Bandai Namco has shared a few details following the big reveal trailer of SoulCalibur VI at The Game Awards last night. Posting on the official PlayStation Blog, community manager Isshak Ferdjani gives us a brief overview of what we can expect from the long awaited sequel.
For starters, yes, that is Mitsurugi, even though he looks a lot younger than he did in SoulCalibur V. The cast will feature both "new and returning fighters". The post continues, "SoulCalibur VI retains its 3D weapon-based fighting roots. The 8-Way Run movement system returns, allowing for smooth 3D movement."
However, it's quick to mention a whole new mechanic: Reversal Edge. "Reversal Edge allows characters to clash against each other and follow-up with a powerful counterattack based on their opponent’s actions," apparently. Sounds like some sort of rock-paper-scissors-style system?
The post concludes, "We’re returning back to the series’ roots and bringing it to the 21st century." We don't know about you, but returning to the series' roots seems like a good idea. SoulCalibur V was somewhat convoluted both in its story and its gameplay, so we'd like nothing more than to see Bandai Namco produce another classic like the timeless SoulCalibur II.
Are you ready for another tale of souls and swords? Pray your favourite fighter makes it into the roster in the comments section below.
Comments 15
Slower gameplay was always the best thing about sc2. The series kept getting faster and faster after that. If the fightings slowed down with bigger frame windows for parries they would be onto a winner. Come on Namco you can be great again!
Havent touched one of these in ages so very excited for this.
It's weird that it's called SoulCalibur VI when based on what we've seen so far it almost seems like a reboot.
Bring back Cervantes
@ShogunRok brief bit I saw looked just like Dreamcast Soul Calibur, fine by me. None have been as good since then for me, the Darth Vader Soul Calibur was a lot of daft.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It's amazing how well SC looks and plays on the Dreamcast even today it's definitely a game that's stood the test of time.
@ShogunRok If it can capture the feel of SCII I am all for that. For some reason after 2 that games just didn't feel the same. For me 2 was the most balanced. I still fire that game up on the GC every so often.
@Tasuki yeah I agree, while not a huge fighting game fan, SCII was always one of my favs, hopefully this is more like that.
@MrMustardMan @Tasuki Yeah II is definitely the best in the series. III and IV weren't too bad from what I remember but they were still disappointing, and V was a bit of a mess.
only ever played the dream cast one and absolutely loved that. Does it still say 'this victory strengthens the soul of...' that never got old.
Soul Blade was up there with Tekken 3 on the PlayStation so a return to its roots would be incredible
For me, Soul Calibur VI needs to have a solid arcade ladder mode and a good chunk of unlockable lore. That was what sold me back in SC 1. Those horrible ladder modes in III and IV (where it repeated the same encounters with all characters and had a pitiful number of bouts) HAVE to stop.
Wish i still had my Dreamcast. 😔
I completely understand the choice from the story perspective, but I hope returning to roots doesn't mean omitting the custom characters.
I can't imagine a SC game without those any more, it's a bit worrying there hasn't been any word about that yet.
Better get all the classic fighters aswell as Weapon Master mode.
@Expa0 i use to spend SO nuch time creating my own characters! Def the best part of thevgame imo
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