What’s the September 2018 PlayStation Plus lineup? And when will the September 2018 PS Plus lineup be revealed? After last month’s late PS+ reveal, normal service has been resumed for September’s roster of goodies. Of course the release schedule is looking ridiculously stacked now, so you may be adding any freebies to your backlog immediately. Nevertheless, we’ve got your usual array of rumour and speculation regarding September 2018’s PS Plus update right here – let’s get into it.
For a recap, check out our full list of all free PS Plus games in 2018.
When will September 2018’s free PS Plus games be announced?
As is a monthly tradition, September 2018’s free PlayStation Plus games will be announced on the last Wednesday of the month, which lands on 29th August this time. We'll bring you all of the news the moment we have it right here on Push Square and on our YouTube channel.
When will September 2018’s free PlayStation Plus games be available to download?
Again, assuming Sony follows its usual schedule, September 2018’s free PS Plus games will be made available on Tuesday, 4th September.
What are September 2018’s free PS Plus games?
There are a lot of new games due out on 4th September, including the likes of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age and Destiny 2: Forsaken. Of course, the likelihood of either making September 2018’s free PlayStation Plus lineup is slim to none, and while we reckon a fellow new release like indie Planet Alpha would be an ace addition, Sony hasn’t given away any day-and-date titles for some time. It’ll be dipping into its archives again then, and given the sheer number of blockbuster releases on the horizon, we reckon the company would be smart to offer something light with PS+ this time. A pick-up and play racer such as Onrush or Burnout Paradise Remastered, for example, would be a great accompaniment to the story heavy releases like Marvel’s Spider-Man and Shadow of the Tomb Raider on the way – and it’s not like racers have been particularly prolific on the subscription service of late.
What free September 2018 PlayStation Plus games do you want?
So which September 2018 PS Plus games do you want? Will you be able to find time for whatever Sony offers with the likes of Marvel’s Spider-Man and Shadow of the Tomb Raider on the docket, or do you think you’re going to be too busy for giveaways? Share some realistic suggestions in the comments section below.
What free September 2018 PS Plus games are you after? What have been your thoughts on PlayStation Plus so far in 2018? Share your ideal PS+ update in the comments section below.
Comments 47
You know what I'll ask. Tomb Raider and Spiderman or I won't renew my sub
@AFCC I think that’s quite reasonable to ask. I personally hope ps+ members get a free pre order for cod blops4 and kingdom hearts 3. And I hope the bonus VR game will be resident evil 7.
I'll vote for Elite Dangerous and Wild Guns Reloaded.
Yakuza 0 & Puyo Puyo Tetris would be a great month.
Just want Nier Automata... Please!! Pretty please..
@darkswabber I hope October will have BFV and RDR 2
Knack 2 lol
@Candyman03 Come on dude that game deserves to be buy by the music alone show some support.
Anyways hopefully we get an indie game but a good one like Celeste
Yeah, I like the idea of Onrush. Also Nex Machina. That combination would be sublime
@AFCC exactly! And a Sony CEO should drop by and rub my back while I'm playing these titles 😂
But seriously, I would love something like Celeste, shovel knight, etc. Just not another mainstream bargain bin release.
I got my Warhammer title on last month's ps plus games only problem was that it was a ps vita game and I don't have a ps vita 😭 but cheers anyway Sony.
@GKO900 I guess you're right, although my wallet don't agree with you. 😉
Laser League seems a pretty good bet, would be happy with that.
Sigh, I'm totally focused in Spider-Man, but I would like something similar to The Surge, Night in the Woods, Knack 2, Everybody's Golf, Wipeout, Hitman, etc.
Secret of Mana Remaster
Shadow of The Colossus Remaster
Dragon Quest Builders
Also why dont psn users recieve coupons for purchases made lol. I mean would be cool to pick your own free game from the store every now and then.
Also sony need to just port their entire ps1 and ps2 library to ps4. Many people will buy games they never got to play especially if remastered
Yakuza 0 & Nier: Automata.
Last guardian or the witness would be good. What's the chances for what remains of Edith Finch?
Bear with me here, but what about PES 2019?! From a marketing point of view, yes, Konami would take a hit on profit, but from long term strategy point of view, they would have 3 weeks to snag people who usually play FIFA. Would be interesting to see how many of them would play PES and realise it's the better game and then not bother getting FIFA?
@tomassi That would be a fantastic idea. Won't happen because they higher ups in Konami are too dumb to think long term, but that could be a game changer for PES.
Season pass to some games you own if you have not purchased would be nice. Just saying
@Ichiban Yakuza 0 is going for under a tenner on PS store just now i picked up that + Yakuza Kiwami and Doom for £26, not bad at all!
I personally want Persona 5 as this game deserves more credit than it gets and it should be more known imo and i also want Burnout paradise, a nice nostalgic game.
@DMG361132 who says so?
Some VR stuff, Moss would be nice.
For me, i personally would be satisfied with plants vs zombies Garden Warfare 2 and even battlefeild 1, but vr should be superhot vr
I wanna to be free6on Septembar, for PS Plus members one of this games: Dying Light, Outlast 2, Persona V, RE Reveletions 2, or some older Tom Clancy game...
Tnx a lot for last month, Mafia 3 is amazing, DbD is more interesting and playable then Fortnite and Knowledge is the Power is super game for family or company barbecue at my home!!!
I'm still too busy with persona 5... this game is huuuugggggeeeeee 🤣 I've been playing it for almost a month now 😅 and my backlog keeps growing, so whatever they give in the ps plus will only pile up with my backlog 😅
Far Cry 4 would be nice. I have it on PS3 and would like to replay it with PS4 graphics. I would then purchase the Yeti dlc.
@tomassi 2K Sports used to do that with their sports titles having reduced pricing until EA when on an 'licensed exclusivity' buying-spree. Now only 2K NBA remains. Konami would need to approach that as a long-term pricing thing they probably won't/can't afford and the reality of taking a significant lasting bite out of FIFA sales in the short-term (beyond the PS+ promo) is remote. It may introduce a few new people to PES, but most would return to FIFA next purchase because that's what their friends have.
The order would be nice.
I can't see it being anything fantastic with Spiderman coming out this soon
Don't really care what's free but surely Killzone SF & RE7 can't be far away?
It'll be hard for Sony to top Heavy Rain. I don't think any PS+ game will ever live up to that masterpiece.
On a serious note, I've had my copy of Uncharted 4 since I got my PS4 over a year ago, and I haven't touched it since. I wouldn't mind getting the Uncharted trilogy for free, though I realise this is probably unrealistic.
Edit: Of course, picking it up on sale for $8 ain't so bad either.
For me nothing i dont have the time just working on my backlog. 😜
@DMG361132 I don't believe you
@DMG361132 Shovel Knight was never a PS+ game unless it was a European one.
new spiderman game
Dragon Quest Builders
Whatever they are it'll be lost on me as I start playing DQXI. I guess anything other than Nier Automata - I just bought that.
I want resident evil 7 for free or Friday the 13th
@Matroska Exactly my feelings too.Dragon Quest XI has been my most anticipated game this year...no other game will get a look in!(ok,maybe Spiderman )
I'd love a playable version of that Cyberpunk gameplay demo.
With all the good games coming out September, I guarantee this month's line up wont be that great, as a sales point of view. I'm sure Sony would rather have you opening your wallets this round. Can't blame them.
@DMG361132 it will happen lol it was leaked
@DMG361132 it happened
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