Hype! This weekend not only plays host to the final of Wimbledon but also Euro 2016, meaning that everyone here at Push Square Towers has a date with BBC1 this Sunday. As for you Americans, we're sure that there's some basketball on or something.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I opted to review Energy Hook because… Well, I haven't written many reviews lately, and I fancied a Spider-Man-esque extreme sports release. It sucks, though. FML.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
I'm still moving forward with my playthrough of Persona 4 Golden, which I'm having an absolute blast with. I've made a pretty sizeable dent in the game at this point, but I have no intention of slowing down. Meanwhile on the PS4, I'll probably make some time for NHL 16, and maybe give Furi another try. It wasn't really something that I liked first time through, but I'll give it another go.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
It's a bit of a quiet period for me right now, so I've retreated back into the MMO world with my girlfriend on Final Fantasy XIV. I'm finally working my way up to the most recent expansion content on Heavensward. I'm not sure I'll get a lot of gaming in on Sunday, though, with both the Wimbledon and European Championships finals taking place.
Ken Talbot, Reviewer
I need to finish Dragon Ball XenoVerse, continue the clearly mental story mode of Street Fighter V, and also start my umpteenth playthrough of REmake.
Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
This weekend I'll be travelling to a galaxy far, far away in search of Luke Skywalker, in LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Other than that I'll be working my way through Furi; so far I've beaten the first two bosses and have fallen in love with the title.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
A friend has recently picked up a PS4, so I'm going to help him settle in via a co-op game or two. First up is Alienation – a very fun game alone, but even better with a buddy. Furi has also been sat on my hard drive for a few days waiting its turn, and I'll also likely go a few rounds in Overwatch, despite being an absolute liability most of the time.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
Well, after discussing why the Dreamcast is my favourite console, it made me want to fire it up. So some Virtua Tennis, NFL 2K, Fur Fighters, and MSR is what I will be playing this weekend!
Another week, another issue of WAYP over. Let us know in the comments section what you're playing – and who you want to win the Wimbledon and Euro 2016 finals!
Comments 53
As usual for me, mainly Overwatch and a bit o WoW, getting ready for the pre-Legion patch.
At my Vita I play Oreshinka, it was a great suprise for me, love the art style and the game play.
C'mon Murray and France!
Lots of walking around and taking gyms in Pokemon Go! Also some Lego the Force awakens.
Still in baby duties but my vita is getting some action. Got Gravity Rush the other day so going to make a start. Also working towards a platinum in short bursts on shadow of mordor (as I can't afford any new games).
Some EDF with the misses
i'm playing "Life" this weekend
the graphics are crap, the soundtrack is boring and there are NO checkpoints
Having only managed to save 2 people in until dawn on my first play through last week I'm maybe gonna try again see if I can do any better. Otherwise it's about time I unwrapped my God of war 3 remaster and gave that a blast, missed it on the ps3 and only played ascension which I loved but know number 3 is ment to be much better so looking forward to this
The vita is great for that. As for time, I got 11 & 14 year old daughters. You'll get more time back as they get older but you'll be broke till they marry and leave home. mine have got progressively more expensive. But it's all worth it, I'll never forget 4 player Mario kart with the family. And the crushing feeling when they can legitimately win because they practice while you work.
I'm on vacation this week so I'll just be playing Lego Star Wars on Vita and of course Pokémon Go on my phone!!
Resident Evil 5 (near the end)
God Eater: Resurrection (still in the early stages)
Adventures of Mana (still yet to start the game, wanted to last week but didn't have the free time)
Nothing really for me, since I'm at the beach. I did play a bit of Fire Emblem Conquest yesterday, but wasn't really feeling it. When I get home, I need to put time into Ratchet & Clank and Doom. Even though I just beat it, I'm really wanting to put more time into NG+ in Dark Souls 3, and even start a new character in order to make him good with swords and magic.
Dark Souls for me. Possibly finishing Ratchet and Clank if i get time.
@get2sammyb Basketball season is over here in the US but there is baseball.
Nothing but Far Cry Primal again for me on the ps4.My mate will want it back Monday but I may `accidently forget` to bring it in until I've finished and got the sparkly platinum..
And for the Vita I'm still working through the fantastic Person 4 Golden
PSP: Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception,really enjoying it so far, it runs great on PSP!
Windows Phone: Ice Age Village, still doing the daily grind on this...
I've been challenged to complete God of War 1 and 2, so that'll have my attention for most of the weekend. Dunno how many Destiny fans are still around but I'll also try my hand at the Trials of Osiris with some friends.
Star ocean I absolutely love it. I have one gripe tho, the character you control (fidel) can run right thru every npc. Surely this will be patched in a update soon. This game has everything I need from a jrpg and the music is awesome! I'm 8 hours in and happily addicted.
Xbox One- Killer Instinct and Dead or Alive 5 LR
PS4- Street Fighter V
Wii U- Smash Bros and Tokyo Mirage Session
3DS- Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Zero Escape
Playing some RE revelations 2 and ESO. Finally reached level 50 so I'm a vet, champion and hero.
@get2sammyb to you bub.
I dont really want France to win but I definitely dont want Portugal to take the cup home.
As for videogames, SW Battlefront has bonus level up points this weekend. Man I am loving this game. May also try Furi or continue with Velocity 2X, which I havent beaten since the final levels have an xp quota.
Xbone: The whitcher 3 and DOOM.
3ds: Project Mirai DX, rhythm Heaven Megamix, Ocarina of time 3d.
Vita. Last Reward and God of war 2.
Wiiu. Splatoon i got the squid sisters bundle haha so much fun watching them singing.
Happy weekend
Go Portugal!
Back on the Uncharted 4 trail. Getting closer to the finish.
Nothing as I'm stuck in traffic in central London (attending a wedding). Literally spent an hour travelling 1/2mil😓
Come on Portugal! This has got a Euro 2004 feel to it. The host gets vanquished by the underdog & the record books will show Cristiano>Messi
@Fight_Teza_Fight I was in London last weekend. Too many people, too much pollution, stupidly expensive and Arsenal. That's a grim city.
This weekend its Pacman 256 and a shot of Furi.
@themcnoisy I like London a lot, but it's nice to leave it.
A weekend of quality platforming; Rayman legends and Mega man legacy collection 😊
Playing some Mad Max. Enjoying it so far. Also playing a bit of Life is strange but really not enjoying that one. Easy trophies is the only real motivation to keep playing.
Finally giving MGSV the attention it deserves.
@get2sammyb What about Lewis Hamilton?!
Metal gear phantom pain ....some more sly hd on ps now a little overwatch and uncharted multi-player
Metal gear phantom pain ....some more sly hd on ps now a little overwatch and uncharted multi-player
PS3 : Finished Dead Space 2 . Started on Dead Space 3. Such a superb trilogy. I will remember this for a long time.
PS4 : completed Killzone Shadowfall. Not bad for a launch game .
@toon_lonk1 It is bad that I only really want to pick up Syndicate for that one piece of DLC? I don't really care about the main campaign.
GTA V online I just earning some cash for the crazy trackmania style update next week but the load times are killing me! I'm also playing Gravity Rush Remastered which is a truly great game.
Well i have played some dark souls yesterday. Its loads of fun after the reset. Much more frequent invasions and no shortage of summoming.
I also proposed to my awesome Girlfriend, and she said yes!
Wanted to plat Gravity Rush but doubt I'm gonna get the time
@UVUVYCTXUHIV Congratulations! Great news and all the happiness to you both...
@Dodoo Thanks bud!
Just started MGSV after owning it for a year. Its pretty expansive but along with work amd family im very busy. Just platted ratchet and clank though that was fun
@gingerfrog Ha yeah, the Vita is just perfect for cuddles and gaming. I have a slightly older young un but she is still too young to get gaming. I am thinking of getting a Wii u for her as not sure that there are many PS4 titles that are kid friendly and I want to avoid Skylanders and their type which just leaves Lego games really. Can't wait to get Mario Kart sessions going.
PS4verwatch (reached level 71)
PC:Undertale,sonic adventure 2
I am seriously addicted to overwatch got 2 legendary skins yesterday I just cant stop playing
I'm away from home this weekend, so I'm keep on powering through Fire Emblem Fates Birthright. I'm at Chapter 19 atm, and I'm loving every minute of it, if this is meant to be the worst of the three versions, then I'm very much looking forward to Conquest and Revelations!
For me it's been Doom and Dark Souls 3 on the Xbox One. I'm on NG on DS3 so it's a bit easier as I'm decently levelled up.
I'm on my way back to London after being in Eastborne for a wedding..hopefully get some gaming in tonight, but I booked tomorrow off work too so my weekends a bit longer
I Wil be playin a little nhl 16, then alienation with the misses, then more alienation 😊
Street Fighter V story mode (lame)
Wii U
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
MegaMan X
Chrono Trigger DS
Adventure of Mana
5 days to Monster Hunter Generations. Just 5 more days. Just 5 more days.
PC: i just start playing Just Cause 3 and replaying missions in DOOM (one the best FPS in years).
PS4: Tearaway Unfolded (best remaster/remake on PS4, period) great job Media Molecule the game feels completely new:)
Just out of curiosity, because I was a bit interested in SF V's story mode. What's lame about it? Also are there any other fighters you've played that have a story mode you enjoyed that you're measuring SF V against? There's no denying MK 9 and X and Injustice's story modes are cheesey as it gets but they are enjoyable.
Injustice story mode was much better IMO. It's not that interesting- just a buncha mumbo jumbo and my biggest complaint- it's way, way, WAY too easy. Like playing in training mode against dummies. Seriously. Idk what they were thinking.
Thanks. Got rid of the game a few months ago and it seems there's still no reason to go back. I can't believe Capcom screwed up this bad. Doesn't make me overly confident for games like Dead Rising 4 or Resident Evil 7. Guess in the case of Dead Rising at least since 3 was good I can hold onto that for a glimmer of hope.
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