Who remembers Umbrella Corps? The bizarre PlayStation 4 and PC exclusive was announced during Sony's packed Tokyo Game Show press conference last year, but has been lying doggo ever since. Fortunately, publisher Capcom has decided to feed the project a green herb today, announcing that the tactical shooter will deploy in May across Europe and North America.
The unusual Resident Evil-themed shooter will support six players, and will see you battling it out against enemy marines amid undead-infested arenas. Maps will include one based upon the iconic village location from Resident Evil 4, as well as the headquarters of the Tricell Organisation made famous in Resident Evil 5.
For those of you not so keen on competitive multiplayer, there'll be a single player mode named 'The Experiment' where you must dismantle dozens of dead corpses. Y'know what? It doesn't look that bad. The problem is that it has the production values of a mildly competent free-to-play indie FPS, which is not what we've come to expect from the Resident Evil franchise, is it?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 22
does Capcom even know what the fanbase wants from a RE game?
Are the rival mercenaries other players online or just AI players? I like the idea of 6v6 with zombies thrown into it
Is this still a digital only release?
Why does this exist? Just give us a proper RE7 already.
RE6 was just awful. It's probably my biggest disappointment last gen.
Why do Capcom always take the chance to remind us they have no money but seem to insist on making crap like this. They really have lost track of what their fans want.
This looks better than the original trailer. Could be fun.
I thought this was related to Operation Raccoon City. It looks equally bad though.
Revelations 3 please
I had the opportunity to try this at NYCC back in October. This game was an absolute bloody mess. The gameplay was subpar at best, the animations were quite bad, and the fact that you can gone prone and crawl at the speed someone normally sprints just made no sense at all! It's not like they had rollerblades on their chest armor. Here's hoping a ton of work was put into it since that demo I played...
@SasukeTheRipper Yeah, it will be digital only for $29.99.
roflol. They move so jerky and floaty. I love the soldier crawling at :27.
If this comes out as a free-to-play with a lot of cosmetic unlockables then I'm excited and I'll definitely give it a try. But if I have to buy this game, then I think I'll pass. I'm only a super-casual gamer for shooting games.
I think Capcom would do well to just reboot the entire series, perhaps use the upcoming Resident Evil 2 remake as the starting point and go from there. I've just ordered the collection online as it was sold out in my local Game store (as was Life is Strange) and the series needs to go back to basics and realise that with all good horror less is definitely more
I CAN'T WAIT!!! This honestly looks AMAZING to me. I hope it's like Counterstrike...
Looks awful to me! Far too many games going this way
For me resident evil died of t virus exposure when they released the God awful re6, capcom are broke and are desperately trying to cash in on the franchise name with all these re-release titles coz they don't have money to make a good solid game from scratch. Such a shame as re has always been one of my favourite franchises. I wish they would sell the rights to a studio who will do the series justice and win back a lot of the fans like me who have just given up on the series.
In saying that I am really looking forward to the re2 remake but seeing this and there recent efforts (except the gamecube remakes) I am not that confident it will be that good.
I'm okay with Umbrella Corps as long as Resident Evil franchise goes back to survival horror genre.
Umbrella Corps = Capcom's shooter games
Resident Evil = survival horror games
Everyone = happy
Well I can't help but think that they're doing this as a kind of poll. If REmake and RE0 sell more than this, the fans have spoken about what type of game they want.
As much as people moan about RE6, it did sell over 5 million. I personally enjoyed it. RE4 was the first one that screwed with the series for me, going from a claustrophobic, ammo-conserving game of discovery and survival to a balls-to-the-wall action game where you have craploads of ammo, flip out of second story windows through the glass, suplex zombies, and are there to save the President's daughter like something out of 24.
I already had my "oh wow, this isn't my RE" moment back then and had cooled down by RE6 and could just enjoy it for what it was. Personally, I think many of the moments in RE6 were very true to the first 3 games in the series. Even Chris' story, which was meant to be the "action slice" of the game, regularly invoked horror like Alien.
All that said, if they can swing it fully back to RE1-3 but with modern sensibilities (in a good way, I mean) then that would be fantastic.
I will write it again - why the f*** does this even exist?
I just saw that Play-Asia has listed a version with English subtitles
Very slightly interested,meh really.
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