There comes a point in a popular franchise’s life where fans want it to make a comeback, and pretty much everyone is pulling for Splinter Cell right now – especially in the wake of Metal Gear Solid’s expected absence. Jade Raymond, who most recently worked for EA but is perhaps best known for her time at Ubisoft, has revealed that there actually was a new entry in the stealth series in production following the release of Splinter Cell: Blacklist – but it never saw the light of day.
“You know what?” she told GameReactor. “There is a design that we actually had and worked on and would have wanted to make, but since I am not at Ubisoft anymore I can’t talk about it and I don’t know who wants to share that concept.”
There was a lot of speculation that Sam Fisher and his iconic night-vision goggles was going to appear during E3 2018, but the show came and went with nary a word on the undercover agent. We still reckon that this is a series that will probably be revived sooner rather than later, though – there’s a gap in the market for a really good spy game, we reckon.
[source comicbook.com]
Comments 16
i think ubisoft has lost its way. perhaps splinter cell would be better off if they don't make yet another unnecessary sequel which is destined to disappoint (in all likelihood). remember the last one? they took an action approach and the very soul of the series was gutted.
@verynaughtyboy I really liked Blacklist as well, it was no Chaos Theory, but it was very fun and reintroduced more stealth mechanics after Conviction went and removed nearly all of it (though I have to say, that was also a fun game, but a major disappointment as a Splinter Cell game).
I also liked Blacklist.
I would really prefer a new Splinter Cell or Watch Dogs in 2018 than a new Assassin’s Creed.
Odyssey looks really good, I didn’t play it yet, and I really liked Origins, but annual releases saturate a series, especially big open-world games like AC.
I wasn’t in the mood to play another AC so soon, next year I will jump into Odyssey.
Blacklist is a great game.
@get2sammyb You know nothing, Sammy Snow.
I had the original on Xbox. Didn't think much of it.
you know why it was canceled, because they either A: couldn't make it an open world game or B: make it part of the Assassin's Creed series
Hopefully we get another Splinter Cell at another point.
I only liked Conviction, perhaps because I'm not a big fan of stealth games and this allowed for a more open approach. I also liked how they narrated the game, it had a really nice flow between gameplay and story. I like stealth games that give you the option of 'stealth until it fails', and the classic Spinter Cell games (and Blacklist) never allowed for that.
I loved blacklist but the First 3 splinter games games are simply outstanding.
Can it be on the switch to with fire emblem in it too.it makes more sense than the plot to fates
I don’t have faith for another Splinter Cell game to be good. It has to be like the originals were an action approach will seriously dark heksth and ammo resources (if you even live) and being caught can have some dire consequences. It’ll never be as good or the oengal games otherwise. It’s a messed up game if guns blazing is even an option. It really hurts the flow of the stealth and challenge of it.
My friend and I always had such a stupidly fun time playing Chaos Theory's split screen co-op mode.
I like the more recent games for what they are, but the original three were a blast.
Like Ghost Recon Wildlands it would have battle crates in it
I think there is a gap in the market for another spy game. I think one called Agent would be good.
@FullbringIchigo or think of any good micro transactions to put in to it.
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