This is one of those quotes that's so crazy it's hard to believe, but it's archived on Twitch – and yes, we did go back to watch it just to make sure. Speaking during a Mighty No. 9 launch broadcast, creator Keiji Inafune said via a translator that while the game's not perfect, "it's better than nothing". That is one extraordinary quote.
The game's been receiving mixed reviews all week, scraping a 6/10 here on Push Square, and plunging lower elsewhere on the web. An average game is one thing, of course – but when it's funded by fans, the issues are amplified. Inafune's company raised almost $4 million to make this game, and clearly pledged it for far too many platforms.
The aforementioned stream is filled with many crazy anecdotes, like the fact that Inafune began work on other projects once Mighty No. 9 was 70 per cent complete, and played no part in the porting process to other formats. It's one thing being transparent – but this is unprecedented as far as we're concerned. Why say this stuff on launch day?
Perhaps the moral is not to back Kickstarter projects with a frightening number of Stretch Goals, as with the addition of each new platform, it's clear that the quality of the final product is going to plunge. Moreover, maybe consider Inafune's pitch carefully next time he takes to Kickstarter – if, of course, he ever decides to give it another go.
Comments 33
Some are saying that it was more the translator's interpretation then Inafune's own words, either way it doesn't look good. I still hold out hope for Bloodstained, Yooka Laylee and Fear Effect Sedna to come good though, oh and Shenmue 3 of course.
I put £600 into Shenmue III. FML.
Nah, there'll be no regrets from me. I already anticipate the absolute worst with Shenmue III, but I would have forever regretted it if I didn't back the project hard.
Mega Man 1-6 is already on PSN. That's better than no Mega Man because it's literally Mega Man.
@get2sammyb I backed shenmue 3 too, and I hope it doesn't let us down.
For as much as I love Shenmue, I didn't back a single dime. Same with Yooka Laylee. They didn't need my money as so many people backed it and the stretch goals' priority in Shenmue was too weird for me to care (why put subtitles in other languages before more meaningful content?) to add my money. Having other KS without any single one making it was another issue.
The more I hear this guy talk, the more I respect Capcom.
Apart from IGA's Bloodstained I have bid only very little money on small projects.
Also Mighty no.9 has been delayed again (!) on some platforms
and the wii u port can somehow damage the system by forcing hard resets.
The eu ps blog lists 24/6 as the release date for Vita version but the publisher doesn't seem to have announced the release date yet...
Wow, just wow. I lost alot of respect for Inafune now. It sounds to me that the reason things didn't work out with him and Capcom is cause they are too similar.
Wow,unbelievable.Well certainly shows how passionate he was to make a great game and to please his fans...
I really feel sorry for all you guys that backed this..
I was in on the Kickstarter for $50 or something, and then pulled it back to $5 during the last week as I just didn't feel good about it. So, so glad I did that.
You kinda get the feeling that Inafune's heart is not in it at all.
The more you respect Capcom? Nah, back in the 90's, yes, but modern Capcom's tone is just as bad.......they only change the message when sales are hurting, and even then, it's questionable as to sincerity.
(clearly pledged it for far too many platforms.)
Obviously greed. I think this was a cash grab from the start, knowing full well people wanted a Mega-Man type of game. Take a look at Yooka Laylee for example, you can tell it's a game they wanted to make out of passion.
I haven't backed any kickstarters games, and I don't plan on it any time soon. I'll only support these games once the game is released. If I'm interested in them.
Inafune is dead to me, he should be F-in banned from producing games. He's a business man and not a creator, and a bad one at that. BARF.
You back on kickstarter be thankful to get a finished game / product. As there's thousands of us who haven't.
@get2sammyb have faith! I completely believe in Yu Suzuki.
I've always heard Inafune has a pretty bad attitude... Maybe that's why it came across the way it did..
Its not an easy thing to get a game develop. Maybe it turnout to be an average game (although it look like fun too me). But it still an achievement to get the game out there. I hope the game does ok, and Inafune learn from his mistakes.
@get2sammyb so will you not review it? Kinda bias 😜
Is 6/10 maligned? I always thought that was the mediocre to okay range...?
@AhabSpampurse It's got generally worse scores, though, that's the problem.
@Pink_Floyd Nah, I won't review it.
From what I've been hearing, it probably would've been better to get nothing than this.
It's absolutely ridiculous that so many people on the internet are suddenly acting like Kickstarter projects are doomed to fail because of Mighty No 9, when many, many genuinely great games like Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Divinity: Original Sin, FTL, Shovel Knight, Undertale, etc. were kickstarted themselves.
Some projects don't go well, just like some traditionally funded games don't develop well and cause the companies backing them to lose money. It happens. This is the risk of being an investor.
With regard to this game, while it certainly didn't help matters, I'm not sure the high amount of extra work due to the stretch goals can really be fingered as the culprit behind this game's failure. Even if it was only releasing on PC and had no extra content/multiplayer/etc., the way the game is designed just fundamentally isn't very fun to play for a lot of people.
"Better than nothing!!????" Unfortunately for this appalling game, nothing is NOT an option. There's thousands of other far superior action platformers to invest in. What a crappy attitude. It's like paying £1000s for a nose job .. only to find out a binman is carrying out the op... "oh well, better than nothing!!!"
@Riririn Fat Mega Man is better than this, so is a slap in the face with a wet fish. Unless you pay $50 for it.
@themcnoisy I backed 3 kickstarter projects got 1 game already and Bloodstained looks like it going well with a nice amount of updates. Knights and Bikes they where really nice with giving me a PayPal number to add the money. You just need to look good at the projects and see how the respond to your messages. Thats why I did not back Shenmue 3 really late response and a no to PayPal. Most of the developers will go along with it.
@Ralizah I think the problem is that there are too many people pledging on Kickstarter that should not be. They think of it as almost pre-order early access buy in. You need to think of it as a donation, not as a purchase or loan. If you do not have a budget that would allow you to donate whatever amount you are backing (without receiving compensation), or you are of a personality that has to get compensation for your donation, you should not be backing kickstarters.
Inafune's such a tool. Saying a game you've persuaded millions of people to back with their own money is "better than nothing" is just plain bad. The fact he took credit for creating Mega-Man in the first place was him lying, and now he's saying this new game is better than nothing is even worse. He's disrespecting the people who payed for its development and assuming they'd rather play some mediocre Mega-Man clone than nothing. In fact, many people have said they'd rather play nothing. Poor form, Inafune, poor form.
@brendon987 It's the fact that millions of dollars were backed for the game that makes the fact the game ain't great a bad thing. If it was just a little project people would move on, but Inafune's claimed he's a big time developer when in actual fact he's an artist-come-businessman and persuaded millions to give him more money than he really needs and certainly more money than Mighty No. 9 looks like its been made from.
@Tasuki Ha, yeah. Inafune's a self-racist businessman. He's said a fair amount in the past about how he hates the Japanese way of things and wants to become like a western businessman instead. The fact he took any credit for being the creator of Mega Man in the first place is shocking, because he was just an artist, and came into the game's development after it had started. He let people believe he was this great developer on Kickstarter and got more money than he needed and certainly more than what was clearly spent on Mighty No. 9. Saying it's "better than nothing" is like kicking his pledgers up the arse. Capcom have done a few things like it too, with their infamous business. Inafune is now the biggest jerk in the games industry.
This is incredible, as in unbelievable. Haha I feel so trolled by this guy. Lost all respect for Keiji Inafune, especially after watching his Mighty No.9 kickstarter video which it seemed to appeal to the nostalgy of all Rockman fans.
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