We've said it before, but Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown not only needs to nail the frenetic arcade dogfighting action, but it also needs to match the unbelievably corny storylines the series is known for. From all that we've seen so far, it's looking promising on all counts. Bandai Namco has just released the opening cutscene for the upcoming game, and the voiceover is as cheesy as ever, which of course is a positive thing.
The return of this unusual franchise is almost upon us -- Ace Combat 7 launches on 18th January, in just over a week. Are you hyped to get back in the cockpit and blast some bogeys? Watch your six in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 7
"I'd gone from being a little girl to... Well, still a girl, just older."
I love it.
Shes hot, reminds me of the girl from AC5, Nagasaki or something?
It's so so bad lol, can't wait for this game!!!
Can’t wait to see how the VR portion scores. It will determine if I get this or not.
let me know when you guys have anything other to say about ace combat besides "corny story" "cheesy dialogue" which seems to be your main headline / talking point for every article and proceed to play it off as a complement. I'm sure if the dialogue had some vulgar language and swearing you would rate it higher.
They fact that you can't write about any of the other aspects of an ace combat game of which there are many, says it all. You can't because you don't know what you are talking about, you have no clue what fans appreciate and like about ace combat. A review by someone who doesn't like, understand, show enthusiasm or appreciates flight games is hardly a fair review, flight games are not everyone's cup of tea.
@Nesstark88 come on man they talked about the combat too. Why are you getting triggered? its all jokes.
@Ludens92 True they did mention combat..."frenetic arcade dogfighting action" lol
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