In case you didn't know, Final Fantasy XV is finally getting a confirmed, 100 per cent guaranteed release date on the 30th March. Dubbed Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV, the upcoming event promises brand new info alongside the date that we've been waiting almost a decade for. And hey, believe it or not, we're just a few days away from the big show, so that means Square Enix is trying to drum up some hype.
The problem, though, is that this teaser trailer for the event has probably had the opposite effect. Yes, we want to know when the game's coming out - who doesn't - but the way that this video puts it is obnoxious in a way that only the Final Fantasy brand could be. "Something's coming..." it states. "... An adventure anticipated across all ages..." it adds, perhaps alluding to the fact that it's been ten bloody years. "... Now ready to be shared" - well thank God for that.
Will we be staying up until 3:00AM BST just to see this release date? Damn right we will, but let's face it: watching Greg Miller rattle off a load of marketing guff isn't going to be the single greatest event in mankind's history, is it? So let's stop pretending. Oh, and for the record, we love a bit of Greg here at Push Square, so don't make that face.
Anyway, that's enough jaded ranting from us. Are you excited for Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV? Take bets on a release date in the comments section below.
Comments 26
I like the words at the 2:08 mark and on. It amused me. Gave me a little smile. Other than that, I've been excited for this since 06. Can't wait to take everything in on the 30th!
Finuuulll fantusyyyyy fiftuuuurrrnnnn
I wish FF returned to its roots with it's gameplay style. This really looks nothing like an actual Final Fantasy game to me aside from the pretty boy protagonists.
Hopefully the at least took a note from the FFXIII games and this time actually try to focus on the gameplay over delivering a "sublime cinematic experience" or whatever.
@Expa0 Unfortunately FF games have been going downhill since ff12 which was a great game in its own right, but so far removed from what had gone before it didnt make sense to be in the series at all. Same with ff13 (although the battle system was great). I have no hope this will be any different and am expecting a good game but not a classic Final Fantasy.
@Expa0 I also wish they'd gone the turn based route. Particularly now, with many turn based computer role playing games on/coming to PS4, would have been the perfect time.
@themcnoisy I agree with your overall assessment of the FF franchise. While XIII wasn't anywhere near the best in the series, I do think its battle system is woefully underrated. I'm hoping XVI, like IX, will be an attempt to recapture the series classic roots.
Now there's a game they should bring to the PS4 either as a PS2 classic or a remaster. Good ol' FFXII.
@ApostateMage Ever since Final Fantasy X was remastered I've been waiting for Final Fantasy XII to follow. Still no sign of it, though, just a few rumours.
@Jbumi For the next step in final fantasy, Lost Odyssey on the 360 was directed by Sakaguchi with Nobuo Uematsu as composer. Woefully underrated, the backgrounds are great, the characters are memorable and its should have been ff11. Its turn based with a real-time collision button which gives you more gameplay in-between smashing enemies up.
@Jake3103 @ApostateMage sign me up, I would play that again.
@themcnoisy Oh yeah, Lost Odyssey was great. I wasn't such a big fan of Blue Dragon, though.
B movie production right there, the NA flag next to English funny. It won't be long before there are more English speakers in China than NA and more Spanish speakers in NA than Mexico.
doesn't matter, Dark Souls 3
(Edit: Seriously though, on every front DS3 and companies like From/BN deserves money first. Especially transparency and customer service - hands on demos and meaningful released game footage vs announcement to announcement.)
@Grawlog correct, I'm glad you understood my point
I wonder if they'll announce either FF XII HD or FF Type 1 at this event, or if it will be entirely XV focused.
Either way, I cannot wait!
I'm under the opinion that ff15 will be one of the greats in the series. The games been in production for 10 years and I've seen how far the devs went into every last detail. Granted it looks very different to the earlier titles but this doesn't bother that much. I've played these games since snes days and I'm totally hyped an wen this game hits I will turn off my phone close my curtains and hibernate for a month. Along with ratchet & clank,uncharted, this is the only game I've pre-ordered this year. Roll on release day, hopefully September.
Square Enix: December 31st release date. What? You aren't excited? We did say this year...
I want a BTS documentary of the game's development to be included in a Collector's Edition.
That video reminded me of previews from a Disney VHS tape. Pretty bad
Seems like I've been hearing about this game forever. It had better be really massive (not to mention really good) to justify being in development for so long.
@themcnoisy Yeah, over the years I've heard nothing but good things about Lost Odyssey. It's the only game I really feel I missed out on by not owning a Microsoft console.
Lost most of my interest for this game now. I hope they do a good job on the FF7 remake at least.
Lol oh for goodness sake, out with the release data already!
I always wanted to play Lost Odyssey. I bought it when MS announced BC (I figured it'd eventually get added to the list) but still waiting. Sakaguchi also did The Last Story on Wii, which I was telling @rjejr not too long ago. Now he's suddenly interested. Such is the power of the 'Guchi name
@Jake3103 Blue Dragon was a bit stripped down and basic, an average game but I think mistwalker were pushed into bringing the game out soon. The enemies who fought each other at the same time was pretty novel though.
@Jbumi @JaxonH Its great, classic final fantasy in all but name.
Has there ever been an announcement for an announcement of a release date?
@JaxonH Well that explains why I have Last Story in my wishlist on Amazon.
A little late, but Happy Easter.
One thing I am very pleased about is that they're getting Greg and Tim from Kinda Funny to do it. I think that's a lot more important than people realise as it's a shift in which type of journalists will be covering this sort of thing. It's not IGN, it's not Gamespot, it's two journalists who people like and have some integrity. That is a good sign.
Strangely though, the more casual tone in the 2nd half I actually dig, and I am glad they are making a fanfare, but the description "a Behemoth of an event" did make me chuckle a little!
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