A Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age update has put in surprise appearance on PlayStation 4. You can download patch 1.01 right now, but don't get too excited -- it just fixes a few bugs and a very specific crashing issue.
Here are the changes, according to the official website:
- We’ve identified a bug which can sometimes cause the game to crash when the player is 300m away from their horse on the field, this has been fixed.
- People’s names (such as “Robert”) have been removed from the list of prohibited words when selecting the main character’s name at the beginning of the game.
- Multiple text bugs have been fixed.
True story: this particular author tried to call his character 'Robert' at the start of the game, and it wouldn't let him. It's a bit late to go fixing it now, but it's great news for all the other Roberts out there who haven't played it yet.
[source square-enix-games.com]
Comments 20
Be careful with that uppercase C in the tagline, @ShogunRok. Crash was not amused when he found out he had to be... "fixed".

Some things you just don't say to a poor furred creature.
I finally platinum'd Spidey earlier in the week, so I'm finally going to get around to starting this.
How long until everyone just calls you Bob, you reckon?
I'm 40 hours into this now, it's a nice game. Not encountered any technical problems at all. Veronica is the star of the show. Loving that sass.
Need to push on if I'm going to finish it before RDR2.
About 15 hours in, loving it beat Hollow Knight earlier so will concentrate on DQXI and go back and look for secrets in Hollow knight another time.
I’m waiting for a sale so I can get Dragon Quest 11. I’ve got plenty of action RPG’s like The Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Odin Sphere, but I really want to lose myself in a big JRPG with great characters and a good story.
Only thing is that I’ve been quite ill with chronic bowel disease for while now and these last few months have been hell. Therefore, finding free time isn’t an issue, but pain-free time? That’s in very short supply.
[EDIT]: Sorry, was just feeling a little sorry for myself for a minute there! 😪
I don't use the horse because I'm all about traversing with shiny monsters
Wow 1.01 thats how you develop games with really minor things well the Robert thing is kinda funny. How is it possible that this comes from the company that made FF15. 😜
@The_Pixel_King Sucks mate is it permanent or not. I hope you feel better or get well soon power to you.
I'm 75 hours in, hadn't noticed any bugs - standing in thin air next to stuff I just think is funny, I'm not calling it a bug - but my son wondered if these two things are glitches.
First, but probably not, Erik has that large area of abilities you can kinda see but can't see, I think it's at the top. We figure it's for post game but he broguth it up.
2nd, and I'm wondering about this myself now, at some point Serena has an ability show up," Saint's Row" or something, but we never saw her learn it and we didn't give it to her, and it's always grayed out and we can't use it. Probably showed up about 35-40 hours in.
Excellent game so far, gonna be over 100 hours easy for me for the main story, so much yet to do. Though I did gamble. A lot. Bought 5 tokens, got up to just over 100,000. And I did all 26 side quests. (Not a spoiler I figure since it tells you right off their are 26 if you click on Quest Info).
@AlexSora89 Awww. <3
As a robert yet to start this game, i approve of this patch!
@The_Pixel_King man, that sucks. Hope you feel better soon!
Prepare for a confusing time when people start referring to one of the other characters as Lord Robert!
@Flaming_Kaiser @Rob_230 Thank you so much for the well wishes, guys. It means an awful lot to me. It isn’t something that will ever get better I’m afraid. I started getting ill about 15 years ago when I was 30, but even after four major ops to remove parts of my bowel, it’s only getting worse. In fact, I only came out of hospital yesterday and the pain is already hitting the 8 out of 10 mark again. No wonder I’m depressed. Then again, if it wasn’t for the escapism that my PS4 gives me, I’d probably be a lot, lot worse. Power to Playstation!
This game is perfect and in the fifty off hours of playing it I have not had any problems at all.Hopefully it stays that way
@kyleforrester87 Veronica is easily the best character by far but just imagine the game without the voice overs.She would lose so much of her personality.The Japanese really missed out.
@The_Pixel_King As someone who has had a lot of medical problems since I was 18 (I'm 44 now) i can sort of relate.I feel for you mate.Hang in there..
funny, they never updated the japanese version..at all
@Wazeddie22 Right back at you my friend. Being ill sucks, right? Including my broken legs/hip/shoulder from a heavy motorbike accident in 2004, I’ve had nine major surgeries and live in pain every single day. My heart goes out to all those who suffer from health issues, both big and small.
@rjejr Erik and several other characters get an extension to their skill board at certain points in the plot. As for the Serena thing, she need to be under the effects of a certain power-up to use that ability. If you click on it as if to use it, it'll tell you which one.
I like to bring the funny over at NintendoLife. Thought I'd do the same here, among the usual zingfest between me and the staff-slash-userbase.
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