclusively to the PlayStation Store) in both North America and Europe later this year, on the 2nd and 3rd April respectively.
Comments 13
"We don't often get a chance to sample Chinese-developed games here in the West..."
Lol. Hidden Dragon, Koi, Dying Reborn, Sinner, Unearthing Mars, Gene Rain, The Walker, Shio, Icey, Light Tracer, Beat Fever and the list goes on. The problem is that the majority of them were either so bad or so mediocre, they end up being forgotten by many, with some being barely being reviewed like Domino Craft and Warbot.
Considering that most chinese games reviewed on PS have been awarded a score of 5 or low (no offense guys), I won't be surprised if this game will be scored the same as those.
Honestly, I just hope it won't cost $20 or more (Edit: it is. Shoot). As of now, it costs $15 on Steam, which I think it's a decent price for a niche chinese RPG like this. The only thing I care about is how's the story and gameplay. Not surprised that the presentation looks a bit rough, which even then, you can say the same with every chinese games in general (on consoles anyway).
Edit: Oh, and yeah I don't blame any of you if you find my comment to be this weird. Almost all of my comments are like that, so I don't blame any of ya ๐
Gematsu is claiming this is $26.99. Only $15 on steam, looks like even a laptop can run it. Think I'll give it a try there.
I bit rough - Should try selling this on Switch for $15 as a "handheld game" - The graphics bar in the eShop is not that high.
@Agramonte Dang. So what warrants the game to be price at such a high price on the PS4? By the looks of it, I'm guessing it's being sold as a collector's edition.
@SoulsBourne128 That's probably the most niche comment I've ever read. Genuinely.
@ShogunRok Yeah, I know. No shame though lol. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who knows most of the chinese games available on the PS4. It's a curse, really.
@SoulsBourne128 Well, I've got to tip my hat to the knowledge. Very impressive.
@SoulsBourne128 Maybe licensing fees?. I mean $15 minus Steams 30% cut. They not making much
Never knew of any of those games. I'll need to keep an eye on your comments for the next good turn based Chinese RPG ๐
A little rough
Rough enough that I could use it to sand my staircase with
@Agramonte "Rough" can sadly be applied to most chinese games nowadays, especially the PC and console ones (mostly the former). Even the upcoming Monkey King game suffers the same issue.
If someone played this game, I want to know how's the game in terms of combat, content and story. From what I have read, Sword and Fairy seems to be pretty popular in China.
Looks like a chinese bootleg of some JRPG
@Athrum Funny that you said that because the Sword and Fairy series, as stated from LuisCruz, is pretty popular in China. The first installment was released back in 1995, and was applauded as being the pioneer of chinese RPGs. With the sixth one, appearantly from what I have gathered, the game was praised for its plot and voice acting but heavily criticized due to its dated nature and optimization (note that the game was released back in 2015). You know, I wouldn't be surprised if SaF6 is the Star Ocean 5 of the series. Though unlike Star Ocean, there's a seventh game already in the works.
But yeah, about the console port, maybe they'll fix those optomization issues but I have my doubts. An Xbox port is also planned but I'm guessing they'll be doing the PS4 port first. It's gonna be one of those games huh?
Wouldโnt even play this for free. Looks horrible.
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