Following on from our story earlier today, a little more has been revealed about veteran brawler Ken's appearance in Street Fighter V. The character was revealed at the San Diego Comic Con a few hours ago, and writing on the PlayStation Blog, community manager Peter Rosas has outlined some of his attacks.
"Employing a wide variety of fast moving, long range attacks, players who enjoy an aggressive in-your-face style of gameplay will feel right at home with Ken, with his flashy combos and big damage," he explained. One thing they, of course, won't feel at home with is his hair, which is already causing something of a backlash. Expect angry petitions any second now.
Regardless of whether he takes a trip to his nearest salon, the American uppercut expert's special moves sound pretty slick. Using his V-Skill will allow you to quickly close the gap between you and your opponent, while his V-Trigger will add bonus hits to your attacks, as the character channels flames through his entire body for a short period of time. We wished that we could do that.
This is the start of a big month for Capcom's forthcoming brawler, as more announcements are expected at EVO 2015 next weekend. The title's beta will also be kicking off from 23rd July, so that's worth keeping an eye on, too. Are you excited to see Ken make his triumphant return – or is that bob putting you off? Take a trip to the barbers in the comments below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 21
@ShogunRok The best!
The style is fine they just need to make it look more like , well .... hair I'm more upset at his gi being worn like that but that's what DLC is for I guess !
Aw its not that bad lol. Better than SFIV. In IV it looked so juvenile, gouged with scissors.
I don't usually agree with this stuff but in this case I have to say the haircut does look stupid as hell.
The old guy in the background seems to be enjoying himself. Also, what's going on with that poster?
He looks great .The SF IV Mop was awful
I like his outfit, but his hair is kinda weird. I'll at least give credit for wanting to change up the design. Either way, he's my favorite SF character and I'll play him the most as I have for years.
So he grew his hair out, big deal, still street fighter goodness
I can't pre order this in the ps store in SA
Wow, wasn't expecting Capcom to change Ken's hairstyle.
Between Ken's haircut and Cammy's face, I'm really worried for this game
The only problem is that it looks like plasticine, even in the context of the character models looking like, well, models. I actually like that it's different. Plasticine texture aside, it seems more like a modern celebrity kind of haircut, like some French footballer would have, rather than the trailer trash mullet he's had for 20 years or so. Given Ken is meant to be a big star and quite vain, though not on the level of Vega aka Balrog, it makes sense.
Eh, looks ok to me I suppose.
But that game looks fantastic.
Changes will always need to be made at some point. I trust Capcom that they're making the right decision with all of these changes. Personally though, I think he looks great! Now we can really see the difference between Ken and Ryu's fighting styles.
the hair is dreadful but it still won't deter me from using Ken. I just love fighting with Ken. He's the image I get in my head everytime I think streetfighter. They need to do a lot wrong to mess him up imho.
Funny how people are focusing on his look instead of his fighting style being revamped considering this is a fighting game, anyway his new style is fine and I like what they are doing for moveset.
I like it just leave it.
Where's the petition? I love signing petitions.
Yea he has banana peels for hair, but the game looks really good.
Looks like he's got himself a Ky Kiske ponytail... nevertheless, manly.
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