Shadow of the Tomb Raider is barely a month old, but it was 30 per cent off on the PlayStation Store recently and is almost half-price at some retailers. To make matters worse, the Croft Edition which includes access to the title’s Season Pass has been reduced in line with the main game, meaning that the DLC has technically been discounted before the first piece has even been delivered. It’s left some fans irate.
While the issue is mostly isolated to Steam for now, there’s been a huge spike in negative user reviews as early adopters grumble about the speed at which the title has been discounted. It’s a weird one because we can understand the frustration, particularly with regards to the Season Pass, but all this is going to do is affect sales of the series in the future. Personally this author will be sitting tight a little longer, because this game is clearly going to be available for peanuts by the time Christmas rolls around.
Comments 53
Was pretty obvious the price was going to plummet. Standing by my prediction it will be sub £20 in black Friday UK sale
Had a feeling it would and that's precisely why I held off getting it. I've actually asked for it for my Christmas. It was sitting at £28 earlier today. Happy days.
Well it's PC users...what else is new?
They really are the most entitled of gamers.
You pay full price to be 'part of the conversation' or avoid spoilers. It's only natural that a game drops in price within time.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you:
The free market. It's that or communism boys.
Price is too high: Complain
Price falls too fast: Complain
Or maybe giving humans free will was a mistake.
Games dropping in price like this shouldn't come as a surprise. It happens all the time. It doesn't pay to get games on day of release now. Those that choose to wait a month or reap the rewards
The prices of AAA games from Sony and many other publishers often plummet quickly (although not usually this quickly). It's a fantastic way to discourage early adoption of a game.
Prices always come down but this seems to have reduced very quickly. It’s a bad move as just sends the message don’t buy square Enix games day one.
Same thing happened with Titanfall 2 as I recall. Just one of those things.
it will be that cheap they will give you there money to buy it soon
I paid £35 the week it launched 😀
honestly if i buy a game day one it's because i want it day one so i don't care if a few weeks later the price goes down, especially when it's coming up to the holiday period
Game good? Then you shouldn't have regrets? Think I care I paid full price for Evil Within 2, one of the best games this gen, which was under £30 within a month? Nah, I'd have happily paid double.
Buying this trash game at launch pretty much makes me not pity you.
@Ralizah It's also a fantastic way to encourage people to buy the game at all instead of skipping it altogether
@KingdomHeartsFan Exactly, that would have been my point as well; they obviously thought it was worth the full price, or they are some rather spoilt kids. These days people use conspiracy theories to explained everything.
My partner wants it but I've told her to wait because i guarantee it will be in the Sony 12 days of Christmas deals this year for around £30
Here we go again on the predictable Tomb Raider hate-train...
All prices go down eventually, how soon is irrelevant since you've already bought it at full price; a week, a month, a year ... you still paid full price. How quickly it drops doesn't change anything for you.
This is why we don't pre-order games.
You know when certain games get discounted not too long after it releases and other games that stay full price for a long time like FIFA, CoD and I’m sure RDR2 will not be discounted till at least a year after it releases, even then it’ll probably only be about £10-£15 off.
I was going to pre-order the Gold Edition of Just Cause 4 but we’ve seen how quick both Just Cause 2 and 3 got discounted to literally a few quid, I think I’m just going to rent it when it comes out then buy it if it’s in a Christmas sale. I’ve pre-ordered the gold edition of Hitman 2 even though I’m expecting it to be in a sale not long after it releases but I’m a big Hitman fan so I wouldn’t mind, plus I’m loving the bonus sniper assassin mission you get for pre-ordering it even though it is really short.
I saw the Croft Edition on Steam for half price about a week ago. I felt relieved I waited on it.
@Bonbonetti didn't know there was a TR hate train, don't see why been a solid trilogy - she's still a bit whiney though
Yeah was always gonna drop quickly this one.
Discounting the DLC before it's even released is completely unfair though imo, although I guess inevitable if the price is going down that quickly.
Hardly surprising given the reviews. Crazy to think the devs that made st 2 TRs released this knowing (they knew) it was below par, especially in an economic climate where weve seen whole divisions shut down from one poorly received game. Whos gonna buy Shadow OT TR when Spiderman is released at the same time to great reviews.
This is why you should always wait for the complete edition if you're going to complain for a price drop on a game, if you bought it day one then that was because you really care for the game to play it as soon as possible you shouldn't be whining for a price drop even if it was a fast one
If you enjoyed playing the game day one, it should be a huge deal. The DLC is understandable though. No one’s getting that earlier for paying more.
It was always on the cards, I never saw a huge buzz around this game compared with others released around the same time. Also didn't help when they basically killed the series with the ridiculous timed exclusive of its predecessor on entirely the wrong console and for me they never felt like Tomb Raider games, just more of an attempt to jump on the Uncharted bandwagon. For all those complaining it may teach them not to biy season passes before any content or indeed the game even releases
To be honest Square are not treating lara right at the mo. After the excellent reboot, the timed exclusivity on rise was silly. And then taking crystal dynamics off the franchise before they had a chance to finish off the trilogy, and dropping this release into a silly september with super hyped titles like spiderman (and also going up against their other major title for the autumn, dragon quest 11) was a little strange. I cant say im surprised that this has underperformed. I really want to get it. I love tomb raider, but my money and time can only stretch so far. Which means spiderman and red dead for now, and i will pick this one up later.
if you own any of the first two games then you absolutely knew this was going to happen. I'm still waiting for the price to go even lower, i bough the first two games for under 20 bucks.
I preordered on PC for $40, just need to know where to look!
bigggg fan of this game and yeah this is a bit disappointing, especially the $$ SP dropping, but still I had sooo much fun playing this game I would do it all again in a heartbeat for what I paid at launch
SquareEnix should sell Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider IP to Sony. Let a publisher worth a sh*t take care of it. These idiots have no clue. They've done their best to kill Deus Ex also. I'm not complaining about the price drop, they happen and I expected it to happen with this game. The thing is, it never should've come to this. Tomb Raider was an IP that a lot of people liked and the reboot had a lot of positive buzz, then these morons made that stupid timed exclusive deal and here we are. The timing didn't help either, people who had to make a choice were obviously going with Spider-Man.
Don't regret paying $60+ for the 2008 one, but the other two did not catch my attention.
No regrets here. Bought it day 1 and happy to support it at launch. It’s not the first I’ve paid a little more for and won’t be the last.
Ever since they gave Microsoft that year exclusivity on the second Tomb Raider I decided to buy their games preowned.
Yes I’m holding a grudge 😉
A few months ago, some TR fanboys said that Spider-Man can wait.
See what happens now, lamo.
SE and MS are trash.
Was excited for this installment at first. But all my trusted Youtube reviewers comment this game as mediocre...
Glad that I hold off..
Well if you feel bummed wait for the next one to drop in price before buying, gotta learn when you get burned. I sure learned after dragon age 2.
Well duh, not exactly a first party Nintendo game that holds it's full retail price forever. Looking forward to snag this one up at black Friday together with Spiderman and fist of the north star.
Games drop in price very quickly, especially at this time of year when there is so much competition for consumers money and time.
There are many games I buy at release but I buy them because I am excited to play them and I want to be part of the zeitgeist, it never concerns me that the games I buy drop in price.
There are titles that I identify that I want to play but that I am not in a desperate rush to play and in these instances I will hang on until I have a window of time to play it which often results in picking the game up a little cheaper.
@GKO900 Indeed but i dont want to wait if i really want a game. And i dont mind spending extra to support the developers and see another game. 😁
@Knuckles-Fajita Can we complain about the people complaining?
@Fight_Teza_Fight That's probably what they mean by "PC master race". Those guys spent all their money on their PC and can't afford games. I don't hear them complaining about component prices dropping though.
No sympathy for anyone who buys a game day one, full price and then moans that it's in a sale afterwards. Sorry. Nearly all of these games (unless it's GTA it seems) reduce in price quickly. I buy PES every year on day one and I know and accept that by Nov/Dec it will be half price.
I've always laughed at how Nintendo has the audacity to never drop the prices of its software, or like when they were still charging like three hundred quid for the Wii U years after they should have been paying people to have one. But at least with Nintendo you can buy a game on release day for full price safe in the knowledge that a thousand years in the future when alien archeologists are trying to work out why humanity went extinct, they'll crack open what to their beady black eyes looks like an ancient vault but is actually just a Walmart, and inside they'll find a copy of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze still going for $60.
You ain't never getting a deal on those bad boys.
With PS4 it's a bit more of a risk, and there's generally little benefit to picking the game up at launch since you'll usually get an inferior product that needs patching at a higher price. I bought this game at launch because my fiancee wanted it, but other than that the only game I've bought this year at launch has been God of War. I'm over it. I'll just play the Game of the Year Edition once they've fixed everything.
I was on the fence about SotTR, but I chose AC Odyssey instead. Now that SotTR has already been discounted on the PS Store, I will definitely wait for the inevitable sale at Christmas.
I paid full price for the game and have enjoyed it greatly. I value the hard work put into creating the title so think its worth paying the full price. I do not get annoyed if I buy a shirt then next week it is in the sale. I would not write a negative review of the product based on that. The first question that should always be asked is this. Am I happy paying the price I am paying for the goods? If not then do not buy it. Wait until a more suitable price point comes along.
No idea what the problem is.
I was Busy with DQXI when it came out so skipped it. But Just got it last weekend on sale.
People who did the opposite and played TR first can now get DQXI on sale (I payed full price)
Great game regardless - Loving every min of it.
@tameshiyaku Well, 3rd party have had nothing worth paying $60 on Switch one way or another for months.
Easy to keep old stuff high when getting zero competition at the top.
@johncalmc @Agramonte that's true. I don't agree with how Nintendo does it, but at the same time I understand why. Polygon have a good video on that topic
@tameshiyaku Yeah - and some are worth the cash either way. This generation not as bad. Been easy to find top tier Switch 1st party at $44 regularly. Maybe Target/Walmart/Amazon are big enough to not care.
September was just a rough month - except for SpiderMan. DQXI, Valkyria 4 and TR all gone on sale soon after.
Thanks for the Vid. I missed that one.
I thought that the point of pride in PC gaming is the sales?
A good rule of thumb:
Does it come out between August and November? Do you want to save money? If yes to both then wait and buy it for 25-50% off at Black Friday/Cyber Monday. It’s that simple. For example, I got Mafia III and the Bioshock Collection for half price less than two months after each released. Don’t complain if you choose not to be a smart consumer of games.
I'm not surprised, expectt steep price drop by Black Friday and Christmas, around $30-$35 New for base game.
Due to saving up money this year I've got into the habit of not buying new games on release day. The only games I've bought/ buying day one this year are Detroit and RDR2. I think I've enjoyed games more due to the fact that I've picked them up so cheap. I'm still looking forward to playing this Tomb Raider along with many others.
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