This is all moving too fast! Following its official announcement at Sony's TGS 2017 press conference, Final Fantasy IX has hit the PlayStation Store on PlayStation 4 in Europe and North America. At the time of writing it can't be purchased, but it's definitely on there with today, the 19th September, set as the release date. It comes with a specially made theme that features the game's colourful cast of characters.
We'll update this article once we have a price and it's available to download.
Will you be snapping this one up? Agree that it's the best Final Fantasy in the comments section below.
Update: The game's now available to download. In the UK, it costs £16.99, but PlayStation Plus subscribers get the price knocked down to £13.59. In North America, it's going for $16.79, but that price will only apply until the 26th September. After that, it'll rise to $20.99.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 40
It gonna look dope!
I'm juggling Destiny 2 and Pillars already. Now this? Genuinely worried.
Wolfenstein and Evil Within 2 on the horizon too.
Nice knowing you, @ShogunRok.
Any chance of a retail release to?
It's out now. Just bought it £13.59 for PS Plus owners.
Added prices to the article.
Crisp and shiny old new friends, tis good to see you all again.
Discount is nice, I'll check it later this night
Yesterday I ordered Dragon quest heroes 2 and Pillars of Eternity, so no money for it, at least for this month
Can I storm out of work?
@kyleforrester87 Absolutely, I already have done.
I have officially just flipped my lid.
@ShogunRok I'm gunna wait until 26th so I can pay more for it, actually.
P.S Time to dig out the classic FF9 review?!
@kyleforrester87 Of course!
well that's fancy!
Ohhhh. Been waiting for this to hit PS4 for a few years! Gonna grab this after I finally finish Danganronpa. The class trials are so long this time round!
They went with "a place to return someday" for the theme song...it's nice but way too short/repetitive.
Exciting and I cant wait to pick up again. Price seems a little steep, but for my all time favourite game, I am unlikely to resist.
Bought faster than you can say "Kupo" Kupo.
@johncalmc @kyleforrester87 @Feena yeeees, they had it planned all along. Thought that 9 on social media earlier this year made ff9 ps4 a sure thing. As the years gone on I presumed it was a gaff / joke.
I was gonna jib rpgs for the year. Damn you square. Cant believe it!
@themcnoisy and here I thought I was going to play Pillars of Eternity and Yakuza ;_;
I'm happy for all of you!!
I never played 9 so I won't be a day one impulsive buy. Too much to play and lacking the time to... actually play.
If this was 8 I had no choice but to buy. That was my FF baptism and holds a dear spot in my heart. Can't wait till 8 for PS4 lands on the store!!
Edit: While I was doing my fatherly duty of gathering coin at work my wife sent me a pic of her installing 9 on my HDD! Oh well...
She's a FF fan as well and I'm sure she'll have loads of fun with it. I seriously need to start Witcher 3 as I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition and it's been waiting for me since release day.
What's special about this ff? And can I enjoy it with no nostalgia factor?
@AFCC it's the classic FF experience with ATB, in a inspired fairy-tale fantasy kind of setting with a very touching story and likeable characters that don't try hard to be edgy. I don't think you'd find it INCREDIBLE playing it now for the first time but if you like old style JRPGs then go for it, I am sure its still enjoyable today.
@Feena Maybe I'll pick it up since the price is kinda low! I'll report back with a first timer opinion if I do play it
@AFCC After playing it, whenever you think Black Mage you'll immediately think of Vivi - he's one of the main Final Fantasy franchise icons for me.
@AFCC The charm factor goes through the roof in this one. That's if you're into that stuff. I'm a sucker for charming and lovable characters.
I've had this game on PS1 for a long time, but never got around to playing it.
Looks like I'll finally get to playing it on PS4.
Just got off work and saw this..amazing news!I'll be buying that today..despite having a lifetimes worth of games to get on with.
So excited! It's one of the only mainline ff's I haven't played. I'll probably pick this up today.
I wouldn't say it's the best, Final Fantasy VI is the best so far, but I guess it's time to put it to the test.
Was a bit drunk when I accessed the psstore and 3 seconds later I've bought ff9, a game I've already beat once on PSOne and once on PSP. This comes just a few days after buying ff12 on sale (a game I have never played...). Pretty sure my backlog will crush me at this point
Never played this just read the stellar review!
I didn't get around to finishing 7 so probably shouldn't be buying this.
Immediately changed avatar to Vivi after purchase.
I just bought the PS1 version...
Indeed, that's what I'm waiting to find out before I get it.
I'd prefer a physical copy, even though I still have my PS1 copy.
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