Just a quick update on Bethesda's E3 2018 press conference: don't expect an especially long showing. Replying to fans on Twitter, Bethesda's ever-talkative Pete Hines makes it sound like the publisher's planned out another relatively short event. "I assure you it won’t be three hours long," Hines wrote.
Given Bethesda's recent E3 history, we can probably expect a show that lasts around an hour or so. If memory serves, last year's presser only went on for around 45 minutes. Short and sweet.
As for what's going to be shown, the only confirmed game so far is the recently revealed RAGE 2. DOOM 2 is also a somewhat reasonable shout, and there are ongoing whispers that Bethesda's new sci-fi property, commonly known as Starfield, may finally put in an appearance.
Do you prefer shorter press conferences? Feel free to post longer comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 18
Weird, they said this would be their longest one yet.
Doom 2, Rage 2...what else?
Pretty respectable length tbh.
Okay I'm about 3 years too early even if they WERE to make another (lets face it, they probably won't) but we can hope. I love a good third person survival horror and we got zilch on the horizon.
I hope they finally reveal the Prey DLC.
@kyleforrester87 You forgot to mention Evil Within 3
To be honest I want to know where the Evil Within 2 dlc is..the ad on for the first game was awesome!
with the way the evil within 2 ended (stem machine jumping back online) there has to be a 3rd game planned.
it did better than the first game so i can't see why they would not make another.
don't forget that that leslie guy is still around and is most likely being possesed by ruvic.
C’moooon FO3 remaster...
Elder Scrolls or GTFO.
Good. Conferences that are much longer than an hour usually have quite a bit of filler.
@Ackbar7 Not happening IMO.
@KirbyTheVampire I know. I don't think it is happening either. But they could at least throw us an Oblivion (or better yet Morrowind) remaster.
@Ackbar7 I'd be down with that, especially if they do something about the NPC faces in Oblivion. Those are just hard to look at.
Contrary to my last post, maybe Death Stranding will be my survival horror fix!
The Evil Within 2 is amazing and I really want a sequel as well, but it’s too soon to announce the third game. Looks like that Prey will receive a dlc. I don’t like to buy dlcs for every game, I will wait for Prey 2 instead.
Rage 2 is confirmed already, would be great if they announce Doom 2 and Starchild as well, not sure if it will happen.
Please let it be Elder Scroll VI; please. please. please!!!
As long as they announce some games I want, that's all that matters to me.
I only want to see an Elder Scrolls VI announcement. But would also take a Starfield update to.
never played first rage but really keen to see more of the 2nd looks like awesome dumb fps fun
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