When companies give away consoles, they do so with the intention of building positive press. Microsoft is on the showfloor at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend, handing out Xbox Ones among various other prizes. But while this winner may have gifted the Redmond firm a viral video, it's not quite the Nintendo 64 sequel that the organisation may have been hoping for.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 38
Before y'all start shouting at me, it's just a bit of fun!
For some reason I am laughing like an idiot
Slow news day.
Push Square does it again.
Editors are fanboys.
WOW. I'm not even an X-Box fan but if someone gave me one for free I would be excited. He was like great WTH am I going to do with this thing haha.
I would act the same way, but that's because I'm PlayStation through and through.
Funny reaction 'yay' haha.
@Splat I have genuine disdain for the x1, it's the first console I actually loathe. DRM, kinect and that tosspot who ending up at zynga. Lack of power, nerfed console which looks like a toploading vhs which they wanted to be a cable tv box. Looks like the new direction its heading in will pave the way for a better successor. But I will never understand and likely never forgive the two fingers they gave to all xbox gamers. So I wouldn't take one even if it was free.
@adf86 @themcnoisy - You could trade in it or sell it to someone and then buy PS games. That is probably what I would end up doing.
The excitement level that kid showed made the video that much more funny haha, I don't like slow news day stories, but this was just funny.
They basically gave him a few hundred dollars. If you don't want it, just sell it, and buy what you want with the money. Don't be so ungrateful.
Well I do not like Xbox I would say you won it and got it for free If you do not want it just sell it and save that money and put some with it and get a PS4 which is better anyway.
Lol his reaction was funny
I would have been happy if I won it
I can't believe this anti xBone sentiment all the time! Anybody would think this is a Sony Playstation site or something!
"Kids these days".
I just took my XB1 back to GAME and got a full refund. Its not a bad console but its obviously not as good as the PS4.
I didn't like the external power brick which had fans built into it which would constantly suck up dust.
I also didn't like the fact that the XB1 console had a vent right on top of the system which also sucked up dust. I hated the need for an external hardrive.
But I was looking forwad to Halo and Tomb Raider but I can always get another one in a couple of years time when they have more games and the system is alot cheaper.
I do have a feeling that Microsoft will launch a new system in around three years given how poorly the XB1 is selling. It wouldn't be the first time they did that. Im sure the original Xbox only had a four year life cycle due to the PS2 destroying it in sales.
From now on im gonna stick with my PS4 and maybe build or purchase a monster gaming PC in a couple of years time. Right now though, im in love with my PS4 lol
I would have been pretty stoked myself. I'm a supporter of all three. (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft)
@get2sammyb Eh you guys have published sony goofs before, no raisin to be upset.
Well considering the competition was Xbox related and ALL the prizes were based on Xbox, why bother entering if you are not interested in their products. Maybe he hoped for a year of Gold as his live had run out...
She's hot. And she has nice legs!
@themcnoisy Well considering they dropped DRM and despite its looks, its quieter and cooler than my PS4. As for the Kinect, well I bet a lot of those who bought Xbox without or traded in their Kinect will be interested in picking one up with the new UI update that's due.
I have optimism over its future and I have enjoyed many hours gaming so far too. I think the 'live' and some of the features/functions are better than PS4 offers. I think both consoles have strengths and weaknesses when compared to each other and I personally can't say one is better than the other. I am not disappointed with owning both and both get used frequently.
The kid was probably just shy
LOL! Good one!
Well, that was entertaining, lol
Well, that was entertaining, lol
This also made me laugh:
@get2sammyb I kind of think he isn't excited probably because he already owns one, I'd still be happy personally because ebay.
@BAMozzy I hate the new UI thats coming. You're right though, there're pro's and conn's for either system. I just wish the XB1 had its power brick inside the system instead of being external and sucking up dust.
I got my XB1 for the first partys like Halo, Gears etc but, I get everything else on my PS4 because it usually looks/runs better.
One thing I've noticed whilst playing on my XB1 is 90% of my friends list is still on XB360.
@WARDIE Personally I prefer the new UI although not actually using it, my opinions may change when I do. The only thing I want my UI to do is get me into games quickly and easily. I know the current UI does this too ut the new one looks a lot cleaner. The bit I a most looking forward to though is 'Cortana's' integration. Being able to ask what friends are online, start parties and invite friends etc all via Cortana and without having to leave the game, wait for friends to load up, wait for Party app to load up, unsnap things etc is going to be a godsend!
I don't have 1 console for 'exclusives' and 1 for everything else. I tend to buy based on 3rd Party exclusives more than 'resolution' differences. For example I am more likely to buy Fallout 4 for XB1 and buying CoD:BO3 for PS4. Of the games I own on both (like Batman: Arkham Knight) apart from a slight difference in visuals, the game itself feels just as smooth and runs just as well on both. Maybe because I have a 5TB external hard drive that's quicker than my internal one. I have in the past (gen 7) preferred MP games on Xbox because Live was much more stable, consistent, faster and rarely down for maintenance - whilst its a lot closer now - I still feel its behind 'Live'. Because the games play the same, have the same story etc - maybe one looks slightly better if you stop to study it, I go for one that has the extra or earlier access to content. I can't deny that the games I am looking forward to most in the next 5 months though are all on PS - the games I have pre-ordered are all on PS and so far the games I want most for 2016 are also on PS
When I look at my XB1 friends list 80%+ are on XB1 with a few still favouring the 360. Of the 150+ friends, most are active regularly although a few names I haven't seen for a while - 1 I know no longer games on console but not sure about the others - maybe on PS but I don't know for definite.
Come on Sony give the guy a PS4 and put the smile back on his face. If nothing else it's good publicity.
PS4 ?
you mean a PC
That kid is probably like "Ahhh dammit, really? I'm still having problems getting rid of the Xbox One I have at home". It's like the curse where some object keeps appearing back in the persons house no matter how hard he tries to get rid of it. He could toss it into the deepest depths of the ocean and the very next day it appears in his living room.
I'd like a free Xbone...only way I'm gonna play that Rare collection, 'cause I'm sure as hell not buying the console just for that.
Lol...I'd certainly be happy to get a free Xbone. I'm sure not going to pay for one right now...haha.
@Stuffgamer1 That's the only game that I saw that I would buy on it too, and I'm saying the same thing!
This kid must be a brat and gets whatever he wants. Sell the thing or trade it in and get yourself something better! You basically just got free money! I may have a PS4 and love it better, but I'd be grateful to get an X-box One for free or even a console that I already own! I have two sega genesis and two playstation 3's. I figured that if one dies, I still have the other system to play the games on. If he already has an X-box One, he can keep it as a back-up or sell or trade it and get more games on the system.
@Stuffgamer1 Well... you could also emulate them all really easily on your PC.
@Matroska: Not the Xbox 360 games, including the superior versions of Banjo 1 & 2 in the set. Besides, I prefer to use emulation as a last resort. Collections like this are WAY better if you can get them, or even legal VC purchases.
lol... this is funny... he's probably just shy and awkward...
@ShogunRok love the new avatar btw
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