Good luck, SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy – you’re officially launching on the same day as Spider-Man. We suppose there’s not a whole lot of crossover between Peter Parker and scantily clad SNK characters, but 7th September doesn’t look like a great release date right now, as we discussed in a recent Talking Point.
Anyway, the boob-based brawler will only be available digitally on the PlayStation 4, as the physical edition is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch or something. Is anyone even going to buy this game? That question came across harsher than we intended, but this feels like a really weird product to us. Seriously, how many of you are interested in it?
Comments 39
"Anyway, the boob-based brawler will only be available digitally on the PlayStation 4, as the physical edition is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch or something. Is anyone even going to buy this game?"
You do realize there are a world of people out there with tastes and interests that differ from your own, right?
@Ralizah Yeah, just not many of them, relatively speaking.
Fighting games are generally quite niche to begin with in this day and age, and SNK Heroines is targeting a niche within that niche. Doubt Spider-Man will impact its sales much if at all because it was never going to sell anyway.
Wouldn't be surprised if they're going all in with DLC and getting as much money from the core fans as possible. Seems to be the way to go when it comes to games like this.
@ShogunRok That's a pretty bold statement when many "niche" Japanese games that Sammy couldn't care less about are selling quite well on both PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
But I tend to agree that Spider-Man isn't going to impact its sales. Most people buying this aren't going to be debating between this and a AAA superhero game.
@Ralizah Yeah but that's why I said "relatively speaking". Nothing bold about that, it's just highly likely. SNK Heroines will probably peak at around what, 300k copies sold worldwide? If that? Maybe that's being generous, it's hard to say. Spider-Man's probably looking at several million at least, assuming it's not somehow a mess.
Eh, niche games are niche games, they're always going to have fans and that's fine, great even, but at the same time, it's easy to overlook the bigger picture. I think Sammy's just pointing that out in his own snarky way.
@ShogunRok It's quite a jump from "Is anyone even going to buy this game?" to "this game will probably sell a few hundred thousand copies, but it won't sell like Spider-Man?"
Not every game needs to be a AAA title designed for mass consumption to make a good profit or add something of value to the system's library.
It’s an SNK fighter, so yeah I’m getting it. Shermie was just added to lineup so it’s nice to see not the characters just coming from KOF 14. This game has a stupid gimmick for sure, but hopefully the gameplay is alright. It still has that 1 button special move though. Ugh
It should be released on january-may, not on fall where there's spiderman/dragon quest/spyro/tomb raider/etc
For once its not me moaning about the way this site words stuff.
Maybe if people have an issue...adapt how you speak. Lord knows you say that to me enough.
Plus, salty no physical version eh? Cute.
No port begging now.
@Ralizah Read the full paragraph. It’s a genuine question.
Looking at the views this article has had so far, I think it’s a pertinent one, too.
@get2sammyb Maybe dont word questions in an abrasive manner, and people will answer them.
Plus, looking at the views this article has had so far, posted at midnight UK time, sure.
Is anyone gonna buy this? Yes. Obviously. No game sells 0 copies, not from a known company. Stupid question is stupid.
Will it sell in meaningful quantities. Dunno. Cant say until it happens.
Plus I did a little thing called research and got some more info on that "physical only on Switch or something" that you sound salty about.
Yamashita first discussed SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, and revealed some details about working with Nintendo that hadn’t been known previously. Nintendo actually wanted to work with SNK on an exclusive basis, which eventually resulted in a deal. Only the Switch version will be sold physically in the west, and Nintendo will be a distributor that includes buying many units.
Yamashita stated:
“I’ll give you a scoop! Originally we signed with SNK on SNK Heroines just on the PS4 format. Then last year an opportunity happened at Gamescom, two third parties happened to meet all together outside Nintendo’s meeting room. The first meeting was between NIS America and Nintendo of Europe (NOE) and the next meeting was between SNK and NOE. Of course, these two were separate meetings. Then after their meeting influential people from SNK came to our booth and said: ‘Hey Mr. Yamashita, is it possible to cancel our contact on PS4? Nintendo wants to work on this title on an exclusive basis!’
So these third parties come together and the team at NIS and SNK decided to go with Nintendo for the western market. Physical copy-wise, it’s going to be a Switch exclusive. PS4-wise it’s going to be just digital. That’s the deal. We will not release a packaged version for PS4 format. Then Nintendo will act as a distributor for this game. Then they promised to buy a lot of units. I can’t reveal the number of units they’ve guaranteed, that’s secret talk.
Sounds like someone simply got a better deal. There. Wasn't so hard to find was it?
No physical Reese is bad. The core market probably wants a physical release.
The release date is still a bad idea. Spider-Man aside, there’s so much competition. It’s trying to compete with those titles, but people with a wide range of tastes will be affected. It’s also competing with DQ, which does go for a similar market.
@Shogunrok I’d argue it’s a niche within a niche within a niche lol, because it’s just female fighters rather than a general fighting game for their franchises.
And regarding the DLC, please tell me it won’t charge for different colors for the costumes. I saw a game like this do that one ever. That’s worse than DOA’s DLC.
And then NIS America will cry and complain about the sales on PS4, by releasing on the same day of a huge exclusive.
@Jaz007 i bet you anything most of if not all dlc will be costumes if were lucky more characters
@YummyHappyPills I read it thanks and I’m not salty. I rarely ever buy physical games and have zero interest in this so... 🤷♂️
@YummyHappyPills @Ralizah He just made a question. Anyway, PS4 gamers can buy both if they want. No need for drama.
Kinda sucks that there is no physical copy for PS4 though.
Welp. That game is doomed to sales hell now. It likely wasn't going to sell well regardless (SNK in general is pretty niche westward, especially in America), but this killing it Lennie style.
Errrr... as long as it's not disturbingly pervy, if the FGC deems this a worthy fighter I might pick it up on a PSN sale.
Sometimes this kind of titles can turn out to be unexpectedly and unwillingly girly (I am looking at you DOA, Xtreme Beach Volleyball)
Errr.... Ill probably get it. I always gravitate to female characters anyway, not for the fan service but none the less. Just wish they werent all skinny little waifus. They need some chunkier muscle woman like my main Makoto!
Tbh I just signed in to this site to comment here.
I'm a big fan of SNK (specially between KOF 96-00 era)
With all the story behind SNK and through all these years, I always try to support them buying those beloved tittles I loved so much (Samurai Shodown, KOF, AOF, Fatal Fury, Last Blade, etc) for the PS4.
They are going for a different direction with this new coming tittle, and I like that concept (except the gameplay which for I have read it seems it's going to be something like "smash"-ish which I find that really disappointing.. no offense but I don't really like the "smash" style at all.. not even my kind of fighting game concept).
But even that, I'll try for it, why not? for all the SNK fans out there (I don't mind if we are just a few) it's like a "just have fun" fighting game with all our waifus, lol.
Now, is very disappointing for me that we are not going to get a physical release for the PS4.. (no special edition, etc). I sum up one more reason to my list against nintendo (I really have a lot of resentment, calling out for the Fatal Frame fans out there.. and my WiiU purchase just for Fatal Frame 5 and CENSORED...), but that's just me. On the other hand, if SNK is going to get better outcome with this decision, so be it, I'll just keep supporting with my digital copy then..
The gamers interested in this franchise, or even genre, are not necessarily interested in the other "September games". I don't like it when media group every gamer into the same basket, especially since we (the consumers) represent a greater level of diversity than media itself when it comes to tastes.
Also, if their primary market is the Switch, it might make perfect sense for them to release the game in September. I don't think they really care about what PS4 games are being released in that month if the PS4 represents a much smaller market. It wouldn't have made much of a difference to them had they released it later.
Well to be honest I am interested in both jap games (especially jrpg and fighting games) and american superhero games. I will get Spideman obviously since it is more interesting. And September is really very crowded.
Well its a pity but i was not getting it anyway. Im more a fan of the Atelier games but if that goes digital then im done with NISA games. I bought all the Atelier games as a collector editions, all Hyperdimension Neptunia collectors editions games PS4 and PS Vita, Nights of Azure collectors editions games, Odin Sphere collectors edition, God Wars collector edition, Grand Kingdom grand edition. Gonna miss you but do what you want. 😑
@Ralizah But no one said it had to be?
In the mist of Silly Season, delay it till early next year,
If you write articles in a negative way you are going to get a reaction. Obviously. Maybe that is how you have more people here reading them?
I am interested in this one the more I see it. If it supports legacy sticks I will get this version.
Personally I have ZERO interest in that Spider-Man game as I’m not a fan of Peter Parker to begin with, nor would I buy a game by Sucker Punch at launch (inFamous, for example, just isn’t that great IMHO).
I may actually pick this one up since I love the King of Fighters and all the other KoF games can have such a long wait time for matches (as all fighting games do this long after the initial release), so it’d be great to get some online matches in (especially since my mains are all in this game).
Scratch that...I’m definitely going to pick this one up instead, in part because of this article. Like, seriously...are you trying to smear this game? Reminds me of when Fox News exaggerated the sex aspect of Mass Effect. C'mon guys!
This game looks so cringe-worthy. And yes, I think you are a sick perv if you buy this game.
@Ryno I think youre sick for being inherently dismissive of others.
@YummyHappyPills I'm the "sick" one that doesn't play pervy anime games? Ok...
@Ryno LMAO, lighten up buddy. It's a video game, with girls from a long-running series fighting eachother in blood-less combat, and you can make them wear a bikini if you want. This game isn't gonna kill anyone. It's for fun. Relax. There's nothing "sick" about it.
Some of the commenters here shakes head. I think the article asks a sensible question about why any game no matter how niche would want to release on the same day as Spiderman?
Some seem to come from the NL side who are getting ratty cos they got called out on their port begging nonsense.
@smelly_jr Its not made by Sucker Punch if you are going to negative atleast do your research. 🤣
@YummyHappyPills Go in your Nintendo hole mate. Your more salty then the ocean. Never understood why your on this site you clearly have something against Sony. 😆😋
@Flaming_Kaiser For a guy who has something against Sony I sure do play and stream a lot of PlayStation stuff.
Must be Stockholm syndrome. Or maybe you need to learn not to assume love.
i think going up against Spider-Man (not to mention the other AAA games being released that month) could really impact the PS4 sales of this game
it could sell well on the Switch though as most Switch owners won't be getting any of those AAA games anyway
@Flaming_Kaiser What! You’re right...Insomniac is making it. I coulda sworn somewhere I read that Sucker Punch was making it, which made sense to me since this Spider Man game is a PS4 exclusive and has the same kinda cityscape as inFAMOUS.
And I don’t see how I was being “negative” just because that game doesn’t look interesting to all honesty, I don’t get the hype. Graphics look amazing, but the gameplay seems pretty basic. Nothing that would make me say “all games should avoid releasing that same day!”
@smelly_jr I totally agree with this guy about having ZERO interest in getting the new Spider-man game and his opinion about this article..
"weird product"??.. Well, I prefer the "weird" (I would rather call them "niche") games than most commercial/same/repetitive AAA games tbh :/
I'm just going to get the SNK game.
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