We can't wait to see what the comments section thinks about this one. According to a South African retailer, there's going to be a Dead Island: Definitive Edition landing on PlayStation 4 at some point in the future. Obviously, retail listings are never concrete evidence of an upcoming, unannounced release, but they're usually a pretty good indicator. And let's face it - this industry just loves its remasters.
There are no details to go around just yet, but we could definitely believe this. After all, Dead Island 2 was recently put on hiatus, and this particular listing mentions that Koch Media, Deep Silver's parent company, will be on publishing duty.
Still, we're not sure who asked for this. The original Dead Island released back in 2011, and although it could be fun with friends, it didn't exactly live up to the hype. Developer Techland went on to create Dying Light under the umbrella of Warner Bros., and as far as we're concerned, the studio ended up crafting a far, far better game.
What do you make of this? Dare we even ask? Put your rotting head in your hands in the comments section below.
[source loot.co.za, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 12
Please God no. Awful game.
Please stop "remastering" last gen games already, give us new games!
I hope that at least this time, there will be split-screen! Look at Borderlands!
i absolutely loved the dead island games but now that ive had my grubby hands on dying light theres just no point in going back to those. they just cant compare.
I loved deadisland. Awesome game for coop. Hilarious in its sillyness but also genuinely creepy at times. I see no need for a remaster but to be honest I never do for any game that is less then 5years old
Never played it, but seeing as Dying Light is starting to plummet in price, I think I'd play it safe and pick up a copy of that if I had to choose...
It's gotten ridiculous. Yes I know, 'you don't need to buy them' blah blah blah. I don't care. At a certain point enough is e-freaking-nough and it's gotten beyond that now.
I'm beginning to think that by the time this generation is over the entirety of the PS3 library will have been ported over.
I WELCOME this port. Why? So I can watch it crash and burn, then mock the developers for jumping on the 7th gen port cash-in bandwagon. And when it does (and it certainly should if gamers have any shred of dignity or sense), I'll be there dousing the flames with gasoline. One can only hope the message finally gets through.
Burn baby burn!
It has zombies so it will probably sell decently enough. Meanwhile ports of actual good games that deserve a chance like DmC go overlooked because idiots can't get past hair color.
But, you're right on the money, at this rate a good percentage of games from the PS3's library will be ported over. I like to be fair so some remasters I still say would be cool. Personally I wouldn't buy either but a Mass Effect Trilogy or Batman: Arkham collection with some upgrades? Not a bad idea. Crap like Dead Island? F*** off.
Can i get a ps2 remaster or psone!
We may not have asked for it but detractors need to realise that towards the end of the previous gen, great games were being released that were pushing the PS3 way too hard with horrendous screen tear, making them unplayable, so gamers like me were just avoiding them and saving up for the next gen console instead. Those games are still valid and we haven't played them yet.
I quite fancied this game with it's 4 player coop RPG exploration elements, but could not bring myself buy it on PS3 because of the horrendous screen tear and fuzzy blurred anti aliasing on the graphics. On PS4 the game would be perfect and if they include Riptide as well like the Metro series did, then I might just buy this.
Recently bought a PS4 and moaned out loud when I saw Dishonored: Definitive Edition in the PlayStation Store.
A fair amount of the remastered/remade games are available on the 360 I still have...and I own a few of them, too (Sleeping Dogs, Dishonored, etc.).
I was worried there'd be a lot of games coming on the PS4 and my wallet would be in pain, but...if all I'm really waiting for is Kingdom Hearts III, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and The Last Guardian, I'll have plenty of cash to drop on the upcoming Wii U games I want (Zelda U, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, Fatal Frame, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Star Fox Zero, and maybe Devil's Third).
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