Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare PS4 PlayStation 4 1

While everybody might have thumbed down Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's lacklustre launch trailer to the very depths of Hell, we had a feeling that it might find redemption in its Mass Effect-like approach to its campaign structure with space dogfights that combine a mix of on-rails and free flight. From this gameplay trailer alone, you'll be hard-pressed to not admit that it looks like it can be loads of fun.

In the footage, the main character walks aboard the command center of his spaceship and actually chooses a particular mission near the Moon, akin to how you would do so on the Normandy's bridge. What follows is a chaotic battle where you lead an assault on another fleet, eventually evacuating your ship to grapple your way in zero gravity toward the foes' main spaceship bridge, which you promptly destroy from the outside with handheld explosives. After tearing your way through the flagship's innards and eliminating its personnel with the help of various equipment and short CQC kills that remind us of DOOM's Glory Kills, you evacuate the doomed vessel and watch the fireworks from the safety of your own cockpit.

A nice follow-up to the trailer offers us a look at some iconic setpieces and cutscenes from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, which is shaping up to be a rather spiffy-looking upgrade if we say so ourselves. Another interesting tidbit at the end reveals that for those who pre-order the versions of Infinite Warfare that come with the remastered title, they'll be able to play it a month early on PlayStation 4, which means fans will be able to go frosty starting on the 5th October.

Has Infinite Warfare's space combat made you warm up to it in comparison to its initial trailer? How about Modern Warfare Remastered? Are you buying the former title just for that or does the bundle not sit well with you? Since we're in space, go ahead and scream in the comments section to give us your thoughts about Call of Duty's latest.