Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 are both set to deploy before Christmas, but now publisher EA Games has revealed that the first-person shooters will release within three weeks of each other. The snippet was revealed by chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen at the 2016 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Technology Conference, in which he talked about competition with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and how the company's "not uncomfortable" with going head-to-head.
Battlefield 1 is, of course, due out on 21st October, with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare due on 4th November. Jorgensen suggested that EA will position the two shooters on "both sides" of the Activision release, indicating perhaps that Titanfall 2 will launch on 11th November, or somewhere around there. It all sounds like a commercial car crash to us – few will be able to afford all three titles, and at least one is going to struggle as a consequence.
[source dualshockers.com]
Comments 26
This, folks, is why Sony's started to move its exclusives into other parts of the year.
Definite overkill. I struggled this month but had to get Doom/Uncharted/Overwatch, 3 great games. Those all have different hooks though, these feel very similar to me.
Could it be possibly have something to do with many if not most will be purchasing the legacy edition of CoD just for MW 1? Which is of course more expensive and EA are trying to take that part of the market over??
I keep forgetting about the mw remake, but cant justify the price. Really would like to get titan fall 2 but there first one didnt live up to the hype for me so Its a wait n see, so jusy leaves battlefield 1, n heres hoping it ww1 works for it.
Honestly, of the 3 Titanfall 2 interests me the most. Not likely to buy on release though if at all. Became bored of military FPS games years ago. Tends to be a bit unimaginative and repetitive.
I think that the 3 games have different markets so not sure they will impact on each other.
Battlefield, for all the comparisons it draws with CoD, is a different game. Whilst its obviously a military based FPS, the vehicular combat, large scale battles play very differently to CoDs arcade, fast paced twitch shooter - even more so now that CoD has gone for the advanced movement mechanics that was the essence of Titanfall.
Titanfall has more in common to CoD but that takes Sci-fi to a level CoD has not gone to. Arguably, this is more likely to be in competition with CoD Infinite Warfare. I can imagine that CoD gamers won't necessarily like Battlefields style of MP and they don't have a good track record with campaigns either - something that will be new to Titanfall too but they do have the developers of CoD4 on-board and that was a good - if somewhat linear campaign.
I admit as a FPS gamer, having all 3 arriving within weeks can leave me with some tough decisions. I have pre-ordered CoD because I know to a degree what to expect. Titanfall has a lot to prove after the first game and BF4 wasn't exactly a smooth launch. TF2 appeals more than BF1 because of the style of game-play but the reveals and more details could change my opinion...
Makes sense actually. The FPS fanbase is split nowadays between Scifi elements in shooters like Black Ops III, Titan Fall and Infinite Warfare, and boots on the ground WWII type FPS like Modern Warfare, Black Ops and soon to be Battlefield 1.
By releasing both so close to each other you cover both fanbases nicely.
Yup, makes sense to me. Got your historic and scifi bases covered in time for Christmas!
Battlefield is the one my friends want me to get, and that's probably what I'll start with since it comes out first! Really though...I haven't seen enough of ANY of these games to know which one I'd choose.
this is called Good strategy to hurt Activision's CoD if you ask me.
Regardless of what anybody thought of the original titanfall and it's bare bones content , there was enough there to suggest that titanfall 2 will be a a absolute stonker. It has MP with WOW moments.
I don't have much interest in battlefield or call of duty and haven't for years now so I am happy to be getting titanfall 2
I want all 3, it sucks how they can't spread game releases out more, especially when they're all shooters
I'm actually quite excited for Battlefield, lukewarm for Titanfall and not bothered about CoD.
Of course EA aren't worried about this- owning 2 horses in a 3 horse race makes for good odds. But in my mind it does show a lack of care for DICE and Respawn as they can only take a cut of sales from their product, and might therefore take a hit if sales are split between the three games, especially as most people will only be able to afford one of them.
@Mergatro1d From EA's perspective, they have both areas covered. If you want the military based, boots on the ground, historical FPS with destruction and vehicles, you have Battlefield. If you prefer a more arcade style, sci-fi FPS shooter with Maps designed around Advanced Movement then you have Titanfall. EA has something to offer if you don't want CoD (or can afford to buy another game).
I guess EA are hoping you will pick up both of their titles, especially with all the negativity to CoD and its next release. I know Battlefield offers that historic, boots on the ground game-play that some CoD fans want to take the series backwards to but Battlefield offers a different experience - not just the vehicles or the destruction but the way it plays so it may not appeal to those but Titanfall could be a real alternative. Granted it has the advanced movement that people seem so against in CoD but it also has that 'arcade and 'fun' factor. If they expand on the weapon set and the game modes - both of which were very limited in the first game, it could be a very big challenge to CoD.
Maybe Activision knew that these were releasing at a similar time and that was a big factor in them remastering CoD:4.
@BAMozzy yeah I understand that, and for the consumer it does present a good choice depending on their tastes. I just can't help but think one developer will be hung out to dry sales-wise, and therefore not benefit commercially when perhaps they should. It's not really my problem but if I were DICE or Respawn I'd be pretty miffed at EA's timing,
Great move. The games are different enough to justify this. I will get both Titanfall was amazing on Xbox and BF is well BF...great.
Don't really care, Battlefield 1 will be mine and thats it/
@Mergatro1d Personally I don't see it that way. Games don't need to sell 20-30m units to be 'successful' or even profitable. Battlefield 1 will no doubt have its main user base of fans enough to be profitable and no doubt CoD will as well - especially with CoD:4 remastered being packaged with some versions. Titanfall was successful for Respawn/EA considering it cut out the whole Playstation market.
Most years we see an EA shooter go up against CoD - last year it was Battlefront - the year before it was supposed to be Hardline (but public reaction forced that to be put back a few months), 2013 had BF4 and every year, EA can't manage to match CoD's sales. Titanfall is probably the closest of the 2 games in EA shooters that could realistically eat in to the CoD sales. I am sure there are a few on the fence that maybe pick between CoD and BF every year, some that would buy both anyway but by EA offering up Titanfall, they have 2 games in their line-up to entice the CoD fans. They look to be targeting those fans that buy CoD almost regardlessly, the fans that want historic Boots on the ground and the ones that want advanced movement, fast paced arcade style fun. CoD has managed over 20m sales every year since MW2 - what EA seem to be trying to do is bring that figure down and give them over 20m across both.I am sure EA don't care too much if you buy BF1 or TF2 as long as you buy at least 1 and take a sale away from Activision. Ideally they would like you to buy both of course but a sale is a sale.
@BAMozzy fair enough, you make some very valid points. I'm not sure I'm making mine particularly well!
For what it's worth, Battlefield 1 will most likely take my money
@LieutenantFatman My thoughts exactly. Titanfall 2 will hopefully be different enough to warrant a purchase.
I think the "Shooter" crowd will buy all 3 as long as they are all at the £40 price point.
The months October-December retailers sell more new games than the rest of the year combined.
Titanfall 2 is the only one I'm tentatively interested in.
would rather play BF1 honestly. Either way, I'm not crazy at all for Titanfall and when it comes Battlefield, they've been more than known for half baked launches.
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