We've seen bits and pieces of The Last Guardian over the last few months, and based purely upon what we've been shown, it's safe to say that the game isn't going to be a 100 miles per hour thrill ride. Of course, if previous titles ICO and Shadow of the Colossus are anything to go by, then we can certainly expect an emphasis on atmosphere and feeling over crazy set pieces.
That said, the title's latest trailer does try to plug the action that little bit more. We see crumbling bridges, perilous platforming, and a big evil cat-dog-bird thing with a mask. Clocking in at around 30 seconds, it's a short but sweet video that's put together rather well.
Are you excited for The Last Guardian? Hard to believe that we're almost there, isn't it? Feel free to trip and fall into the comments section below.
Comments 9
First game I wrote on my Christmas list.Very excited
The last trailer I'm going to watch of this game. I've seen enough, can't wait!
i have a feeling this probably won't review well, and may well show signs of its development struggles, but i'm going to get it anyway.. to reward the perseverance to get it finished if nothing else. and i did like both ico and SoTC.
The trailer looks awsome can't wait till december. 😁
This looks sooo good. I can't wait to see how it will tie in with Ico and SotC.
Watched a gameplay vid on YouTube and I love the kid and Trico. I really like the character animations and language as well. My only concerned is that I hope the gameplay isn't mostly puzzle oriented.
@shogunrok I still wouldn't mind a re-remaster of ICO and SotC. Maybe even a re-re-remaster for the PS4 Pro lol. I didn't get the chance to play it on the PS2 or the PS3 and I feel that I need to play those before starting the last guardian. I don't own my PS3 anymore though. I honestly doubt that a remaster is happening as we'd have heard about it by now. The mass effect trilogy is another remaster I'd love but isn't happening.
Does it not concern anyone else that they have barely shown anything about this game? Don't get me wrong, I am still excited. But it's worrying me a little bit.
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