When it capped off Sony's amazing E3 2015 press conference, the Uncharted 4: A Thief's End gameplay demo did more than enough to blow most people away - but what you didn't see was the second half of Nathan Drake's E3 escapade.
Earlier, Naughty Dog livestreamed the whole thing, and now it's safe to say that the hype's more intense than ever. Fortunately, if you happened to miss it, Sony's gone ahead and uploaded the entire, uncut gameplay segment onto its YouTube channel, and we've embedded the video below. The best part? It's in glorious 1080p resolution, so you can make out all of the stunning detail that the developer's somehow managed to pack into what could well be one of the best games on PlayStation 4 when it releases next year.
Give it a watch, and then tell us what you think in the comments section below.
Comments 21
I'm not lying when I say that this is easily one of the best slices of gameplay I've ever seen. Absolutely jaw dropping.
That part with the truck seems like a callback to Crash Bandicoot. Love it!
The Naughty Dog wizards do it again.
Looks amazing but the parts where he is grappling the truck are as ridiculous as one of the recent Fast and Furious action scenes.
If nintendo had uncharted 4, then i would buy a WEE-U. Cant wait to see what uncharted 4 looks like on my super-beast-maximus-desroyus PC . I think i'll skip the 30fps 1080p ps4 version . Uncharted 4 on PC 1440p and 170fps here i come!
It's like watching a movie!
Also, Elena looks so much like Emily Rose now.
@Jazzer94 ridiculous in what sense? Its a action adventure game! It needs OTT entertainment. You think in real life supermodel lara croft would be a mass murderer of soldiers? Or have the agility of spiderman?
Watching the first half of this kind of just made me wish Uncharted was a movie series instead of a game series, so those graphics and citybuilding could be appreciated without people ceaselessly shooting at you (and missing) for at least 70% or so of the time to create "compelling gameplay."
Once they got going in the car (and lost the mounted machine gun still shooting at you) it started to look pretty fun.
@Fath Last I heard, they were planning to make a movie with Mark Wahlberg as Nathan Drake. Haven't heard any news of it since.
Can't really see Robert De Niro playing as Sully, though.
Yet again - wow - just 'WOW!!!'. I noticed a few differences in the first half as they did a few things differently but still amazed at the level of detail, the physics and overall quality. Its easily my most anticipated 'exclusive' and if I didn't already own a PS4, I would be making sure I had one in time for this!
Already pre-ordered and can't wait...
I'm looking more forward to this month's freebie's than I am this game, it's not even close to being on my must buy list this year.
For me, it's on my must buy list.
@Davros79 You must be new to the franchise, but the Uncharted series is a PS exclusive, it will never come to PC
I wasn't that impressed when I saw it on stream but OMG in 1080p it looks incredible! How far graphics have come...wow.
@Jazzer94 Have you ever played an Uncharted game ? It isn't supposed to be realistic.
@Dohv Yes (rolls eyes) I've played Uncharted but that doesn't change the fact I found that particular scene to be silly.
There hasn't been a whole lot on the PS4 (outside of third party games that I can find on XB1) that has wowed me, let alone give me a reason to dust my system off. After watching this video? Perception changed. Uncharted 4 shot up on my must buy list. I'm excited about this now almost as much as I am Tomb Raider!
No 60fps, no glorious...
I have to say that i look forward to play uncharted 4 ! BUT that wasnt that impressive graphically speaking... Especially considering its running at 30fps :/
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