The latest NPD report has been delayed while digital data is added to the tracking, but it has been confirmed that the PlayStation 4 was the best selling console for June 2016. This is the eighth month in a row now that Sony's system has been on top, with Halo 5 being the last game to cause a temporary upset all the way back in October 2015.
As has been the case for some time now, the Japanese giant didn't comment on its success, merely confirming that it was on top yet again. We should get the software charts next week, so stay tuned for those, and we'll share them as soon as we have access to them.
Comments 3
What's going on with Sony not blowing their own trumpets for "winning" NPD these days? Do you think them and MS agreed to not bother any more?
What good are these numbers? What do sales tell us about engagement, customer satisfaction, how many games have been 'platinumed' and hours spent in the Hulu app? What are they hiding from us?
Come on Sony, step up your game!
No need to spout numbers anymore, a foregone conclusion.
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