We hold our hands up: Square Enix has gone above and beyond with the PlayStation 4 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider. While we're still disappointed that we've had to wait a year to play the game, the publisher's really doing everything it can to sweeten the deal – like throwing in a free copy of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on the PlayStation Store.
That's right, if you pre-order the latest entry in the series in Europe or North America right now, you'll get immediate access to the franchise's very enjoyable reboot – for free. This is all in addition to the extras that Crystal Dynamics is packing into the most recent game, of course, which includes co-op, PlayStation VR support, classic character models, and much more.
Has all been forgiven? Wield two pistols and fire some positivity into the comments section below.
[source store.playstation.com, via store.playstation.com]
Comments 27
Of course, I already got the first game... twice (ps3/ps4)..... what is the price of the pre-order?
Very good deal and I have been very impressed by how far they are going to win back their fans but I take it this is digital only?I'll be getting the retail copy so I guess this won't apply to me then.
Plus wasn't this on Ps plus already?so most people would of played the original already.
Still,With all the added extras we are getting for the new game I for one think they have more than made up for their mistake...just hope they don't do it again
@Mega-Gazz $59.99/£44.99.
@Wazeddie22 Think the PS Plus promo was for the PS3 version if I remember right.
Good deal but think I'll stick with my physical edition. Cheaper and comes with the anniversary artbook.
No its still doesn't but it helps wish they add code for the physical copy of the game.
@Wazeddie22 Yeah this seems to be a PlayStation Store promotion.
@SegaBlueSky ah ok,I had a feeling it was on Plus just wasn't sure which console.
Already got it on ps3, pc and ps4...
Already got it.. not going to happen.
39.99$ is what I'm willing to pay for a year-old game.
Just cause 3, Far Cry Primal, Fallout 4, Mad Max... They are all below 29.99$... That's where ROTTR belongs...
I've got Tomb Raider Def Ed on the shelf at home, is it any good?
Suppose this rules out TR for Plus in the near future now.
Already have tomb raider like most people, I will be waiting for a price drop. Shouldn't take long being a year old.
so tttttt tempting
only £45 on psn ! in shops 49
found top up card £50 but only £45
I can wait for a deep discount. I like to use my wallet as a weapon, and my backlog is deep enough to not notice.
I don't think this is a good deal at all. $60 for a game that will be a year old, even with all the DLC (It's sort of hit and miss in my opinion) seems steep. I already own the game on PC, so the only thing that interests me remotely is the co-op. Maybe when the price drops to $20 or $30 dollars; I have no shortage of other games to play.
@Fred_Red The pre-order is only £39.95 on www.thegamecollection.net so I'm sticking with the hard copy. I prefer it to digital as I can trade the game in and have price match at 'game' store. Can't do that with digital.
I just played the game two months ago when it was on sale on PSN, oh well.
If it's not physical it's not a game. Sadly.
If this deal is still going next month, I'll probably preorder it then. With the free game and all the DLC, I think this game has fully justified its $59.99 price tag.
A sledge hammer right to the groin would be less painful than giving SquareEnix credit for anything but I have to be fair. SE actually has gone out of its way to make this package worth it. All the DLC (Endurance Mode, Baba Yaga and Cold Darkness are all pretty good) plus a new story DLC, classic outfits and now Tomb Raider Definitive Edition for free... Can't say this isn't worth it for $60. Rise of the Tomb Raider is one of the top 5 games this gen (I have it in my top 3), easily the best game on Xbox One and will fall just behind Uncharted 4 on PS4, though an argument can be made that RotTR is better. It's a shame the imbeciles at SquareEnix and Crystal Dynamics decided to screw this game over because of MS' 'passion' for the product. LMFAO! And before any of the Sony-haters say it, I know Sony does similar timed-exclusive deals too and I also condemn those so save the bs. MS, SE, CD can all f**k off for putting a black cloud over what should've been one of the most celebrated games of this gen. Really, REALLY p*sses me off.
I think it's a great game. Right up there with any others in the action genre. If you're looking for 'traditional' Tomb Raider, however, you'll probably be a bit disappointed.
@Gamer83 It could be worth it for a lot of people. It isn't for me though. I absolutely can say it isn't worth $60.
Why don't they just say sorry instead lol
Well now, that's unexpected. I finally concede, the price is now worthwhile.
They should include a redeemable code with the physical version.
@Gamer83 cool, exactly the answer I wanted to hear. Classic TR just wasn't my cup of tea 🍵.
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